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Fresher Engg. Resume Format

Excellent Curriculum Vitae / CV Format Career Objectives & Summer Training Project Summary for Fresher Computer Engineer Student in India in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download                                                                                           
Mobile: +91 9901355038       


      To work and learn, where opportunity for innovation and enhancing my technical skills and leadership is available.


·         Currently working at Motorola Mobility,Bangalore as   Software engineer in network infrastructure solutions BSR  team from 8 months.


S.S.L.C: Maria Nivas High School, Harihar.


PUC : G.M.H PU College, Davanagere.

Karnataka Pre-university board

   BRANCH          :    Computer Science(2008-12) 2012 passout
Aggregate       :    77.33%

Technical Skills

Programming Languages     : C,C++,JAVA.
Scripting Languages              : JavaScript ,Html, Php, TCL.
Subjects Known                      : Object Oriented Concepts,Data Structures,Algorithms,Database Systems,Networks.
Mobile Platform                     : Android SDK.


1. Project: Motorola CMTS Product 7.1 Release (5 Months)

                Motorola’s Broadband Services Router 64000 (BSR 64000) is a fully redundant carrier-class intelligent edge router with an integrated DOCSIS 3.0 and EuroDOCSIS 3.0 compatible high-density CMTS supporting next-generation ultra-broadband cable services. The BSR 64000 can be configured as a traditional chassis-based CMTS or configured to enable the vast benefits offered with next-generation DOCSIS 3.0 features associated with the Integrated-CMTS (I-CMTS) and Modular-CMTS (M-CMTS) access networks architectures.  It is a high performance, intelligent edge router that performs sophisticated traffic grooming and forwarding in a distributed fashion at the periphery of the broadband access network to enable end to end service delivery across metropolitan and core networks.

Duration: 5 months

·         Place: Motorola, Bangalore (5 months)

Roles and Responsibilities:
·         Worked On bug fixes on Release 7.1. using C++.
·         Also Tested some features/Protocols Like SNMP protocol,IPV6 protocol and PCMM(voice calls).
·         Automated some of the testcases Using TCL Scripting language.

Test Environment:   BSR64000,Incognito server,Switch.

Test Equipments:   IXIA Traffic Generator,SMB traffic generator.

2. Automating Features MQOS and USPHS(2 Months)

  • Need to automate The test cases by using TCL/TK  And expect scripting language.
  • Currently in progress

Test Environment:   BSR64000,Incognito server,Switch,Tera routing tester application.

Test Equipments:   SMB 6000 c traffic generator.

3. Relation-Based  rank algorithm for semantic search engines:

This is the final year project of my enigneering and here we are building a search engine which is semantic which uses relation based page rank algorithm to rank different pages that are to displayed first.
Used Php,RDF,Html,Javascript,Javaserver.

4. Yoga Application for Android devices:
This is an basic android application which is used to learn yoga. This application has Both Video and Also text reading Learning.A person can learn by watching video also by reading the steps.
Interface is simple which has various types of yoga to select from and then it shows up the option
Watch Video or Read.
Used Android SDK.


Motorola Training on Debugging issues,Bug fixes,Docsis,WhiteBox testing, Blackbox Testing, Manual Testing,Regression Testing and Automation Testing.

Key Strengths:

  • Sincerity, hard work and self confident.
  • Exceptionally well organized and strong work ethics.
  • Ability to blend into a team, lead and excel individual capacity.
  • Leadership quality, quick learner and sound technical knowledge.

Name                                       :           Dhiraj D J.
Date of Birth                             :           26/02/1990.
Father’s name                           :           Jagadish D.
Mother's name                          :           Gayathri J D.
Languages known                     :           Kannada, English, Hindi and Marathi.
Permanent Address                  :           Dhiraj D J,
                                                            S/O D.Jagadish,
 E-mail                                     : 
 Hobbies                                  :           Reading Articles and novels, computer gaming.
 Currently working at                :           Motorola Mobility.

I hereby confirm that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date  :
Place: Bengaluru                                                                      DHIRAJ D J

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