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System Administrator Resume Examples in Word Format Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Gloria Morrow

309 Santa Rosa Court, Manassas, VA 20001
Home: (703) 349-1230, Cell: (301) 580-9876

Career Highlights:

  • As the eLearning Management System (eLMS) Technical lead at the Federal Aviation Administration, I applied my leadership skills to successfully complete a Learning Management System (LMS) upgrade from Plateau version 5.8 SP3 to Plateau version 6.3.6
  • My technical duties at the Federal Aviation Administration included managing the eLearning Management System (eLMS) Help Desk in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and holding weekly meetings to identify, track and report on trending issues to the appropriate FAA stakeholders
  • With experience creating effective partnerships, I was able to facilitate communication and technology awareness by introducing the FAA SkillSoft Program Manager to the USDA AgLearn Team to gain knowledge and best practices and to effectively market the FAA’s current eLearning assets
  • As the USDA Content Manager, I represented the Agency at the Section 508 Coordinator’s Conference in November 2009 and 2010 and assisted in the establishment and implementation of department-wide policies for accessibility
  • In 2009 as a Learning System Administrator, I was a member of the Adayana Team that received the Gold Excellence in LMS Award for the prestigious 2009 Learning in Practice Awards, sponsored by Chief Learning Officer magazine for it’s successful rollout of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Learning Management System (LMS) AgLearn

Employment History:

Management & Program Analyst, FV-I 03/11 — 01/12
Employer: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave SW, Washington DC, 20591
Supervisor: Isa Campbell, Deputy Chief Learning Officer, Office of Corporate Learning AHD-200

  • Served as the eLMS Technical Lead, providing technical expertise to the eLMS Program Manager, Line of Business (LOB) Primary Leads, 5 separate LOB Help Desks and 8 Staff Offices
    • Worked with the eLMS program manager to support day-to-day eLMS system operations and administration
    • Oversaw the creation and maintenance of standard operating procedures, the creation of technical documents related to system design and function, and policies related to eLMS
    • Coordinated with FAA organizations that required instructional design support, including gathering requirements, assisting with solutions, and providing guidance on the development of online training
    • Identified common issues and developed job aids, SOPs, LOB Help Desk scripts, and other resource materials to mitigate issues
    • Managed and held weekly meetings with the eLMS Help Desk
    • Created messages informing eLMS administrators, users, and stakeholders of any system outages or issues
    • Developed communications for various client management teams, LOB IT Help Desks and the eLMS Help Desk regarding eLMS system changes, minimum PC requirements, and technical issues that could cause an increase in calls
    • Collaborated with the Department of Transportation eAUTH team to identify issues, solutions, and establish an escalation plan
    • Managing the Learning Services Lotus Notes mailbox and maintained several SharePoint sites
    • Developed performance support documentation (fact sheets, checklists)
    • Consulted with customers to determine the best eLMS solutions to resolve business issues
    • Served as the FAA Representative to the Government Plateau Users Group (GPUG) and Enhancement workgroup

  • Served as Chair of the eLearning Technical Advisory Group (eLTAG) and monitored eLearning Community of Practice (LCOP) activities
    • Created a FY12 meeting schedule for the eLearning Technical Advisory Group (eLTAG) and held conference calls once a month
    • Updated eLTAG documentation (Content Integration Guide, Technical Specifications Guide) to align with Plateau version 6.3.6
    • Served as the FAA Representative to the Federal e-Learning Collaboration Laboratory (Fed-CEL)
    • Managed the Course Avenue Content Player Skin workgroup
    • Launched the evaluation and procurement process for content development software

·         Served as the eLREP for HR as well as the small offices and other lines of business (SO/OL)
o    Managed the content integration process for SO/OL
o    Provided guidance to HR and other offices about online content requirements
o    Loaded online content in the eLMS Staging and Production environments
o    Tested online content for HR and other small offices for functionality an Section 508 compliance
o    Worked with the AHD Mandatory Training Coordinator to develop a standard process for the intake of mandatory training
o    Coordinated mandatory training submissions with the Learning and Development Council Workgroup.
o    Communicated with AHR managers to raise awareness about the Corporate Learning Systems team and eLMS PL1 can support AHR employees and managers with professional learning and development.

·         Review and disposition of eLMS-related ideas in IdeaHub
o    Developed a standard process for searching and responding to eLMS-related ideas in IdeaHub.
o    Reviewed and refined process with the AHR IdeaHub point of contact
o    Presented list of ideas and disposition/status to FAA Stakeholders
o    Reported on trending ideas and ideas of interest/concern to the appropriate Office of Corporate Learning AHD-200 staff member for response and/or next steps
Learning Management Systems Administrator, Content Manager 8/07 — 03/11
Employer: Adayana
7389 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042
Contract for the U.S. Department of Agriculture LMS AgLearn
Supervisor: Dwayne Cotti

·         AgLearn System Administrator
o    Investigated, resolved and documented administrator and user access issues
o    Coordinated with Agency Leads to provide program support, information and documentation on available online content
o    Processed trouble tickets related to user access, content issues and administrator roles and access
o    Investigated, confirmed and reported system problems to management
o    Assisted with the planning of the annual AgLearn Strategic Workshop for Agency Administrators

·         AgLearn Content Manager
o    Estimated level of effort for new content requests
o    Loaded new mission specific content into the Staging  and Production environments
o    Tested content for functionality, usability and Section 508 compliance
o    Documented all issues (if any) found during the testing process and reported results to appropriate stakeholders
o    Facilitated and coordinated meetings with the Agencies, vendors, Team AgLearn and the USDA Target Center as needed to identify and resolve content issues.
o    Investigated and corrected content errors reported by users
o    Updated and maintained the USDA Content Integration Guide
o    Created and maintained the Agency Initiated Content Integration Guide
§  Designed the Agency Initiated Content Integration process that will be used by content owners to load and test their own mission specific content in the AgLearn Staging environment
§  Identified the required and optional software needed to load and test their own mission specific content in the AgLearn Staging environment
§  Developed job aids detailing step by step instructions on how to load SCORM content into the AgLearn Staging environment
o    Communicated daily with agency lead administrators to provide up to date status reports on their mission specific content
o    Collaborated with team members and USDA stakeholders to establish and implement a service level agreement (SLA) between the USDA’s AgLearn Program Office and the USDA Target Center
o    Identified and established Section 508 requirements that were included in the USDA’s Request for Information (RFI) for an eLearning solution that builds 508 compliance into the content during the development process
o    Guided the AgLearn leads to sources of education and stayed abreast of Section 508 changes by monitoring various websites for new guidance and training opportunities
o    Represented Team AgLearn at the USDA 508 Coordinator's meetings which established Section 508 policies and solutions for the Department
o    Attended the 2009 and 2010 Section 508 Coordinator’s Conference in Gettysburg, PA.
o    Participated on a panel compromised of industry leaders in online content that discussed the creation of accessible content, methodologies for testing content, and the differences between functional and usable online content
HR Information Systems Administrator, 05/05 — 08/07
Employer: FYI – For Your Information, Inc.
11785 Beltsville Drive Suite 120, Beltsville, MD, 20705
Supervisor: Richard Kaiser
·         Mission Critical Skills & Management Skills Inventory
    • Plateau’s MCO/Leadership Assessment Module
§  Helped develop analytics for DOL’s Mission Critical & Leadership Assessments
§  Created mission critical occupation models in Plateau; including over 170 competencies and developmental indicators
§  Created the assessment survey and processes for the Mission Critical Occupation and Management models
§  Loaded and performed quality acceptance testing in DOL’s staging and Production environments
§  Developed and implemented the training plan created specifically for the Management Skills Inventory
    • Online Training
§  Reviewed the Statement of Work & the Solution Design Document for DOL’s newly acquired LMS, Learning Link
§  Established and implemented the project plan for loading common needs training into DOL’s new LMS

·         Management Development Program – Assistant Program Manager
o    Planned  and operated the departmental Management Development Program
o    Tracked program requirements for each participant to determined the completion of  the program requirements
o    Updated, tracked, and provided reports on all course evaluations
o    Updated and tracked supervisor and COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) information
o    Retained master copies of all reports and other documentation for reference purposes
o    Responsible for preliminary review and approval of DOL management interns long range plans
o    Monitored the progress of the DOL management interns and provided reports on their progress to the appropriate DOL stakeholders
o    Set up statistical tables to identify deliverables and validate information provided by interns
o    Coordinated with agency points of contact and provided program support, information, and documentation
o    Reviewed vendor proposals and helped draft statement of work for core training services
o    Reviewed invoices from vendors for accuracy


  • Fluent in both English and Spanish

Education and Training:

·         Diploma, Suitland High School for the Visual and Performing Arts
·         48 credits completed toward a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at the University of Maryland, College Park
·         Attended Strategic Thinking taught by Management Concepts, Oct 2003
·         Attended Myers-Briggs Type Indicator taught by Hile Rutledge, Apr 2007
·         System Administrator Training for Plateau (LMS for DOL, USDA, FAA), May 2007-January 2012
  • Attended the Section 508 Coordinator’s Conference, November 2009 and 2010


  • WebEx Certified
  • Plateau Certified version 5.8 and 6.3.6
  • Adobe Connect Certified

Volunteer Experience:

  • Prince William County Coles District Representative, Solid Waste Citizen Advisory Group
  • Coles Elementary School PTA
  • Gaila Woods Home Owners Association President

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