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Consultant Resume Templates in Word Format Free Download

640Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Teresa Crain
309 Lafitte Lane  •  Austin, Texas 78001  •  (512) 971-9876  •


Summary of Qualifications

·    Software Architect on a multi-year project to re-engineer enterprise systems from a mainframe environment to a web application environment.
·    Successful completion of full lifecycle projects following the RUP\Agile processes. Participated in the creation of all deliverables and acted as lead write/editor for all submitted documents.
·    Senior-level GIS Architect/Developer with over fifteen years of experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) software.
·    Extensive web, desktop, and Silverlight application development experience using Microsoft’s Visual Studio, C#, and the .NET Framework.
·    Strong GIS Web Development experience using ArcGIS Server/ArcObjects to communicate with ESRI’s web server software including location-based web services used to return business-specific location information.
·    Silverlight development for the creation of business-specific map viewers communicating with ArcGIS Server map services through their REST API.
·    Proficient in various databases including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Access. Also, experience installing, configuring, and tuning ESRI’s ArcSDE.
·    Extensive work with natural resource data and strong cartographic skills that allow for the production of maps which convey data in an effective, beneficial, and useful manner.
·    Excellent track record of solving complex problems and delivering innovative solutions on time.

Professional Experience

Plato Consulting  ·  Consultant  •  Brooksville, Florida
03/2004 – Present
Software Architect/Senior GIS Developer on a multi-year, multi-million dollar web application for the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) that integrates District scientific, regulatory, and financial data so both internal and external customers can view and analyze District data. The system also provides a comprehensive e-permitting solution that will enable citizen stakeholders to obtain and pay for required permits via the Internet. The project includes the re-engineering of a legacy mainframe system into a web-based application architecture using .Net Framework, C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, Oracle, Infragistics, and Crystal Reports on a Windows-based platform.
·    Participated in project initiation, requirements definition, design, construction & testing, and deployment phases of the project following the Rational Unified Process.  The software development approach was iterative, architecture-centric, and use case driven.
·    Integrated ESRI GIS products into the enterprise-level application to handle online rendering, navigation, and editing of maps.
·    Created enterprise-level Spatial Web Services using C#, ArcGIS Server, ArcObjects, and SOAP/REST to provide industry-standard web access to location-based services to answer business-related questions.
·    Creation of Oracle Stored Procedures and Packages to access spatial data through SQL calls.
·    Interfaced with District technical personnel and project stakeholders during JAD/JRP sessions and user-interface design sessions to determine system needs and requirements, as well as risks and mitigation strategies.
·    Used Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server for version control for the different releases of the software and to track tasks, bugs, and enhancements.
·    Created customized GIS Tools/AddIns for ESRI’s ArcMap software used by GIS Analysts for the Southwest Florida Water Management District. The tools are used for the querying, display, analyzing, and editing of spatial.
·    Design and development of Silverlight Map Viewers used by internal staff and external customers to view, query, and print spatial data for specific, business needs.

Cooper Consulting Company  ·  Consultant  •  Austin, Texas
05/1999 – 12/2003
Senior GIS Developer on a four-year, multi-million dollar web application for the Texas Department of Transportation.  Built an application that supports the timely and accurate collection, analysis, and dissemination of traffic data using the .Net framework, C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, XML, Oracle, PL/SQL, HTML, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript on a Windows XP and Windows 2000 platform.
·    Participated in project initiation, requirements definition, design, construction & testing, and deployment phases of the project following the Rational Unified Process.  The software development approach was iterative, architecture-centric, and use case driven.
·    Integrated ESRI GIS products into the enterprise-level application to handle online rendering, navigation, and editing of maps.
·    Created and/or converted all GIS layers to be used by the application (200+ layers).  All GIS data was stored within Oracle in ArcSDE format.
·    Created ArcIMS Map Services, integrating a variety of data sources and formats, used by the application for the creation of requested maps.
·    Developed a map image control using C# and the .NET framework which communicated with ArcIMS map services using ArcXML to render map images and to retrieve attribute information.
·    Used the Java API for ArcSDE to edit spatial data from the web application.
·    Interfaced with department technical personnel and project stakeholders during JAD/JRP sessions and user-interface design sessions to determine system needs and requirements, as well as risks and mitigation strategies.
·    Created and used stored procedures in Oracle to return Identify information in a usable form (dataset) when the user selected a feature on the map.
·    Used Microsoft’s SourceSafe for version control for the different releases of the software.
·    Conducted component-level testing and participated in system and user acceptance testing of the application.
Senior GIS Developer of team responsible for developing the Water Data Access System for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), a web-based development project with a GIS development component and a requirement to deploy GIS spatial data through the use of maps and to display applications information using both graphs and tables.
·    Involved in all phases of the system development life cycle from project initiation through post implementation.
·    Responsible for designing and deploying the Water Data Access information to the Internet utilizing PowerBuilder, ESRI’s MapObjects Internet Map Server (IMS), and ArcSDE.
·    Attended JRP/JAD work sessions to gather business requirements from representative from Inland Fisheries, Coastal Fisheries, and Resource Protection divisions, GIS system architecture design, user prototyping, business object modeling, software requirements definition, application development for GIS component, all phases of testing, developing user training documentation, performing user training, system implementation, and post-implementation.

Radian International  •  GIS Analyst  •  Austin, Texas
09/1996 – 05/1999
As GIS Analyst, primary duties included application development, Geographic Information System (GIS) database creation, and GIS web-based application development.
·    Designed and developed an internet-based GIS application for a major corporation concerned with ambient air monitoring in the Houston, Texas area. The application allows member companies to have access to many different spatial data layers such a sensitive receptors and demographic data.  In addition, the users have the ability to display hourly and daily-peak air monitoring data for many criteria pollutants that are continuously collected from monitoring stations. These values are interpolated to visualize the pollutant concentrations in the study area and displayed as colored contours.  End users utilize a web browser and an Internet connection to access and use this application.  The monitoring data is stored in an Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).  JAVA and 
L generated through ArcView were utilized for module development of this web-based application.
·    Designed and developed an ArcView application, using the Avenue programming language, for an electric utility client to analyze the area and population affected by high levels of Ozone. The Spatial Analyst extension was used to create interpolated surfaces and threshold contours. The application allowed the client to map many different scenarios as a result of decreased amounts of VOC and NOx emissions.
·    Provided technical GIS support for the implementation of the Environmental Data Management Decision Support (EDMDS) systems at several Air Force Bases.  The project used aerial photography and GIS to assess the worst-case environmental condition of Air Force property.  Microsoft Access was used as the main database to store all Metadata and environmental sampling data for these projects.  This included complex relationships between tables, queries, and forms to enter the data.  Sampling data was imported and reformatted to comply with client standards.
·    Responsible for providing technical GIS support for a major chemical company during litigation of a class action lawsuit.  Using the home and work addresses of the claimants, GIS was used to determine if the claimant lived or worked near areas of contamination.  Sampling data was stored in both Microsoft Access and Oracle, and retrieved through an Open Database Compliant (ODBC) connection for use in the GIS applications.

Texas Legislative Council  •  GIS Programmer Analyst  •  Austin, Texas
10/1994 – 08/1996
As GIS Programmer Analyst, primary responsibilities included analyzing, designing, programming, testing, documenting, and maintaining GIS applications used by the Legislative Council and the Legislators.  Areas of specialty included application development, cartographic mapping, and AML/Avenue programming.  Provided technical support to the GIS Specialists (internal users).
·    Acted as Project Leader for several mission-critical projects.  As a Project Leader, responsible for all project activities from planning to implementation.  Met with the clients to determine requirements, wrote and developed project charters, determined resource requirements, set project schedules, assigned project tasks, monitored progress, guided and mentored staff, and reported progress to management.
·    Developed an application used during the U.S. Census Bureau's Block Boundary Suggestion project.  Developed user interface, menus, and all programs in ARC Macro Language (AML).  Programs were used to complete many tasks such as convert raw TIGER into ARC/Info coverages, overlay process to match TIGER with existing data, module to allow for the editing of attributes of the data, and conversion of completed data into specific Census Bureau file format.
·    Developed an application that allowed for the creation of a map by selecting certain characteristics from a menu interface.  The user selects the geographic features from a list that are to be displayed on the map, the location to be mapped, the page size of the final output, and the printer to be used.  System was created using AML and X-Window Widgets on a UNIX workstation.
·    Created all geographic datasets used for legislative purposes.  Used TIGER92 as a base to create additional coverages such as blocks, block groups, tracts, and county coverages. Created additional datasets from blocks that include precincts, voter tabulation districts, school districts, and zip codes.  Data was projected into agency standard projection (Albers) from a variety of different projections.  Populated attribute tables of each coverage to include demographic information provided by U.S. Census Bureau.  ARC/Info GIS software was used to convert and create all data.


Master of Applied Geography (GIS)  •  Southwest Texas State University  •  San Marcos, Texas

Bachelor of Arts in Geography  •  California State University at Fullerton  •  Fullerton, California

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