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3044 Omaha Street
Lake View D., SA 40021
Phone: 320-729-3340
business analyst and consultant, specializing in using a systems approach to
systems analysis, strategic planning, technical communication, conflict
management, facilitating to consensus, and critical decision making.
and Business Process Analysis
} Conducted a needs analysis for asset maintenance management system
selection for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.
} Implemented multiple content management systems to enable single
sourcing of content, i.e., maintain in one place, publish in many places. Participated
in gap analysis. Developed functional requirements and request for proposal
for document management software vendors. Assisted in the implementation of
the chosen system. Trained personnel on processes necessary to properly use
the new system to maximize effectiveness.
} Worked with end users and software developers to better define
system requirements. User satisfaction
with the software increased as a result of these constructive efforts because
there was better understanding of users’ requests and needs by the software
development team.
} Identified and gathered project requirements from cross-functional
teams to identify and tie together project data requirements.
} Developed the processes that defined software development life
cycles for multiple clients.
} Consulted with BellSouth in Birmingham to help them identify and
define the necessary processes and documents that helped them make the
transition from SEI CMM Level 1 to SEI CMM Level 3.
} Analyzed and documented processes and made recommendations for
improvement for multiple clients across multi-cultural industries from manufacturing,
logistics, fulfillment, point-of-sale, administrative, and software
development. Clients used my analysis and documentation for ISO9000
compliance, regulatory bodies (e.g., FDA, banking, utilities), reference, and
training. Regulatory agencies accepted,
without question, the documentation and results that were delivered.
Planning and Implementation
} Worked with the CIO and Deputy Commissioner for Systems of the
Social Security Administration (SSA) to develop and produce the strategic vision
document for Information Technology which will guide the SSA as they adopt
future IT technologies for the next 5 years ( from 2009-2014). The resulting vision document was accepted
by the Secretary of the SSA. The
document was used as the basis for SSA’s IT strategic plan moving forward.
} Worked as the systems documentation expert on a consulting team
with the Veterans’ Administration to develop the strategy to consolidate
their hospital systems and link them to the VA’s insurance and cemetery
business units.
Communication Skills
} Ghost-wrote books on voice recognition, e-commerce, and
modernizing large-scale systems.
} Developed hundreds of technical documents and books over the
years, including SDLC and API documentation, software design specifications, engineering
diagrams, technical documentation, training documents, warranty
documentation, test plans, user documentation, strategic plans, business
plans, project reports, presentations, and so on.
} Adept at soliciting and interpreting requirements from end users
in a way that technical people and management can understand.
} Skilled at all major technical communication and content
management tools (e.g., FrameMaker, MSWord, Visio, all Adobe products,
Documentum, FileNet, etc.). I have been coding in HTML since its inception,
coming from a background of SGML and BookMaster.
} Managed hundreds of projects to on-time and within-budget
completion. As president of Integrated
Documentation, Inc. (IDI), a technical writing consulting company in Dallas,
TX, was responsible for all functions and operations on all projects. Our reputation for producing quality work
products became well-known internationally.
Clients, such as Texas Instruments Incorporated and Alcatel, required
that my team and I put these skills to good use as we interfaced with
off-shore engineering teams to produce successful results.
} Many projects were regulatory based. For example, I led a team of
15 remote consultants (prior to the advent of the internet) to develop code-level
documentation, to be presented to the FDA for approval, for Kendall-McGaw’s
medical infusion pump. We reengineered the product and organized the
documentation in a way the FDA could tell what the code actually did. The FDA
approved the documentation after one reading. During the course of this project, we
implemented change management policies and procedures for both the software
and the documentation.
} President and CEO of IDI for 16 years. Built the company from scratch to 25 technical
communication consultants doing work for over 200 Fortune 1000 companies as
well as government entities, such as the Veterans’ Administration and the
Social Security Administration. Our services included systems model and
documentation development and were based on our expertise and leadership in
the areas of systems documentation, business process analysis, and knowledge
} Served as International President of the Society for Technical Communication
(STC) ( during the 2001-2002
year. Led the organization through a
major transformation effort that resulted in streamlining the organization to
improve service delivery and facilitate the transition of the organization from
a chapter-based society to a community-based (virtual and geographic)
} Designed and implemented the
Leadership Community Resource, an STC board-mandated initiative to provide
leadership and support to all of STC’s 150 global communities. Continue to
serve as a volunteer conflict management specialist for the LCR.
} Successfully led change management reforms among product design,
development, and deployment teams for multiple clients. We gained buy-in from the teams which
resulted in implementation of continuous process improvement and just-in-time
concepts affecting requirements development, documentation development,
software development practices, product delivery, and management.
Business and Systems Analysis, Technical Communication, and
Transformational Consulting (Organizational Development, Enterprise Architecture Consulting, Conflict
Management Consulting, Leadership Training, and Executive Coaching) (January 2006 – Present)
MentorFactor, Inc., Cumming, GA
Adjunct Professor (August 2011—Present)
Department of Communication
Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
Requirements Analyst (November 2003 –
March 2007)
T-Systems Technologies, Inc.,
Dallas, TX
President/CEO, Technical Communication Consultant. (August 1987-October 2003)
Integrated Documentation, Inc.,
Dallas, TX
Instructor in Technical Writing Certificate Program (Fall 1991 – Spring 2003)
Richland Community
College, Dallas, TX
Ph.D. in
Transformative Studies with a Concentration in Integral Studies
} California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA
of Science in Conflict Management (December 2006)
} Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
BBA in
Accounting (Minor in Information Systems) (December 1981)
} Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
and Certifications
} Society for Technical Communication ( Fellow, Past
President, Leadership Community Resource Conflict Management Specialist
} Toastmasters International
} American Society for Training and Development
} Certified in the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture
} Certified in EQ-i Emotional Intelligence Assessments
} Trained in the Technology of Participation® facilitation method
Available on Request
} References
} List of presentations, articles published, workshops, and classes
and awards
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