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Sample Template Example of Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


Ram Kumar

C1 ESIC Qtrs, 69 
Sterling Road
Chennai – 600 001.


Aspiring to work in a challenging environment that exhibits my diligent endeavor to add quality to the product by scanning the nook and corner of the same through my heuristic search on defects. Eventually it results in a high quality, reliable and ultimate product.

Experience Summary
          More than one-year experience in Programming of various applications in Microsoft Technologies.  Extensive knowledge in VB, ASP and Crystal Reports with back-end Oracle and SQL Server. Excellent oral, analytical skills and efficient team player.

Work Experience

v  From August 2004 to till date: Programmer in GC Info India, Chennai.

Education Qualification

B.E (ECE) from University of Madras, Chennai - during the year 2001-2004.

DCT from DOTE, Chennai -during the year 1998-2001

      XTH  from Matriculation, Chennai -during the Year 1998
                                        Technical Exposure

Languages                       :         VB, C, C++, HTML, DHTML, Java Script

Tools                               :         Visual InterDev, Front Page

Server Side Technology   :         ASP

DBMS                             :         Oracle 8i, MS Access, SQL Server

Report Tools                    :         Crystal Reports

Operating System            :         Windows 9x, 2000

Prosper V2-The Complete Payroll(Payroll Domain)

Client           :         ADVENTNET Software Development Center, Chennai
Duration      :         6 Months
Team Size    :         4
Environment:         VB, Seagate Crystal Reports 9.0,Oracle 8.0

Project        :         PROSPER - The Complete Payroll
Client           :         FORD Business Services Center, Chennai
Duration      :         6 Months
Team Size    :         5
Environment:         Visual Basic 6.0, Crystal Reports 6.0, SQL Server 7.0.

Project Description:
Prosper is a complete Payroll System. This is using the following major parts.        
·         Masters
·         Transactions
·         Upload Data
·         Payroll Process
·         Reports
·         System Security

Masters: All the master screens are stored in a single table. They are separated by the general code type. Two major master screens are Employee Master and Payroll Component Master. Employee Master Screen contains four tabs. This is the main screen for the all transactions and the process for the employees.
Payroll components are used for monthly process. The payroll components are of three types. Group, Main and Support Components. Other master screens are Cost Center, Bank, Location, and Monthly Entry Template.
Transactions: It has the following screens.
i.             Loan Entry
ii.           Investment Entry
iii.          Monthly Entry
iv.           Allowance Entry   
Upload: Bulk data are stored into the table with using upload facilities. For example Bonus or Incentive amounts are uploaded for all employees using this screen.
Process: Payroll process is used for different type of calculations and allocations for the employees depending upon the allocated amount. The other processes are
i.             Payroll Process
ii.           Arrear Process
iii.          Loan Process
iv.           Reimbursement Process
v.            Tax Process

·         Data requirements and analysis, Screen and Database Designing.
·         Involved in the development of Screens and Databases Design.
·         Involved in the bug fixing.

Online self help Payroll Systems

Client           : FORD Business Services Center, Chennai
Duration      : 3 Months
Team Size    : 4
Environment: ASP, Java Script, VB Script, HTML and SQL Server 7.0
Server                   : Internet Information Server

Client           : ADVENTNET- Velacherry, Chennai
Duration      : 3 Months
Team Size    : 4
Environment: ASP, Java Script, VB Script, HTML and SQL Server 7.0
Server                   : Internet Information Server

Link Pages:
·         Home Page & Login Page
·         Pay slip Display
·         Reimbursement Slip Display
·         Tax Slip Display
·         Reimbursement Entry Screen
·         Investment Entry Screen
·         Data requirements and analysis, Screen and Database Designing.
·         Involved in the development Screens and Databases Design and coding using ASP.

Online Intranet Payroll Systems

Client           :         Lakshmi Cargo Limited Company, Chennai
Duration      :         5 Months
Team Size    :         3
Environment:         ASP, Java Script, VB Script, HTML, and SQL Server 7.0
Server                   :         Internet Information Server

Link Pages:
·         Home Page & Login Page
·         Employee info.
·         Pay slip Display
·         Reimbursement Slip Display
·         Tax Slip Display
·         Reimbursement Entry Screen
·         Investment Entry Screen
·         Mails
·         Appraisal form
·         Work allotment

·         Data requirements and analysis, Screen and Database Designing.
·         Involved in the development Screens and Databases Design and coding using ASP.

Online Health Care Systems.

Client                    :         Kingdom Hospital,Riyadh,Saudi
Duration      :         2 Months
Team Size    :         3
Environment:         Active Server Pages, Java Script, HTML, and SQL Server 7.0
Server                   :         Internet Information Server

Link Pages:
o   Home Page & Login Page
o   Reports

·         Data requirements and analysis, Screen and Database Designing.
·         Involved in the development Screens and Databases Design and coding using ASP.


v  Zonal and Inter-zonal winner in Badminton
v  District runner in Badminton
v  Attended TamilNadu Inter Engineering College -TIEC 
v  Attended state ranking tournaments in badminton

Personal Details

Father’s Name       :         Aam Kumar
Date of Birth          :         27th Aug, 1992
Gender                  :         Male
Languages             :         English, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi
Nationality             :         Indian

          I hereby confirm that the information given in this form is true to the best of my knowledge.

                                                                                          (Ram Kumar)

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