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Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for M.Sc. CV  Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

Rajesh Saini 

Century Rayon Colony, D-1/21,
Murbad Road, Shahad, Dist. Thane,
Pin - 421103. Maharashtra (INDIA).
Contact No.   : 9876543210
E-mail :

Career Objective     :         To pursue a challenging career in Database Design, Analysis and
                             Development where I can apply my skills to the full extent, thereby contributing to the growth of the organization and learn new ideas to develop both professionally as well as individual.

Qualified By              :

Institute / University
M.Sc.        (Computer Science)
Mumbai University
53.50 %

B.Sc.         (Computer Science)
Birla College, Kalyan
70.25 %

S.Y. B.Sc.   (Computer Science)
Birla College, Kalyan
61.00 %

F.Y. B.Sc.   (Computer Science)
Birla College, Kalyan
60.00 %

Birla College, Kalyan
57.00 %

Century Rayon School , Shahad
74.26 %

Certifications            :                                  

  • Oracle9i Database Administrator Certified Professional (OCP).
ü  Fundamentals-I                   (60/60)
ü  Fundamentals-II                 (53/63)                     
ü  SQL                                         (43/52)
ü  Performance Tuning           (43/53)

  • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

Software Skills         :

·      RDBMS                              :           Oracle 9i

·      DBMS                                 :        MS Access

·         Front-End Tools                  :        Visual Basic.Net / Visual Basic 6.0

·         Languages                        :        C / C++ / HTML / ASP/ VB & Java Scripts

·         Operating Systems             :        DOS / Win XP/ Win 2000 Server

·         Web Servers                     :        IIS / PWS                        

·         Packages                          :        MS – Office XP
Theoretical Skills     :

·         Enterprise Resource Planning.
·         DBMS & RDBMS Concepts.
·         Management Information Systems.
·         Operating Systems Concepts.
·         Artificial Intelligence.
·         Computer Networks Fundamentals.
·         SSAD & OOAD Techniques. 
·         OOPS Concepts.

Curriculum Projects:

[I]      2D Graphics Paintbrush Application
Birla College                                                                                     2004

           Description    :        Developed as a final year Project during the last semester of M.Sc., the main objective of the project was to develop a DOS based module to provide an easy-to-use interface to all the users about the various tools provided for a graphical drawing.

Tools Used    :        C & C++

Role    :        Developed this DOS-based system for the Graphics drawings and Image editing purpose. The user was provided with various shapes and tools for drawing and editing.    

[II]     Recruitment & Selection Module for HR Dept.
Birla College                                                                                     2001

Description   :        Developed during the first semester of my B.Sc., the main   objective of the project was to provide an interactive module to the Human Resource department in a typical organization scenario. This module provided the facility for the Recruitment & Selection of a candidate based on his qualification & skill set to choose the best possible candidate available.

Tools Used    :        Visual Basic 6.0 & MS Access 2000

Role    :        Generated all the Masters like Hire Requisitions, Resume Database, Recruiting Cost etc. Based on the desired requirement, relevant Candidates were called for an interview taking into account their Qualification & Skill sets. The Interview Score Screen was updated for short-listing the best suitable candidate. Option was also provided to generate Report for all these. 

[III]   City Information System
Birla College                                                                                     2001

Description   :        Developed during the first semester of my B.Sc., the main objective of the project was to develop a web based module to provide an easy-to-access information system to all the visitors of the site about the various places and areas of interest in Mumbai, the city of dreams. The site was prepared kept in mind the requirements of tourist as well as general interest.

Tools Used    :        ASP, VB Scripts, Java Scripts & MS Access 2000

Role                :              The web-based system was developed for the New User Registration, Login & Feedback. Also various Maps were provided along with Suitable links to reach at desired places in quick time.

v  Awarded J. R. D. Tata Scholarship for the academic year 2002-03.

v  Certificate in Cricket at inter university level.
Major Strengths       :

ü  Excellent strength in problem solving, coordination and analysis.

ü  Good communication, interpersonal, learning and organizing skills matched with ability to manage stress, time and assignments effectively.

ü  Can work efficiently both as a team member as well as individually.
Personal Details      :

·         Date of Birth            :        13th March 1982

·         Languages Known     :        English, Hindi & Marathi 

·         Hobbies                         :        Music, Sports & Reading

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