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Sample Temple Example of Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for M Tech Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

LAVANYA V GADAGI                                                        E-mail:
#23, 13th cross Vignana Nagar                                                 Mobile: +919916555772

Career Objective:

A Challenging Career that demands the best in me, which will challenge my skills and help me to learn and grow continuously with the organization.


Year of Passing
[ Microelectronics and Control Systems ]
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore
[Affiliated to VTU]


[ Electrical and Electronics ]
 Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore
[Affiliated to VTU]
S.J.V.V.S College, Gadag
Basaveshwara High School, Gadag

Technical Skills:

Programming Languages                  :     C, Matlab, VHDL,Verilog, Embedded C
Assembly Level Languages               :     Microprocessor 8086, Microcontroller 8051


·    Ability to adjust to the situation
·    Good learner.
·    Be able to work both independently and as part of a team with professionals at all levels.
·    Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.


(M.Tech) Title: FPGA Implementation of radix-4 FFT using CORDIC Algorithm
In today’s technological world trigonometric functions sine and cosine values has found numerous applications in various areas. These have found applications in various place such as Navigation systems, Digital signal processing, Robot control, Software Defined Radio, Math processors etc. Normally these values are calculated using software.
CORDIC is an iterative arithmetic computing algorithm capable of evaluating various elementary functions using unified shift-and-add operations. Fast Fourier Transform processor based on CORDIC is implemented. The key ideas are replacing the sine and cosine twiddle factors in conventional FFT architecture by iterative CORDIC rotations which allow the reduction in read-only memory (ROM). The use of CORDIC in FFT results in the elimination of multipliers, saves area, power and cost CORDIC finds many applications as it providing a simpler way of computing complex multiplications. It is proved that CORDIC is most suitable alternative. CORDIC based FFT is implementated on FPGA Spartan-3 and language used is VHDL.

(B.E)Organization: Structural Integrity Division (SID),
National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL), Bangalore
Title: Microcontroller based Fatigue test controller for drop tank test

In this new era of immense science and technological advancements the older and less reliable systems are replaced by electronically controlled systems which are much more reliable and efficient. Microcontroller is one such advancement that the new electronics age has brought about.
The main aim of project is to design a microcontroller based fatigue test controller for a drop tank test with the display unit which is ideally suited for aircrafts particularly in military services. This helps us to reduce the complexity, space required so that speed can be increased. Presently aircrafts are equipped with drop tanks to carry extra fuel for long range flights. The fatigue test is conducted on the bases of motorized unit manually. In this project microcontroller in used to give a set of conditions are defined and programmed for pumping.


·    Presented paper in International Conference on Current Trends and Management (ICCTM).
·    Won the Second prize in ‘Circuit debugging’ held in NMAIT, Mangalore in 22nd CSI Karnataka student convention.


    • Participated  in Annual Inter collegiate Techno-cultural Test
    • Volunteered and Participated for On-spot Programming in Anaadyanta, Inter Collegiate annualtechno-cultural festival organized in Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, 2009.
    • 1st in NHA (Nitte Hostelite Association), Inter Hostel Cultural event in 2006 and 2007.

Father’s Name                         :           Shankarappa H Radder
Date of Birth                             :           December, 19th, 1988
Gender                                     :           Female
Marital Status                           :           Married
Languages Known                    :           English, Kannada, Hindi and Telgu


I hereby declare that all the statements mentioned above are true, complete and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief.

Place: Bangalore                                                                       Lavanya V G


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