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SW Engineer Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Sarath Zewde

152 Inwood Drive, Rome, New York  home: (810) 279 3025


A highly motivated engineer, skilled in embedded real-time software design/development and successful in investigating and solving problems. A fast learner, able to apply engineering skills to a wide range of projects.


Languages:       ASM (MIPS, ARM, StrongARM, PowerPC, SPARCv9, x86, x64/AMD64), C, C++, Visual Basic, Java.
RTOS:              VxWorks, QNX, LynxOS, MontaVista Linux, uClinux.
OS:                  Linux (2.2, 2.4, 2.6), Windows (NT/2000/SVR2003/XP/Vista), UNIX (Solaris6 to Solaris10).
Boot Loader:      RedBoot, U-Boot, CFE (Broadcom)
Protocols:         Ethernet, PPP, TCP/IP.
Bus Protocols:   xScale, PCI/PCI-X, PowerPC 60x, CoreNet, MMC/SD/SDIO, I2C, SPI.
Cache Protocols:           MESI, MESI+L.
ABIs:                System V (SPARCv9, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS), x86, x64 (AMD64).
HDLs:               SysVerilog, Verilog.
FPGA:              Xilinx, Altera(NIOS II Soft Processor).
Interests:           Embedded Real-Time Systems, device drivers, OOD, RT UML, Kernel programming, Win32 programming, Boot Loaders.
Lab Tools:         Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, JTAG debugger/programmer.
Version Control: CVS, SVN, Git, Clear Case.


Inwood Drive, Rome, New York                                                                                    12.11 - present

SW Engineer

Ø   Marvel 88E6165 Layer 2 Switch drivers, for Nios II and ThreadX.
Ø    FPGA firmware on-field-upgrade, development.
Ø    De-jittering of the GPS signal, use for frame alignment.
Ø    Trimble chip (GPS) control application development for NMEA messages.
Ø    The development was 
 in C, on Altera Nios GNU-based tools. The SW platform was Altera's HAL OS, and ThreadX (ARM). The HW platform was a Design Art Networks  3-core ARM-based design, and Altera FPGA.

QNX Software Systems, Rome, New York                                                                     10.10 – 11.11

SW Engineer

Ø   LED device driver development for the RIM's PlayBook device.
Ø   Ambient Light Sensor device driver development for the RIM's PlayBook device.
Ø   SYS_CLK drift corrector development for the RIM's PlayBook device.
Ø   Low Power DDR thermal sensor device driver development.
Ø   Multi-core, Inter-process shared memory lock library implementation.
Ø   Board bring-up for the TI's OMAP5430 SoC, on the TI's Innovator (simulator) tool.
Ø   The development was done in C and ARM assembly using GNU tools. The SW platform was QNX's Neutrino OS. The HW platform was a Texas Instruments ARM(Cortex)-based design.

Broadcom Corporation, Montreal, Quebec                                                                   05.09 – 06.10

Principal SW Engineer

Ø   Boot Loader development and enhancements. Boot Loader porting to new chip designs: Broadcom's BlueRay and Digital TV solutions. The MIPS cores used were MIPS 24K/f and BRCM MIPS 4380.
Ø   Design/implementation/testing of a device driver for a UART-DMA embedded host controller.
Ø   UART-DMA block verification and bring-up.
Ø   Design/implementation/testing of a device driver for a MMC/SD/SDIO embedded host controller.
Ø   MMC/SD/SDIO and Interrupt Controller blocks verification and bring-up.
Ø   SDIO Linux stack (kernel) porting/modifications to support Broadcom's implementation of the MMC/SD/SDIO standards.
Ø   The development was done in C and MIPS assembly using GNU tools. The SW platform was Embedded uClinux, 2.6.28.

Freescale Semiconductor, Ottawa, Ontario                                                                   02.08 – 03.09

SW/HW Co-Simulation Prime

Ø   Supported the p4080 ROCOO (Random On-Chip Object-Oriented testing methodology) environment. Took ownership of the CoreNet BFM/ROCOO testbench. Supported and enhanced the testbench (SysVerilog), acted as a reference for existing functionality, was the first to test new RTL drops.
Ø   Developed tests (stimuli), to be run in the simulator (VCS) in order to test new-added features, and verify the integrity of previous releases.
Ø   The development was done using C/ASM/SystemC/SystemVerilog. The GNU/VCS tools were used to make simulation modules. The simulation environment provided with logs and wave files (.vpd/.fsdb), for interpretation of the transactions resulted on the interconnect.
Ø   Developed boot loader code (U-Boot) for the PAMU (Peripheral Access Management Unit) block, a IOMMU enabling the p4080’s hardware virtualization features. Debugged and provided solutions for the address translation mechanism and the operation translation mappings, which were features of the PAMU block. Developed Ethernet and OPIC drivers for the p4080’s boot loader.
Ø   Developed verification code (kernel modules) for the p4080 model (cycle accurate Simics models), running on a Linux 2.6, SMP compiled. It was a SMP-oriented kernel module, scalable, using a producer/consumer thread scheme. The threads could bounce between cores, or be bound to a particular core. All together it provided with maximum stress for the datapath acceleration hardware and was useful to detect simulation model and software, issues.
Ø   The development was done in C and e500mc assembly using GNU tools.

BTI Systems, Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                       01.08 – 02.08

Software Engineer

Ø   Driver development for the BTI’s 10-port GBE(Gbit Ethernet) Muxponder, on the client side.
Ø   The 10-port GBE Muxponder provided high interface density for multiplexing a wide range of protocols (GE, OC-48, STM-16, Fiber Channel, FICON) onto a protected 10Gbps wavelength.
It was used for SONET/SDH Aggregation & Interconnect, Data Center Storage Extension, Multi Service Ring Solutions, Transparent Network Interconnect.
Ø   The embedded development was done using C/ASM, on a QNX Momentics 6.3.2 IDE. The GNU/Eclipse tools were used to make driver modules. The target was an embedded PowerPC (MPC 8275) processor.

Trigence Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario                                                             04.06 – 01.08

Kernel Engineer

Ø   Kernel System Calls intercepts and library (user mode) code optimization.
Ø   The development was done using C and assembly, on lab test machines (Solaris9, Solaris10, Linux RH9, RHE3. RHE4, SUSE10, Windows NT to Vista). The GNU tools were used to make kernel modules and user mode libraries on Linux/Solaris. On Windows, the MS toolchain (CL/NMAKE/MASM/ML64) from the PSDK/WINDDK was used.
Ø   The intercept code was carefully designed and implemented to add minimum overhead to the native system calls’ processing. System call interception in user mode was achieved by on-the-fly modification (code overwrite) of the application’s libraries (binary op-code injections to replace the original trap/sw interrupt op-codes).
Ø   Reverse engineered Windows system libraries (ntdll.dll), and developed library intercept/code plant.
Ø   Ported from Win32 (x86) to Win64 (AMD64). Developed the architecture-specific assembly-level AMD64 modules.
Ø   Debugged and fixed customer issues in the Ottawa lab.

Soma Networks, Ottawa, Ontario                                                                                  12.04 – 04.06

Linux Driver Specialist

Ø   Driver development for the Soma’s Macro Base Station.
Ø   The embedded development was done using C, on a 2.4 Linux Kernel. The GNU tools were used to make kernel modules. The target was an embedded x86 platform.
Ø   Board bring-up of a new SoC (FPGA-emulated in the pre-silicon verification phase). The ASIC comprised an ARM926E processor, a ZSP500 DSP, and various AMBA peripherals (DMA, memory, interrupt, UART, Ethernet, GPIO, etc.). Developed drivers for ARM-targeted boot loader (U-Boot).
Ø   Produced diagnostic code for the different components of the ASIC – memory content verification, AMBA bus transactions, interrupt signaling. Used Logic Analyzers to provide with means for wave (signal activity) capturing and debugging.

Critical Telecom Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario                                                 06.04 – 12.04

Embedded Software Engineer

Ø   Driver development for the Marvell’s Gigabit Ethernet Switch 88E6183, Marvell’s Gigabit Transceiver 88E1111, Gigabit Transceiver AM79C874 and the PPC405EP’s Ethernet MAC, for embedded Linux (MontaVista) platform. Driver code integration with the Level7’s Layer2 – Layer3 protocol SW suite. Linux Kernel modifications to suit Critical Telecom’s GEmini™ product needs.
Ø   The embedded development was done using PPC405EP assembly and C. The GNU set of tools was used on i686 machines, to make (ELF format) kernel module.
Ø   For debugging, GNU DDD tools were used in conjunction with Logic Analyzers and Oscilloscopes.
Ø   Assisted the Architects, FPGA and Hardware Designers with diagnostic/debug code.

Tundra Semiconductor Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario                                                   07.02 – 06.04

Embedded Software Engineer

Ø   Driver development for the Gigabit Ethernet, UART and MPIC blocks of the StrongPac companion chip (ASIC), on VxWorks and RedBoot boot loader. Completed the full development cycle of the device driver: Participated in Design Specifications, Design, Implementation, Platform Emulation (Pre-Silicon ASIC Verification) testing and Silicon Validation testing.
Ø   The design of the drivers allowed for easy porting from the initial development platform (RedBoot boot loader), to any other commercial embedded RTOS.
The GigE driver serviced a dual-port embedded Ethernet block. The driver user could chose between a 10/100/1000Mbs, full or half-duplex configuration, by means of an initialization data file. The GigE used exclusively a DMA mechanism for data transfer between its RX/TX FIFOs and system SDRAM buffers, and the driver insured data cache synchronization with system SDRAM.
The UART driver serviced a dual-port embedded UART block. The MPIC driver serviced a programmable interrupt controller block. It supported 4 external microprocessors and 32 input sources.
Ø   The embedded development was done using XScale assembly and C. The GNU set of tools was used on i686 machines, to make downloadable (ELF format) images.
Ø   For debugging, ATI’s ICE CodeLab tools were used in conjunction with HP Logic Analyzers. Xilinx’s Impact tools were used to download the RTL code into the emulation platform’s FPGAs.
Ø   In the ASIC Verification phase, waves would be captured on Logic Analyzers (xScale transactions, PCI/X transactions, etc), to assist with debugging.
Ø   Silicon (ASIC) Validation test development for the Tsi310 chip. The test suite for the Tsi310 chip, were developed around a set of APIs provided by the Agilent Technologies 2929A/B Exerciser/Analyzer cards. The Agilent Exerciser cards were able to fully emulate the behavior of standard PCI\X devices on a bus. In addition, they supplied with Logic Analyzer capabilities, for cards residing on both of the bridge’s interfaces. Waves reflecting the ASIC (PCI/X) bus activity would be collected and compared with the (PCI/X) standards.

Silicon Network Access, Ottawa, Ontario                                                          02.01 – 06.02

Network Software Engineer

Ø   Embedded driver development for the iFlow family of network processors (NPU).
Ø   Completed the full development cycle of the iPP (Packet Processor) device driver. The development phases included Requirement Specifications, Design, Implementation, Documentation (Design Specifications, User Programmer’s Guide, etc), Testing and Support.
Ø   The design of the driver insulated the platform-independent functionality from the platform-specific one. This was achieved by means of implementing an OSAM (Operating System Abstraction Module) for each (RT)OS supported by the iPP driver – VxWorks, LynxOS, Linux, and UNIX.
One particularity of the iPP driver was being a PCI (PCI memory-mapped registers), and Network Interface (NI) device meanwhile. As a consequence, the design and implementation were presented with the challenge to make the two driver models coexist together. Moreover, the requirements specified for the iPP driver to support multiple devices, each device having multiple NIs.
Ø   The architecture of the iPP device allowed the use of a DMA mechanism for fast packet data transfer between the iPP device and Control Plane Processor  (CPP). Consequently, the iPP driver had to handle DMA data buffer allocation, virtual-to-bus/bus-to-virtual address translation, data cache synchronization, specific to each supported platform.
Ø   The embedded development was done using C/C++. The GNU, Linux and the LynuxWorks set of tools were used on PPC750, i686, SPARC machines.
Ø   During the pre-silicon verification, the chipset logic would be loaded onto an FPGA-based platform, waves would be captured (DMA, PCI, other buses, etc) and looked for S/W or logic errors.
Ø   Participated in the Design sessions for the HW-SW interfacing.

SRTelecom, Kanata, Ontario                                                                                        05.00 – 02.01

Embedded Software Engineer

Ø   Designed and developed the Network Management Agent (NMA) and Management Information Base (MIB), for the WL304 Wireless Loop project. The SRTelecom’s WL304 Wireless Loop offered a wireless access solution to the last mile of the local loop.
Ø   Designed and implemented the communication link between the SCC driver residing in the Ethernet card and the radio cards responsible for forwarding the IP packets to the IP wireless terminal.
Ø   The embedded development was done using RT UML/C++. The GNU cross-compiler, Wind River’s Tornado platform and EST VisionClick toolset were used to make, download, program the flash memory, and debug the system.
Ø   The environment consisted of PC's/WinNT (host) and Motorola MPC860 (target).

Canadian Payments Association, Ottawa, Ontario                                                         09.98 – 05.00


Ø   Responsible for the development (design, implementation, building, testing and Customer Support) of the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS) project. The LVTS was the mechanism whereby participating members (Financial Institutions) electronically exchanged items of significant value among themselves.
Ø   Developed the LVTS’s GUI using Visual C++, Visual Basic, and COM/ActiveX Components.
Ø   Modified the application’s features according to the customer’s specifications.
Ø   Implemented the security features of the real-time messaging system, using the Entrust API Toolkit for the encrypting/decrypting process and IBM MQSeries API Toolkit.
Ø   Provided technical support for users.
Ø   The environment consisted of PC's/ WinNT.

Belgian Thermal Treatment, Brussels, Belgium                                                            09.92 - 04.96

Software Engineer


Ø   Designed, developed and tested real-time software for thermal process control.
Ø   The work consisted in developing mission-critical code for creation, execution and termination of oven-controlling processes, communication and synchronization between processes, communication with the environment, and process administration.
Ø   The development platform consisted of Sun UNIX/C.
Ø   Created a data base system to manage Quality Control using C++, Visual Basic, MS Access.
Ø   Participated to the implementation of the ISO 9002 System.

IZOMAC, Turda, Romania                                                                                            09.90 - 01.92
Software Engineer


Ø   Developed real-time programs for controlling of thermal equipment.
Ø   Designed, implemented and tested library routines (hard real-time queuing mechanisms) used by dispatch processes.
Ø   The work consisted also in SW/HW integration and support for customer acceptance of the controlling software.
Ø   The environment consisted of HP UNIX/C.

Technical College, Turda, Romania                                                                              09.90 - 01.92
Mathematics Department                                               
Mathematics Professor (evenings).         


Masters in Mechanical Engineering, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania                             1985 - 1990


English, French, Spanish and Italian.


Enhanced Reliability.

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