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Job Manager Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Miston Hicks
4021 Downing Street, Washigton, MN 30214
(520) 325-3051,

EDUCATION                        MA, Information Resources Management, Webster University, 1997
                                                Graduate, Naval Staff and Command College, U.S. Naval War College, 1997
                                                BA, Political Science & History, Marquette University, 1987
                                                Congressional Internship, Staff of U.S. Senator Robert Kasten, 1987

CURRENT                            CISSP since October 2005,  ISSMP since April 2007
CERTIFICATIONS             PMP since September 2008

SECURITY                            Active TOP SECRET/SCI (Based on a SSBI completed in July 2007)

Experienced Professional in the Information Assurance, Information Security and Risk Management fields.

High-caliber, senior information security professional with a strong background developing enterprise strategies, policies and practices for information security and risk management. Demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects and geographically dispersed teams. Exceptional experience implementing controls and assessing information security risk in businesses. Extremely talented communicator, skilled at motivating employees and establishing strong relationships with customers, partners and executives. Highly adept at setting the information security strategic vision to satisfy business objectives.

·         Policy/Program Development

·         Compliance and Oversight

·         Network Operations (NetOps)

·         Computer Network Defense (CND)

·         Business Continuity Planning (BCP)                                                                                                            
·         COMSEC/PKI

·         Certification & Accreditation (C&A)

·         Wireless Security

·         Physical Security

·         Regulatory Commitments



April 2009 – Present:  ASSOCIATE/Job Manager (Booz Allen Hamilton, McLean, VA)
- Serving as the DISA Command Center (DCC) Commander’s representative in maintaining, coordinating, and sustaining Mission Assurance capabilities in day-to-day operations of the DCC.  He will provides top management continuity to the long-range operations, plans and policies for DCC Mission Assurance mission; provide conceptual and technical guidance and leadership to the command center staff of unusually complex Mission Assurance matters; and advise the DCC Commander and represent the DCC in high-level meetings, briefings, conferences and working groups with senior representatives of DISA and other DOD Agencies, as well as other Government agencies and industry. 
- Supported the DEP DoD CIO in developing a series of information papers and other documents which will advance the working relationship between the DoD CIO and USCYBERCOM in the course of cyberspace operations.  In the process, reviewed and provided feedback to the DEP DoD CIO on the draft USCYBERCOM C2 CONOPS. 
- Provided program management support for the Department of Defense (DoD) CND Architect on developments regarding technical developments for Computer Network Defense and NetOps.  Manage the administration, logistics and facilitation of the DoD CND Architecture Working Group. 
- Lead a project team as Asst Project Manager supporting USCYBERCOM and DISA in developing the IAVM System in developing the Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM) System which automated the IAVM process and reduced the time to issue an IAVM from two weeks to four hours.  This enabled DoD IA personnel to respond to zero-day threats. 
- Drafted the DoD SHA-256 Migration Roadmap for the DoD CIO.  The SHA-256 Migration Roadmap provides guidance on the transition of all of DoD IT infrastructure from using the SHA-1 to the SHA-256 hash algorithm for digital signatures and PKI-based authentication to networks, applications and systems.
- Assisted in the development and maintenance of the DoD IA Policy Chart for the DIAP.  Used social media and wrote articles in professional publications for public outreach to make the IA Policy Chart a commonly used reference in the IA field. 
- Assisted in the drafting of the 2009 CND Assessment Report from the Defense-wide Information Assurance Program (DIAP) which reported on the performance and capabilities of the CND Service Providers throughout DoD. 
- Assisted in the drafting of the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the DoD Compliance and Verification Program.  The CONOPS provides the DoD community with a CVP framework and raise awareness of IA and Computer Network Defense (CND) laws, policies and regulations to enable improved conformity with the same, and provide for accountability for nonconformance.

October 2007 – April 2009:  MANAGER (BearingPoint, Inc, McLean, VA – now part of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu)
- From July 2008 until February 2009, served as an Information Assurance Officer (IAO) at the Tricare Management Activity, helping to incorporate Information Assurance in the development of the Garrison Version of the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application  (AHLTA), an electronic medical records system for all active duty military personnel, dependents, reservists, and retirees.   Oversaw the annual review of security controls as required by DIACAP. 
- From October 2007 until July 2008, served as a DHS Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) at the Office of Security.  Revised and updated two Certification & Accreditation (C & A) packages for DHS personnel security applications in support of their mitigation to a new data center.  The accreditations are based on standards set in NIST SP 800-53A while using the Trusted Agent FISMA (TAF) tool  to monitor status and report deficiencies in required Certification and Accreditation artifacts while maintaining consistency across systems.  Developed C & A documentation for a new physical access control system at DHS Headquarters at the Nebraska Avenue complex.   
- Serves as a Performance Manager for four IT Security Consultants.  
- Became Certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP).

June 2005 – October 2007:  TASK LEAD/INFORMATION SECURITY ANALYST (Superlative Technologies, Inc., Ashburn, VA, working as a sub-contractor to SAIC office in McLean, VA.)  Lead four subcontractors on-site for SAIC projects for DoD.

- Won the 2006 Superlative Technologies Team of the Year as Task Lead. 

- Conducted evaluations of six DoD Computer Network Defense Service Providers (CNDSPs) in support of the CNDSP Certification & Accreditation process sponsored by DISA.  Reported findings via the Vulnerability Management System (VMS). 

- Assisted the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) develop the Computer Network Defense Service (CNDS) program verification process which will ensure that all DoD Components will have valid CNDS management programs.  Conducted CND Service Designation Visits for the National Defense University, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Defense Legal Services Agency (DLSA), and the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). 

- Participated in a working group which provided inputs for revising the DISA Evaluators Scoring Matrix which is used to evaluate DoD Computer Network Defense Service Providers

- Performed wireless discovery scans at over 100 DoD commands in order to find rogue wireless access points connected to DoD Networks as part of SIPRNET Compliance Visits.  Agencies included US Forces Korea, Air Mobility Command and the National Capital Region – Director of Information Management (NCR – DOIM, a US Army command supporting tenants at Forts Belvoir, McNair, Myer, and  A.P. Hill)

- Assisted in the Certification & Accreditation of five agencies during the validation phase of the DoD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP).   Also, provided advice and assistance to the DISA Field Security Office (FSO) during the implementation of new DoD IA C&A Process Guidance (DIACAP). 

- Became certified as a Certified Information Systems Security Professional - Information Systems Security Management Professional (CISSP-ISSMP) and completed the DISA Wireless Discovery Course.  In addition, I completed the following courses from the Defense Security Service: Basic Information Security Independent Study, Personnel Security Management, and Marking Classified Information. 

January 2005 – May 2005:  SECURITY ANALYST (GTSI, Chantilly, VA)

- Drafted enterprise-wide Information Security policies covering the areas of password protection, acceptable use, wireless & laptop security, data classification, incident response for GTSI in preparation for an incoming Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) audit.  Developed information security program plans for a network supporting 900 users.  Advised the Chief Information Officer on planning to prepare for the upcoming SOX-based audit.

- Performed preparations for network security scans and an internal security assessment to meet the requirements of the Payment Card Industry’s (PCI) Certification Program.  This is a new set of requirements the major credit card companies have mandated for businesses which receive credit cards in order to protect their customers’ privacy and identity. 

- Created an Information Security Awareness program which included new teaching employee training sessions, developing web-based training for all employees, intranet postings, and security awareness posters.

October 1998 – January 2005:  INFORMATION SECURITY SPECIALIST III (CACI, Arlington, VA)

- Developed the initial security performance metrics for the Customs and Border Protection IT Modernization Project. 
Performed eight Risk Assessments, including network scans using Internet Security Scanner (ISS) at Customs and Border
Protection government and contractor sites using the checklists and guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology’s Special Publication 800-26 (NIST SP 800-26) to ensure they are in compliance with the Federal Information
Security Management Act (FISMA).

- Served as a COMSEC Auditor for the Department of Homeland Security, Directorate of Border & Transportation Security
(BTSD).  Conducted COMSEC Audits and Assist Visits for about 20 accounts on an annual basis.  Edited the BTSD
COMSEC Newsletter that is published quarterly and posted on the Customs and Border Protection Intranet.  Provided
technical assistance to ten Department of Homeland Security sites regarding the installation of Secure Telephone
Equipment (STE) and secure fax units.  Completed NSA COMSEC Managers Course and STE Training.

- Served as Information Assurance Functional Analyst at the DoD Information Assurance Support       Environment (IASE) at DISA. Provided technical advice and assistance to hundreds of users on diverse issues such as DITSCAP, PKI, Certification & Accreditation of information systems, Common Criteria, trusted products, Secret and Below Interoperatibility.  Interacted with all the services’ and the DOD CIRTs to provide solutions for field users.  Kept track of hundreds of information/trouble tickets via Remedy and the Action Request System.  This assistance provided answers that enabled IA personnel to get their systems accredited or improved their security posture.

- Performed technical research in support of the development of CACI’s Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) by gathering data through interviews, cost-benefit analysis and technical and security requirements to establish a Security Operations Center (SOC).

- Drafted the initial System Security Plans for the FBINET WAN/LAN and several FBI application software programs as
part the FBI's effort to get their systems accredited by the Department of Justice.  Assisted co-workers in performing Risk
Analyses of the FBINET WAN/LAN and several FBI application software programs.

- Drafted network security policies for the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Dahlgren, VA while it was in the process of implementing a new firewall and other network protections.  

- Researched and wrote a technical white paper on the behalf of the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer on the trends and options affecting the future of infrastructure assurance of the Navy as a whole.  Gathered information and inputs from all the services' Computer Incident Reaction Teams, the Chief of Naval Operation Advisory Panel, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, plus many others.   Observed and researched how the CIRTs respond to incidents and technical problems.

August 1999 – December 1999:  SPECIAL PROJECTS OFFICER (On Navy Reserve Recall - Stabilization Force,
Allied Military Intelligence Battalion, Sarajevo, Bosnia)

- Prepared the Allied Military Intelligence Battalion (part of the Stabilization Force in Bosnia) for its first ever NATO security inspection including ensuring that all CRONOS and other system workstations and terminal areas met NATO security requirements for working with classified information.   Taught Computer Science for the University of Maryland part time. 

May 1999 – August 1999:  HEAD, HEADQUARTERS SUPPORT DIVISION (On Navy Reserve Recall - Joint Task
Force – Noble Anvil, Naples, Italy)
- During Operation Allied Force, managed the operations and support of the secure Local Area Network and workstations for the Joint Task Force Noble Anvil, which became the de facto command and control system.  These systems provided C4I support to over 330 users at four separate sites.   Oversaw the move and installation of the JTF LAN and support equipment to a new headquarters site while maintaining operational capability and security under wartime conditions without any unscheduled downtime. 

- Developed security policies on the use of the JTF Noble Anvil's Local Area Networks (both secure and unsecured) during Operation Allied Force (Kosovo).  Ensured the reliability of LAN operations and the confidentiality of the classified information on a network linked to the SIPRNET.   Resolved many technical obstacles such as connectivity and the amount of bandwidth between the JTF Noble Anvil and other military commands such as the US European Command, the US Sixth Fleet, and various Task Forces, supporting bases and commands to ensure reliability of service. 

- Assisted in the development of the classified web site that contains the archives of the Joint Task Force - Noble Anvil that was eventually delivered to the Joint Staff so military planners could obtain lessons from the Kosovo Campaign.  

Communications Security Material System, Washington, DC)

- Performed duties as Security Manager at the office of the Director of the Navy's Communication Security Material
System (DCMS).  Ensured no classified information or material was lost or compromised.   Completed U.S. Navy Security
Manager’s Course. 

- Drafted the initial inspection manual and lesson training guides for the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS 3) within the Department of Navy.  This ensured the proper handling of Communications Security Material throughout the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard which ensured proper handling, storage, and accounting of encryption hardware and software.     

- Graduated from the U.S. Navy’s first EKMS course. 

- Assisted in the preparation of a System Security Authorization Agreement (SSAA) as part of the definition phase of the command’s network’s DITSCAP-based accreditation.

- Performed functional testing of 3 CD-ROMs that contained Navy instructions and manuals on handling encryption hardware and software.  Ensured the software’s ease of use by field operators.

July 1995 – September 1996:  BASE PHYSICAL SECURITY OFFICER (US Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba)

- Maintained Physical Security and Law & Order for the U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  Headed a police department with over 112 personnel, 22 vehicles, and 3 patrol boats.   During Operation Sea Signal (Cuban and Haitian refugee operations), served as Joint Task Force 160 Provost Marshal.  Provided operational and security support for several anti-drug operations.  Completed U.S. Navy Law Enforcement/Physical Security Course.  Responsible for the physical security and law enforcement for the entire Naval Base.  Taught Computer Science for the City College of Chicago part time. 



- Developed information security policies and a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) for the Information Management Directorate of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. 

- Participated in a working group for the system/requirements analysis of the Navy’s portion of the Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS), the Defense Finance and Accounting Service’s automated/ pay system during the system analysis phase.  Identified over 100 problems in the original software plans and formulated solutions to resolve these problems.  As a result, the personnel information of service members was protected when the system became operational. 

- Led the Corporate Data Management Branch in reducing major backlogs in updating the Officer and Enlisted Master Files (personnel information databases.)

- Temporarily served as the Pers-12 Administrative Officer.  Helped to implement several Directorate-level policies. 

(NATO- Headquarters, Allied Forces Baltic Approaches, Karup, Denmark)

- Served as Information Security Officer at a NATO command and three Navy commands. Served as a Network Security Officer for a NATO command and control system.  Ensured that computer operations continued without loss of data or capability and composed several Information Security instructions. 

- Assisted in the drafting of several command-level information security policies.  

- Completed the Allied Command Europe’s Automated Data Processing (ADP) Security Officer Course.


- Served as Departmental Information Systems Security Officer and Command STU-III Key Account Custodian.  Ensured proper implementation of command information security policies and the handling of STU-III secure telephone keys.

- Coordinated the installation of the Consolidated Area Telephone System (CATS) at Naval Station San Diego, which enhanced telephone, services for the base. Also, coordinated the installation of secure telephone systems and cable television services when 12 commands relocated around the base with the Public Works Center.     

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