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Veterans Benefit Administration Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

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 Makenna Thomas
309 16th St NW Apt B505
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 288-9876

Health Scientist with 15+ years experience in federal contract research, epidemiology, infectious disease control, health policy research, and program management.

Academic Degrees

A.B.                             1984                Saint Louis University
                                                            College of Arts and Sciences
                                                            Saint Louis, Missouri
                                                            Madrid, Spain

D.O.                            1988                Midwestern University
                                                            Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
                                                            Chicago, Illinois

M.P.H.&T.M.              1990                Tulane University
                                                            School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
                                                            New Orleans, Louisiana

Post-doctoral Training

Rotating Internship        1988-89           Midwestern University
                                                            And Affiliated Hospitals
                                                            Chicago, Illinois

Preventive Medicine     1989-90           Tulane University
Resident                                               New Orleans, Louisiana

Military Medicine          1991                United States Army
Preceptorship                                       Fort Benning, Georgia

Senior Preventive          1991-92           University of Arizona
Medicine Resident                                Tucson, Arizona

Medical Morals            1992-93           Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary
Program                                               Emmitsburg, Maryland


Public Health – American Osteopathic Board of Preventive Medicine, 1996


Epidemiologist, Behavioral Health Branch
HEADQUARTERS, U.S. MARINE CORPS, Quantico, VA                          2010-2011
·         Assisted with efforts to expand combat and operational stress control program including establishing risk surveillance, expanding psychoeducational training, and facilitating support for research studies including the Marine Resiliency Study II.
·         Collaborated on integration, evaluation, and development of existing programs in combat stress, suicide prevention, sexual assault prevention, substance abuse, and domestic violence. Temporary funding.

Medical Officer / Regulatory Affairs, Policy Office, Compensation and Pension Service
VETERANS BENEFIT ADMINISTRATION, Washington DC                     2009-2010
·         Drafted federal regulations (38 CFR Part 4 – Schedule for Rating Disabilities) in partnership with attorneys and subject matter experts.
·         Assisted with transforming the disability claims process for veterans including introduction of streamlined Disability Benefits Questionnaires, improvements in medical informatics, and improving methodology for updating the disability rating schedule.
·        Supported federal policy development related to Agent Orange, Gulf War infectious diseases, and mental health disability determination.

Senior Research Scientist / International Public Health Analyst
BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, Washington, DC                             2008-2009
·         Provided subject matter expertise on Global Health Security and International Affairs, for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
·         Promoted inter-agency coordination for pandemic influenza preparedness.
·         Assisted with clarifying the vision for the proposed National Biodefense Architecture.
·         Program funding discontinued.

Medical Officer (Public Health) GS-15, Influenza Division, CCID/NCIRD
·         Served as Influenza Epidemiologist at American Embassy, Jakarta, Indonesia.
·         Facilitated pandemic and avian influenza preparedness and emergency response.
·         Provided technical advice for CDC cooperative agreement awardees, encouraged influenza A(H5N1) virus sharing, facilitated federal inter-agency coordination and international coordination of emergency response.
·         Temporary appointment.

Chief Scientist / Senior Lead Defense Analyst, Advanced Information Systems
GENERAL DYNAMICS, Arlington, VA                                                         2005 -2006
·         Facilitated pandemic and avian influenza preparedness in collaboration with the White House and Department of Defense.
·         Mentored and trained medical writers in intelligence collection and risk assessment processes related to geographic medicine and worldwide epidemiology for infectious diseases of military interest.
·         Line of business discontinued after corporate mergers.

Epidemiologist / Research Scientist                                                              2004-2005
DYNAMICS TECHNOLOGY, INC. (acquired by RAYTHEON), Arlington, Virginia
·         Constructed predictive mathematical models for vector-borne diseases using remotely sensed data for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC), now called the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI).
·         Developed an artificial neural network for anthrax attack detection using electronic medical records for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
·         Wrote successful applications for federal funding. Company sold to Applied Signal Technology, Inc., and line of business discontinued. Now part of Raytheon.

Assistant State Epidemiologist for Informatics                                             2003-2004
·         Assisted with software engineering for Public Health Information Network (PHIN).
·         Drafted proposed state regulations for public health emergency preparedness. Drafted Incident Command structure for statewide Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF-8). Assigned role of state Incident Commander for public health emergencies.
·         Investigated outbreak of invasive Group A Streptococcus in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).
·         Temporary grant-funded position.

Epidemiologist                                                                                                2000- 2003
  • Designed and conducted public health program outcome evaluations. Formed community partnerships to assist with prioritizing public health goals, integrating services, seeking new grant funding, and improving health outcomes.
  • Supervised up to 30 public health professionals. Assisted with budget preparation.
  • Designed and implemented surveillance systems for infectious diseases, maternal child health, and vital records. Created influenza and West Nile virus weekly reports. Conducted mathematical modeling of pneumonia and influenza mortality. Led efforts to implement real-time syndromic surveillance of emergency room visits. Assisted with outbreak investigations of hepatitis A, monkeypox, and other diseases.
  • Worked with partners to design a multiagency response protocol for “suspicious powder” incidents during the anthrax attacks of 2001. Built consensus to create a regional bioterrorism preparedness and response plan. Designed detailed Incident Command structures for bioterrorism response. Designed and exercised county mass prophylaxis plan.

Preventive Medicine Physician / Epidemiologist                                          1995-99
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
·         Supervised up to 80 healthcare and Clinical Trial professionals.
·         Supervised Good Manufacturing Practices and served as medical monitor for drug safety. Designed treatment protocols. Provided patient care.
·         Increased revenue by $4M in 1997 for clinics receiving management services.
·         Served on a local public health committee, volunteered in local community health organizations, and served on Board of Directors of medical organizations.

Preventive Medicine Physician / Epidemiologist                                          1993-95
  • Supervised Occupational Health, Radiation Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Epidemiology activities.
  • Wrote case histories for Walter Reed investigation in Gulf War Syndrome. Conducted battlefield epidemiology. Instituted weekly surveillance in combat zone. Supervised Mefloquine Pregnancy Registry. Made an amphibious combat landing with US Marines to conduct medical relief in support of a United Nations peacekeeping operation.
  • Supervised up to 40 public health professionals.
  • Temporary Tour of Active Duty. Previous reserve assignment at Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces Command. Previously graduated from Officers Advanced Course and Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3). Honorable Discharge.

Academic Appointments (part-time)

Adjunct Assistant                      2001-12           University of Illinois at Chicago
Professor of Epidemiology                                School of Public Health
                                                                        Epidemiology and Biostatistics Division
                                                                        Chicago, Illinois

Clinical Assistant Professor       2002-06           University of Illinois
of Community Medicine                                    College of Medicine at Rockford
                                                                        Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
                                                                        Rockford, Illinois

Adjunct Faculty Member          2004-05           University of Nevada, Reno
                                                                        School of Public Health
                                                                        Health Ecology Department
                                                                        Reno, Nevada

Instructor                                  1997-98           American Osteopathic College
                                                                        of Occupational and Preventive Medicine
                                                                        Irvine, California

Instructor of Medicine               1991-92           University of Arizona
                                                                        College of Medicine
                                                                        Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
                                                                        Tucson, Arizona

Instructor of Medicine               1990-92           Louisiana State University
                                                                        School of Medicine
                                                                        Department of Cardiology
                                                                        New Orleans, Louisiana

Professional Service

American Osteopathic College of Occupational & Preventive Medicine:  Member of the Board of Directors, 1996-97; Executive Secretary, 1997-98.

Wisconsin Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons: Member of the Board of Directors, 1997-98.

Honors and Awards

Fulbright Scholar, National Research Center, Arab Republic of Egypt, 1992.
World Health Organization – University of Arizona Research Grant,
Papua New Guinea, 1992.
United Nations Medal, 1994.

U.S. Army Commendation Medal, 1991.

MAP-Reader’s Digest International Fellow; Brazil, South America; 1987.

Medical Mission Fellow; Peru, South America, 1987.

SmithKline-Beckman Medical Perspectives Fellow; Peru, South America, 1985.

Diploma al Merito, Republic of Ecuador, National Institute for Colonization
                        Of the Eucadorian Amazon Region, 1980.

Diploma al Merito, Republic of Ecuador, Ministry of Public Health,
                        Province of Zamora-Chinchipe, 1980.

Honor al Merito, Republic of Guatemala, Ministry of National Defense, 1979.

Honor al Merito, State of Suchitepequez, Republic of Guatemala, 1979.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Thomas DM, Arouh SL, Carley KM. Kraiman JB, Davis JR.  Automated Anomaly Detection Processor for Biologic Terrorism Early Detection – Hampton, Virginia.  MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2005 Aug 26;54(Suppl):203.

Thomas DM, Passaro DJ.  Implementing Web-based, Near Real-Time Syndromic Surveillance Using Triage Room Nurses in Rockford, IL.  2004 Syndromic Surveillance Conference.  November 3, 2004.  Boston, MA.

Thomas DM, Desch AD, Gaff HD, Scheele SK, Jordan RK, Davis JR.  Estimating Infectious Disease Risk in the Absence of Incidence Data.  2004 ESRI International Health Users Conference.  October 19, 2004.  Washington, DC.

Thigpen MC, Thomas M, Gloss D, Park SY, Khan AJ, Fogelman VL, Beal B, Van Beneden CA, Todd RL, Greene CM.  Nursing Home Outbreak of Invasive Group A Streptococcus.  Infect Control Hospital Epidemiol. 2007 Jan; 28(1):68-74. 

Silva R, Thomas DM, Caetano R, Aragaki C.  Preventing Low Birth Weight in Illinois:  Outcomes of the Family Case Management Program.  Matern  Child Health J. 2006 Nov;10(6):481-8.

Research Activities

International Lessons to Improve Mass Fatality Management During a Pandemic Influenza Event, 2008

Malaria Worldwide Ecological Niche Model, 2004

Schistosomiasis Worldwide Ecological Niche Model Using Remotely Sensed Data, 2004

Rift Valley Fever Risk Model, 2004

Plague Ecological Niche Model, 2004

Leishmaniasis Risk Model Using Remotely Sensed Data, 2004

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Risk Model Using Remotely Sensed Data, 2004

Japanese Encephalitis Transmission Suitability Model Using Remotely Sensed Data, 2004

Dengue Fever Ecological Risk Factor Model, 2004

Tick-Borne Encephalititis Risk Model Using Remotely Sensed Data, 2004

Yellow Fever Ecological Risk Factor Model, 2004

Korean Hemorrhagic Fever Risk Model Using Remotely Sensed Data, 2004

West Nile Virus Surveillance Weekly Report and Dead Crow Density, Winnebago County, Illinois, 2002

Exposure of Pet Dogs to West Nile Virus, Rockford, Illinois, 2002

Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report, Winnebago County, Illinois, 2000 – 2002

School Handwashing Project, 2001

Hepatitis A Outbreak, 2000

Shingles Cluster Investigation, 2000

Serotonin Withdrawal Syndrome from Drug-Induced Tryptophan Hydroxylase Enzyme Damage, 1997

Rate of Tuberculosis Conversion in United States Soldiers Serving in Mogadishu, Somalia, Africa, 1993.

Preparation of Case Histories for United States Army Investigation into Alleged “Persian Gulf War Syndrome, 1993

Decentralization of Health Services in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, 1992

Arm Circumference as an Index of Protein-Energy Malnutrition in Six- to Eleven-Month Old Egyptian Village Children, 1992.

Outbreak Investigation:  Acute Viral Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis, Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993.

Mefloquine Pregnancy Registry, U.S. Army, Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993 – 94.

Case Report: Mefloquine-Resistant Falciparum Malaria, Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993.

Epidemiological Report of an Epidemic of M-type 18 Streptococcus pyogenes in Basic Trainees at Fort Benning, 1991.

Epidemiological Report of an Outbreak of Frostbite, 1991.

Epidemiological Report:  Definition of and Possible Associations Between Concurrent
                        Endemic Protein-Calorie Starvation, Endemic Sleep Deprivation,
                        Endemic Trauma, Epidemic Cellulitis, Epidemic M-type 18 Streptococcus
                        Pyogenes  Pharyngitis, and Epidemic Streptococcus pneumoniae  in an
                        Elite Brigade of Soldiers, 1991.

Role of the Tribal Withdoctor in the Upper Amazon, 1985.


"Weaponized Anthrax," National Programs and Protection Directorate, US Department of
Homeland Security, Arlington, Virginia, January 13, 2009.

“Overview of Pandemic Influenza,” sponsored by US Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, September, 2008, in: Okinawa, Japan; Yokosuka, Japan; and Tumon, Guam.

“Pandemic Influenza Tutorial,” National Navy Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, August, 2008

“Current Status of Influenza A(H5N1),” Headquarters, Joint Task Force National Capital Region Medical (JTF-CapMed), Bethesda, Maryland, August, 2008.

“H5N1 in Indonesia,” Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, November, 2007.

“H5N1 in Indonesia,” CDC Influenza Division International Staff Retreat, Luang Prabang, Laos, September, 2007.

Hosted “Avian Influenza: Threat to Homeland Security” International Conference, Chantilly, Virginia, November, 2005.

“Principles of Epidemiology” course, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Rockford, Illinois, September – December, 2001 and August – September, 2003.

“Community Medicine Preceptorship,” University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, Rockford, Illinois, Fall Semester 2000 (Electronic Reporting), Fall Semester 2001 (Weaponized Anthrax), Fall Semester 2002 (Syndromic Surveillance), Fall Semester 2003 (Evaluation of Surveillance System).

“SARS-Coronavirus,” Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Blackhawk Chapter, Rockford, Illinois, July 11, 2003.

“A Tri-County Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Plan,” Illinois Bioterrorism Summit, Oak Brook, Illinois, June 24, 2003.

“Emergency Room Syndromic Surveillance,” Illinois Bioterrorism Summit, Oak Brook, Illinois, June 25, 2003.

“Public Health Infrastructure:  Information and Data Systems,” United States Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland, May 16, 2003.

“Public Health Infrastructure:  Information and Data Systems,” University of Illinois School of Public Health, Rockford, Illinois, April 16, 2003.

“Social Determinants of Health,” University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, Rockford, Illinois, January 13, 2003.

“Current Concepts of Epidemiology for Medical Sociologists,” University of Saint Francis, Joliet, Illinois (Rockford Site), January 11, 2003.

“Combined Agency Response to a Biological/Chemical Incident in My City,” Fourth Annual Midwest Emergency Preparedness and Response Conference, May 9, 2002

“Reducing the Low Birth Weight Rate in Winnebago County,” Illinois Maternal Child Health Leadership Society, Springfield, Illinois, March 20, 2002

“Epidemiology Perspective – Meningitis, Tuberculosis, and Lyme’s Disease,” Memorial Medical Center, Woodstock, Illinois, January 5, 2002

“Anthrax: Public Health Response,” University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, Rockford, Illinois, October 10, 2001

“Public Health Informatics,” University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, March 30, 2001

“Tryptophan Depletion Due to Improper Dosing of Phentermine and Fenfluramine,” Wisconsin Association of Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons, Annual Conference, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 1997.

“Obesity as a Disturbance of Aromatic Amino Acid Metabolism,”  American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine, Midyear Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 1997.

“Medical Threat of Chemical Warfare,” Grand Rounds, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, August 2, 1993.

Continuing Education

Physician’s Recognition Award for Continuing Medical Education,
American Medical Association, valid 9/1/08 to 9/1/11

Incident Management Planning Course, US National Operations Center, 2008

Certificate of Achievement, Emergency Management Institute, Professional Development Series (PDS), 2009

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) courses: IS-1, 100, 120.A, 200, 546, 547, 700, 701, 702, 703, 800, 805, 808, 1900

Computer Programming, 16 semester credits, Rock Valley College, 2000-2003

Fellow, Illinois Maternal Child Health “DataUse” Academy, 2000-2001

Professional Memberships

American College of Epidemiology

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