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Sr. IT Engineer Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

                                                 Lauren Li          
309 Kelsey Lane, N. Dartmouth, MA 027001
Phone: (508)938-9876 (H),   E-mail:

                   SAS/BASE, SAS/STAT, SAS/MACROS, SAS/SQL,  SAS/GRAPH, SAS/Web, SAS/SCL,  SAS/AF, SAS/ACCESS, Microsoft Access, SQL, FoxPro, Fortran, C/Csim, Paradox, Perl,  Lotus, Windows NT, UNIX, OS2, MVS and PCs

Work Experience:

2003 – 2011   Consulting
·                     Support research projects with SAS programming, data manipulating and analysis for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, such as Abstracted the mathematical modeling for the NCCN data analysis process and put it into actionable SAS macro system, and efficiently completed the analysis for the hundreds of complex identifications of clinical and epidemiological meaningful cases for 3 cancers: Breast, Colon/Rectal and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas.
·                     Provided Sr. SAS consulting for PAI-Policy Analysis Inc.
·                     Worked as Sr. IT Engineer (Bio-mathematician) and provided statistical supports to the R&D Micro Lab and all kinds of company products in St. Louis for Biomerieux Inc.
·                     Provided data mining for Wells Fargo Markets Research Group, involved developing SAS programs, Perl code and some UNIX shell script.
·                     Designed a Radiation Dose reporting system (use Microsoft Access & Excel) for Washington University School of Medicine EH&S/Radiation Safety Office.
·                     Created and maintained inventory data base and reporting system for St. Louis Modern Chinese School.
·                     Worked at St. Louis University Medical School/Center for Outcomes Research: Created SAS modules for survival data Cox modeling, including the predict variables and model selections, linearity dialogues and 2*2 interaction detection, bootstrap  and automatic statistical reports on database USRD -- the US Renal Data System.
1998 – 2003   Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
          Statistician III                  
·                     Provided comprehensive statistical support for design of studies, sample size calculations, data management planning, statistical computing & analyses,   including categorical data analysis, multiple comparisons and multiple tests, longitudinal data analysis.
·                     Provided statistical methods and SAS assistance to researchers.

          Data Processing Specialist II
·                     Conducted data management, statistical analysis and reporting for numerous epidemiology projects, involving 15 years’ USA worker injury data, insurance and Medicare claim data.
·                     Created the specific SAS system, developed relational databases and application packages for several projects. 

1996 – 1998 Channing Lab Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
          Statistical Programmer/Analyst II
·                     Developed SAS programs for the analysis of data collected in the Nurse Health Study and Physician Health Study. 
·                     Designed and managed the database for a genetic study involving quality control and logistical modeling. 
·                     Assisted the Principal Investigator and Senior statisticians.
·                     Reviewed manuscripts for publication.
·                     Provided the SAS programming consulting in collaborative studies involving the medical school and public health school community.

1995 – 1996   Abt Associates Inc, Cambridge, MA
·                      Maintained and developed database involving different platforms.
·                     Performed statistical data analysis and reporting to FDA using self-created efficient personal SAS tools in PC and UNIX environments.

1995 – 1995   New Boston Communications Co, Boston, MA 
·                     Migrated and improved an exiting application from Mainframes to OS/2 Platform using SAS and Dbase.

1992 – 1994   University of Southern Maine,  Portland, ME
          Graduate Assistant
·                      Performed teaching assistance.
·                     Worked on team for a number of projects from business, industry and science research, using SAS/BASE, SAS/STAT, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/MACROS, SAS/IML,                             SAS/ACCESS and C/Csim.  

1982 – 1992   Xiangji College, Hunan, Peoples Republic of China
·                     Taught courses of advanced mathematics, operations research and statistics.

Education: Master of Science in Applied Statistics                
                  University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME
                        Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics
                        Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples Republic of China


                 Peer-reviewed publications

              Lipscomb HJ, Loomis D, McDonald MA, Kucera K, Marshall S, Li L. Musculoskeletal  
                    symptoms among commercial fishers in North Carolina.
                      Appl Ergon. 2004 Sep;35(5):417-26.

                    Dement JM, Lipscomb HJ, Li L, Epling CA, Desai T.  Surveillance of nail gun injuries  among
                    construction workers.
                      Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 18(5):1- 10, 2003.

                      Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Li L.  Health care utilization of carpenters with substance abuse related diagnoses. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 43:120-131, 2003.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Nolan J, Patterson D, Li L.  Nail gun injuries in residential carpentry: lessons from active injury surveillance.  Injury Prevention 9: 20‑24, 2003.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Li L.  Health care utilization of families of carpenters with substance abuse related diagnoses. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 43: 361-368,        2003.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Li L, Nolan J, Patterson D. Work-related injures in residential and drywall carpentry. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 18(6): 479-  488, 2003.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Li L, Dement JM.  Falls among union carpenters. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 44(2): 148-156, 2003.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Li L, Dement JM.  Work-related falls among carpenters in Washington State before and after the Vertical Fall Arrest Standard. American Journal of Industrial  Medicine 44(2): 157-165, 2003.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Nolan J, Patterson D, Li L, Cameron W. Falls in residential carpentry and drywall installation: findings from active injury surveillance with union carpenter.  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 45(2):pp, 2003. 

                     Lipscomb HJ, Moon SD, Li L, Pompeii L, Kennedy MQ.  Evaluation of the North Country on the Job Network: a model of facilitated care for injured workers in rural upstate New York. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 44(3):246-257, 2002. 

                     Lipscomb HJ, Li Leiming.  Injuries among teens employed in the homebuilding industry in N.C.  Injury Prevention 7:205-209, 2001. 

         Lipscomb HJ, Loomis DP, McDonald MA, Marshall S, Kucera K, Li L.  Musculoskeletal symptoms among commercial fishers in North Carolina.  (Submitted August 2003,
       Applied Ergonomics

                      Nizam Uddin, Leiming Li. The MV-optimal Block Designs With Distinct Block Size.
                      Metro, International Journal of Statistics, Vol.LIV n.1-2, 30-VI-1996.

                      Book chapters:

    Lipscomb HJ, Moon SD, Li L, Pompeii L, Kennedy MQ.  Evaluation of the North Country on the Job Network: a model of facilitated care for injured workers in rural upstate        New York.  In: Dembe, A., S. Fox, and J. Himmelstein, eds. Improving Workers' Compensation Medical Care: A National Challenge. Beverly Mass.: OEP Press, Inc., 2003, pp. 102-116. [anthology of Robert Wood Johnson Workers Compensation Initiative Projects; peer-reviewed paper 22. above]  


                    Leiming Li. A Process for Automatically Retrieving Database Using ODBC and SAS/ACCESS SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility, SAS Users Group International                     
                    Conference 24, Miami Beach, Florida. April 1999.

                     Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Li L, Nolan J, Patterson D.  Work-related falls in residential and drywall construction. National Occupational Injury Research Symposium, National 
                     Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Pittsburgh, PA.  October 2000.

                    Dement JM, Lipscomb HJ, Li L, Nolan J, Patterson D.  Nail gun injuries in construction: Needs for gun control measures?  National Occupational Injury Research Symposium,  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Pittsburgh, PA.  October 2000.

   Lipscomb HJ, Dement JM, Li L, Nolan J, Patterson D.  The utility of combined passive and active surveillance to establish intervention priorities in residential construction.            EPICOH 2001.  Fifteenth Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Copenhagen, Denmark.  August 2001.

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