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Good Consultant Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

                                   Alexa Reznikova

                                                   30-27 Grunstra pl.
                                                     Fair Lawn NJ
                                                 ph: 201-703-9876


Experience in Information Technology ranging from roles of architect, designer, developers and support, in many full SDLC- System Development Life Cycle projects. Server background in z/ OS Mainframe, COBOL, CICS,DB2,JCL, VSAM, NDM, REXX, MQ Series and Stored Procedures. Has been involved in the full project life cycle including the analysis, design, programming, implementation, of various financial applications including Profit & Loss System, Bank Trade and Legal and Compliance Systems and Back Office Settlement
System, Medco and UPS industry.
Able to act as a team lead translate complex business FRD’s into technical specs, write TSDs to ensure systems compliance with company’s technical and business standards. Supervise group of people. Worked as Quality Assurance Analyst to perform Product and User Acceptance Testing.
Experienced in design and implementation of large normalized DB2 databases. Work closely with DBAs and data modelers to optimize system performance and data access.
Hardware:               IBM 3090/370, 308X, IBM370/157, EC1040, IBM PS/2 Workstations.
Software:                 COBOL, COBOL-II, CICS (COMMAND LEVEL), DB2/SQL, TSO/ISPF, EDF, JCL, OS/UTILITIES, Xpeditor, Intertest,  VSAM,  IDCAMS,  File-Aid,  Pro-Edit,  SPUFI, QMF,  Changeman,  PLATINUM, Microsoft Office  Product, MQ Series, XML, FTP, MS Access, View direct, Test Director, TIMON, Stored  Procedures, PL1,OMEGAMON II, DB2 TOOLS, BMC Utilities, SDF II, CA Product, Stored Procedure Builder, SYNCSORT, Easytrieve, Chanels and Containers support  in CICS Transaction, WebSphere, GUI/API ,REXX,NDM,QC,VISIO,ESP, CA-7 Scheduler.
United Parcel Service                                                                                                                      04/2011-PRESENT
 Consultant/ Sr. Programmer/QA/Analyst
Involved in the analysis, design, development, implementation and support of the CAMS (Customer Automation Management System) and the Data Distribution component using COBOL II, CICS, DB2, Stored Procedures, MQ series and BMC utilities, XML.  Participated in every phase of the System Development life to translate business requirements into technical documentation. Involved in writing specification, project technical design and architecture.
·         Designed and developed the new process which used DB2 Trigger Mechanism to notify the Linux server that Mailbox information was updated from the mainframe Database. The new Stored Procedures were invoked by Triggers for different functions (UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE). The Stored Procedures used the remote MQ and as soon as CAMS MQ was populated with data, the CAMS MQ triggered at distribution to the six Linux MQs.
·         Created  XML messages from Stored Procedure to send to LINUX platform.
  • Personally I am responsible for writing specification, analysis, coding design, implementation and support of  Data Distributor (DD) including  the new ABR data / access module from Billing department. In order to comply with these requirements, DD must support the following  functionality: Account maintenance using MQ Series, DB2 Database and JCL, Procs, Getting ABR contract data using called module from ABR, creating MQ mail messages containing ABR contract data.
  • Worked in Worked in QMITT- Quality Management Integrated Testing Team which produce Enterprise Billing Testing Landscape for  Billing UPS Group. Setup and support Test Data Gathering Job schedules in production. All Jobs schedule in ESP with proper dependencies and monitoring jobs for applications. Work with applications to determine what type of set-up is required ( dataset triggering, job recourse, etc …)
  • Automatic DASD Reporting using REXX and Easytrive . Cleanup Process of  DB2 TABLESPACES – work with application and DB2 do  downsized in order to reduce allocation of free spaces. 
·         Used BMC utilities for load and unload DB2 tables.

Environment:               COBOL II, MVS/JCL ,CICS, DB2, MQ Series,, ESP Event Execution panel, DB2/SQL, REXX, Easytrive,NDM,STORED PROCEDURE..

CITIGROUP                                                                                                                                                    03/2010-03/2011
Sr. Programmer /Analyst/ Consultant
I worked on BOSS ( Back Office Settlement System)  – CPWM ( Citi Personal  Wealth Management ) conversion project. The goal is to replace all Smith Barney (SB) systemic interfaces links and data in Citi downstream systems and create new client facing site that will  replace the old one. BOSS is touch points with SB and needs to integrate with Pershing to allow investment clients access to the same functionality: the current CPI ( Citigroup Property Investor ) feed from SB will change to a feed from Pershing. BOSS also utilized by CPB accounts (Private Bank Accounts ).  The new system is written using  utilized COBOL II / JCL/ VSAM / CICS /DB2/MQ Series.
  • Participate in design reviews of the BOSS Integration and provide input to the design recommendations; provide input to information/data flow, understand and comply with Project Life Cycle Methodology in all planning steps.  Additionally document the detail application specification, translate technical requirements into programmed application modules and develop/Enhance software application modules.
  • Develop new Batch and online BOSS Integration – Linking. BOSS is the conduit by which Brokerage accounts are linked to eligible Citibank as defined by the CPWM. BOSS thru on-line links a CPWM non-retirement brokerage account to a Citibank accounts as outlined in the CPWM Client Account Agreement which allows clients to settle trades via their Citibank Deposit account.  Create the new process which is using MQ, which split info with GCIF updates and triggers ten separate jobs which will send info to different system.
  • Hold the meeting with Pershing, to discuss business requirements, translates business and functional requirements into technical spec. Review and refine usability testing scenarios and administers portions of the testing process. Analyzes results of testing sessions and presents results. Works with users to review test results to ensure they meet expected results.
  • Working on the implementation of   the new BOSS Citibank Integration – Proof system which all credit/debit transactions are processed to a Citibank deposit account. At the end of each settlement day, BOSS creates a daily proof file by which reconcilement occurs.  All post conversion Pershing based transactions will be integrated into the existed proof process. In order to implement this new BOSS Database has been created. Work closely with DBA and data modelers to optimize system performance and data access.
  • Develop the new process using NDM to perform transmission to different platform.
  • As part of conversion develop the new On-line Citi Personal Wealth Management system. Which include account link function – allow to link Brokerage account to bank account. New Customer service process which allow seeing money line, customer demographic, pending transaction. Transaction history and portfolio display.
  • Worked with QC ( Quality Center ) for tracking testing cycles, defects and reports to maintaining project documentation on Quality Center.. Tracking defect using ClearCase.
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, DB2, MQ Series, JCL , PROC ,NDM.

UBS                                                                                                                                                        08/2009-01/2010
Sr. Programmer /Analyst/ Consultant
Has been working on the Legal and Compliance System. Participating in the design and build of the Branch On-line Delegation and Information (BODI) System to serve as the backbone of branch information much like CAI serves as the primary single source of client and account information. The new BOD system will be a central information repository for Branch Office data and other information regarding related organization and individuals. The System utilized COBOL II / JCL/ VSAM / CICS /DB2/ Web-bases (Stored Procedure). The front-end of this system is done in Java application .The back end is done using Mainframe application. Additionally:
·         Participated in every phase of the System Development life to translate business requirements into technical documentation. Involved in writing specifications, project technical design, and architecture and Database structure. Developed the new modules, jobs and created the test cases on the business level.
·         Involved in the analysis, design, development, implementation and support of the new Stored Procedure that supported the function such as the main search by wire code, cost center or organization name is return organization overview – landing paging. Developed the Management Team override function, including retrieve, search, add, delete and re-instate Management team. Worked with the Global User Interface (WebSphere) to test and debug Stored Procedures.
·         Created the new Batch and Online process for BOD Organization Relationship, Individual Relationship and Hierarchy Navigation for the CICS version with results list provided through TSQ processing. Heavy use of DB2 utility to load and unload DB2 table and update Views.
·         Create reports using DB2 SQL, JCL and REXX  and send them directly to the user via email. 
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, DB2, JCL, VSAM, Stored Procedures, Java and WebSphere.

MEDCO                                                                                                                                                 04/2008-06/2009
Sr. Programmer /Analyst/Technical specialist/ Consultant
Worked as Technical Specialist and Developer on the Eligibility System for the HIPAA project. Redesigned the Prior Authorization application to process the new file which was used to accept and store Multi Ingredients Compounds and convert VSAM Prior Authorization file to the new DB2 table. The process ran on MF -COBOL II / CICS/ DB2 utilizing existing functionality. DB2 – new table were created and CICS – new online servers using channels and containers to pass data between the application. Additionally:
·         Involved in all the phases of the System Development life to translate business requirements into technical documentation.
·         Involved in the writing specification, project technical design and architecture. Also participated in coding, test plan, implementation and support.
·         Wrote a Technical Designed Document which included major design and details of this project. Worked with Microsoft office project (Word, Excel and Project). Coded the new module and utilized the existing, created the test cases. Worked with the offshore team on the development of this project.
·         Designed and developed the Member Health Separate Check stock on the Retail Network application, which allowed Medco to accept new transmission files that were contracted by a MEDCO Client and be paid on the client’s check stock. This data was used by finance.     
·         Wrote Technical Specification Design and involved in the coding, testing, implementation and support.  Participated in the design of new DB2 table write requests for the DBA to create the new table. Data from this transmission file was loaded into a new table. A new table was needed within the Retail Network that contained Pharmacies, Central Payees, and Trading Partners that were contracted by a MEDCO Client and paid on the client’s check stock. To implement this project developed the new programs, daily and request job. 
Environment:    COBOL II, CICS, DB2, VSAM, JCL, Microsoft Office Project (Word, Excel and Project).

United Parcel Service                                                                                                                                         06/2006-04/2008
Consultant/ Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Involved in the analysis, design, development, implementation and support of the CAMS (Customer Automation Management System) and the Data Distribution component using COBOL II, CICS, DB2, Stored Procedures , MQ series and BMC utilities.   Participated in every phase of the System Development life to translate business requirements into technical documentation. Involved in writing specification, project technical design and architecture. Additionally:
·         Worked in every phase of the Enterprise Release to re-design Object Distribution of a new NRF-RAVE object for HazMat data.  The business objective of this project was to distribute the new HazMat data to eligible World Ship and Commerce Server customers. To support this requirement CAMS needed to re-design the DB2 Database including altering the existing tables and creating the new tables.
·         Involved in writing specifications, analysis, coding design, implementation and support of the Online Processing of Distribution Request. The new process utilized to place the message into the clients’ mailbox. It has been modified to build the host DIST_REQ Message Version 0001 using Send Mail Stored Procedure, using channels and containers to pass data between applications. Handled the assignment of Distribution ID’s for segmented objects using DB2 multi rows operation.
·         Developed the PC_DIST_RES Messages. Processing Programs read the incoming messages from the MQ Series and updated the download status and installed status indicators in the CAMS Tables accordingly.
·         Provided Production Support for CAMS environments. Provided the fail system Detail description, Root cause and Problem resolution.                          
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, DB2, Stored Procedures, MQ Series, JCL , PROC  and BMC utilities..

ABN AMRO                                                                                                                                         02/2002 -05/2006       
Sr. Consultant Programmer/Analyst
Involved in the analysis, design, development, implementation and support of the Bank Trade System using COBOL II, CICS, VSAM and DB2.  This system included Collection, Letter of Credit (LC’s) and Loan.  The interfaces for FX-rates, Customer Account information, Transaction Monitoring System and General Ledger were part of the Bank Trade.  Additionally:
·         Involved in writing specification, analysis, coding, and unit and system test for the Trade Finance Project. Heavy involved in all releases of Bank Trade System starting from the development to production using CHANGEMAN.
·         Developed the DB2 Stored Procedures which were used by the Trade Finance client (JAVA application) to extract FX –rates, Customer Account Information, Letter of Credit from Bank Trade table. The testing had been done on Mainframe and within the Intranet environment.
·         Provided communication across different platforms using CBUS –message level interface and MQ Series with the message-driven processing. Used TIMON software to provide multiplatform interface.
·         Participated in the database design, created and altered TABLES, TABLESPACES, and INDEXES (DB2) for the environment. Created QMF process, for later use by the users to retrieve data.
·         Performed different functions with YCMN and Y010 (keys ‘Bank Trade Transaction’). Created VIEWDIRECT for On-line Reports.
·         Worked with user and business area in conversion requirements into technical requirements. Provided user interface using Test Director.                 
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, VSAM, DB2, QMF, Stored Procedures, Changeman, JCL and Test Director.

BEAR STEARNS & CO.                                                                                                   11/1997-12/2001    
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Involved in the development and implementation of the P&L (Profit & Loss) System which represented Part of the Trading Desk using COBOLII, CICS, VSAM and DB2.  The system tracked performance and in firm trading and investment accounts. Daily transactions were recorded, and P&L and market value of positions were computed and reported. Additionally:
·         Involved in the analysis, coding, testing, release and production support of BITS (British International Trading System) and IOPS (International Operations Processing System). This was essentially a Tax Lot Accounting P&L System where accounts were kept of buys and sells pair–offs of buys against sells in order to calculate realize profit and loss. In addition, a daily trading ledger file and a file of open and closed lots were created for use in the on-line system for P&L.
·         Prepared P&L Streams, which included month-end and daily stream. Designed OPNL (Super-Booking Directory) Tables, which used to maintain trading accounts for P&L analysis to determine where P&L components were booked.  Participated in the implementation of the General Ledger Booking System, which captured all accounting-related asset management and financial monitoring functions.
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, VSAM, DB2 and JCL.                                          

CITIBANK                                                                                                                                            02/1997-11/1997  
Consultant Programmer/Analyst
Involved in the development and implementation of the Brokerage On-line Settlement System (BOSS/BRK) using COBOLII, CICS, VSAM and DB2.  It was the intermediary between BHC (Citibank’s  securities  vendor), which  holds the  Citibank  customers , Brokerage  accounts,  and  the  Utility posting  systems  that  hold  and   maintain  the  associated  transaction  accounts. Involved n the analysis, coding and testing of the Brokerage Settlement‘s main on-line functions, which included INQUIRY. The on-line system displayed  the  customer’s current market  position, APPROVE OR  DELETE  PENDING   TRADES  for  update  pending  file  and  RUN SETTLEMENT  after  completing  on-line  updates  and transactions.
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, VSAM and DB2.

United Parcel Service                                                                                                                                         04/1996-01/1997
Consultant Programmer/Analyst
As a member of the Data Capture System team was involved in the enhancement, testing and production support of the Air Shipping Documents Source Scan System (ASD), which was aimed at providing a stable mechanism for rating, pricing, bill presentation and organization reporting and costing. The ASD System implemented structure and processing changes in order to support additional functionality as well as to maintain the old functionality of envelope processing. Additionally:
Environment:       COBOL II, CICS, DB2, VSAM, PRO-EDIT, Changeman and SDFII.

MAJOR UTILITY COMPANY – TASHGAS                                                                 1988-1993
Participated in implementation of the On-Line Payment System, which was an integrated, menu driven system which provided payment requests data entry. Involved in coding, testing and debugging various on-line and batch modules in order to provide data entry, file maintenance and report generating functions.
Environment:    COBOL, PL1,CICS and DB2

Polytechnic University (Uzbekistan)
Major in Computer Science, Diploma

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