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Data Processing Manager Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Joy Hollo
309 Laura Drive
Barto, PA 19001


Business career in Information Systems primarily in Distribution and Manufacturing Systems.  Expertise in IBM Systems (AS400/iSeries, S38).  As a Programmer/Analyst: thousands of programs developed or modified, as a Consultant: clients goals  achieved, as a D.P. Manager: initiated career advancement for members of my team.  Additionally, supervised the design and implementation of two Local Area Networks with WAN connectivity.

MIS Supervisor, Data Processing Manager, Consultant/Programmer, Sr. Programmer/Analyst, Project Leader, Assistant Data Processing Manager, Assistant Office Manager.  (Prior careers in Accounting and Purchasing)

HARDWARE :     IBM iSeries, AS/400, System 38, IBM PC & Compatible

LANGUAGES:     RPGIV/ILE, SQLRPGLE, RPG/Free, RPGIII-RPG400, Basic400, CLP, CLLE, PF, LF, DDS, DB2/400, CMD, IQ Query, Query400, QMQRY, SQL/400, UIM, Magnum (QMS Code V), Zebra ZPL II

SOFTWARE:        Applications: PkMS (v18.0, v98.0, v99.1, v2001R1, v2004R2), CHEMPAX, MAPICS, DMAS, TL Ashford, Designed and developed PCMS Printer Control Menu System for PkMS.

                                Tools/OS: OS400, PDM, SEU, DFU, SDA, DBU, Hawkeye, RTPA, Trailblazer, Mmail, Test Director, Fastfax, Client Access, MS/Windows 9X, NT, 2000, XP, MS/Office 9X/200X, MS/Word, MS/Excel, MS/Powerpoint, MS/Publisher, Lotus Notes, Aldon, ManageEngine. 

APPLICATIONS:                Order Entry/Invoicing, Purchasing, Production, WIP, Inventory, Accounting, Financial,
                                Statistical, Budgetary, Sales & Cost Analysis, Forecasting, BarCode, 
USA Resume
, Credit Card,
                                Warehouse Management, Shipment Routing

                  AS/400                  Convert custom Chemical Distribution database to CHEMPAX
                                                (A Chemical Distribution/Accounting Package on the AS/400).
                   S/38                      Interactive accounting package for a municipality.
                   S/36                      Convert Municipal database and custom develop Property Lien Billing System
                                                for a municipality.  (NCR to S/36)
                   S/36                      Designed, developed and implemented a complete Order Entry, Invoicing,
                                                Production Order and Product Sizing Control System for a Kitchen cabinet
                NT LAN                 Local Area Network with 10/100 Ethernet and AS/400 & S/390 Personal


The Lehigh Group (Jarden Corp.), Macungie, Pa. 18062                                                                                3/10 – 6/2011
Position:  Senior Programmer/Analyst (Branded Consumable Products Distribution)

                IBM iSeries 540(v5R4), PC’s, Client Access, Windows XP, Office 2007, RPG 400, RPG/ILE, UIM, DDS, PF, LF, CLP,
                CLLE, CMD, SQLRPGLE, SQL400, QMQRY, TL Ashford, FTP, IFS, RJS, Laservault, JBA, Hawkeye,  DBU,
                Curbstone Credit Card, ManageEngine HelpDesk

·         Define requirements for Curbstone Credit Card System, review, acquire, implement and train users
·         Analysis and corrective programming to PkMS (v99.1 and v2004R2) packages
·         Design, develop and implement interface from PKMS to TL Ashford label system to automate printing of customer specialty labels saving thirty plus man hours per week from manual printing


Joy  Hollo                            

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Jones Apparel Group, Inc. (JONES NEW YORK), Bristol, Pa. 19007                                                          5/99 – 12/2008

Position:  Senior Programmer/Analyst (Apparel Distribution)

                IBM ISeries 840 (v5R3), IBM PC’s, Client Access, Windows NT/XP, Office 2003, RPG 400, RPGIV and RPGIV ILE,
RPG/Free, UIM, DDS, PF, LF, CLP, CMD, SQLRPGLE, SQL400, QMQRY, QMS Code V – pick tickets, Zebra ZPL II – Labels & Barcode, FTP, IFS, Trailblazer, Mmail, Fastfax, Test Director, Aldon, Job Scheduler, Hawkeye, DBU

·         Analysis and corrective programming to PkMS (v18.0) package including refinements to Traffic management.
·         Create Bar Code labels with Zebra ZPL II Programming.
·         Develop analysis tools for data issues and testing using SQL.  Develop PF & LF files as required.  Utilize Field Ref.
·         Co-developed Dynamic Routing for JCPenney orders utilizing EDI 753 & 754 transactions.
·         Developed packing & auditing software for Crossbelt Sorter system (an automated order processing system) incorporating
                                a sampling plan system with threshold limits for triggering 100% auditing.
·         Developed database analysis tools using SQL for PkMS upgrade (Phase 1 upgrade).
·         Developed data conversion software to move PkMS from v18.0 to v2004R2 (Phase 2 upgrade).  Inventory was converted
                                with 100% accuracy matching the WMS system with the ERP package conversion to SAP.
·         Designed and developed Printer Control                 Menu System (a file based Printer access system).  This allows the support
                                team to add printers and users to the file based menu system to quickly and easily provide printer access as
                                assigned to users.  Various levels of security can be assigned.  This works seamlessly with the PkMS package
                                but was also designed to function as a stand-alone system or with other packaged software with simple front end
                                modifications.  This eliminated the need to program access to each new printer as was developed in the former
                                ERP software (ACS).  Create user and maintenance documentation manual for PCMS.
·         Designed and developed automated file selection and reorganizing system for weekly file reorgs.
·         Created EMLDBF (email database file).  This software tool became the company’s internal standard for emailing extracted
                                data files as Excel .CSV attachments for numerous analytical and corporate business reports.

W.R. Grace & Co./Sealed Air Corp., Reading, Pa. 19603                                                                                5/97 – 3/99

Position:  MIS Supervisor - Cryovac Rigid Pkg, Sealed Air   (Company Merger)                                                4/1/98 - 3/26/99
                 MIS Supervisor - Formpac Division, WR Grace                                                                   5/1/97 - 3/31/98

                IBM AS/400 F20, IBM PC’s, Client Access, Windows 95, Windows NT Network, RPG 400

·         Supervise small staff.  Project planning.  Bring all systems into Year 2000 compliancy.
·         Design, budget & supervise installation - Ethernet LAN for two warehouse locations as part of the Company’s
worldwide infrastructure.  Successfully implemented at $50,000 under budget.
·         Establish internal policies and procedures necessary to a successful Business Recovery Plan.
·         Provide direction to System Operator in establishing career goals and furthering skill levels.

Soco Chemical Co./Textile Chemical, Reading, Pa. 19612                                                                                5/88 - 4/97
Position:  Senior Programmer/Analyst – Soco Chemical       (Transfer to Corporate)                           1/1/93 – 4/30/97
                 Assistant D.P. Manager        -- Textile Chemical                                                                   5/88   -- 12/31/92

                IBM AS/400 E10 & F35, S/36, S/34, IBM Compatible PC's, RPGIII, RPG400, RPGIV, ILE, Subfiles, CL, SQL
                Basic400, SDA, IQ Query, Magnum code-Labels & Barcode, PC Support, DOS, Windows 3.1, Wordperfect
·         Set up initial AS/400 System Values, Token Ring, Communications. 
·         Responsible for migration from System 36 to AS400 (System 36E environment).
·         Developed Data conversion from custom software to new Chemical Distribution package (Chempax). 
·         Support Soco companies in PA, NC, CA, and TX.
·         Implement Harbinger EDI on a PC.
·         Implement PC Support with file transfer to interface with a scanner/OCR reader to upload Material Safety Data
                Sheets to be reprinted by S/36. 
·         Designed and developed warehouse Stock location system, On-line price book system, Customer, Product,
                and Vendor Search. 
·         Interfaced Order processing to PC application "TruckStops". 
·         Developed Competition Tracking/Sales Analysis system.

Joy  Hollo
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                Penn State University, Berks Campus, Reading, Pa.                              RPG Computer Programming
                Lehigh Data Processing, Wyomissing, Pa.                                             Advanced RPG Computer Programming
                IBM, Philadelphia, Pa.; Princeton, NJ; Reading, Pa., Allentown, Pa.     S/38, DMAS, Communications, AS400
                Charles Massoglia, RPG IV/ILE, Essington, Pa.                                    RPG IV/ILE Computer Programming

Prior experience in Computer Consulting, Bookkeeping, Purchasing and Retail Sales

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