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Quality Assurance Architect Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

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Kurt Stem is an accomplished and seasoned IT professional with strong expertise in Software Quality and Business Analysis, including QA/Test management, scope/requirements definition, gap analysis/estimating, test planning, testing, and project coordination.   He architects and manages Requirements and Testing project phases to develop and implement Best Practice Quality Assurance methods using automated and manual techniques adapted to the work environment and practices.  Kurt has lead diverse work teams to successfully complete large, mission critical projects, most recently testing the successful launch of a new Customer Loyalty application for a major transportation firm within time constraints and minimal supervision.  He is proficient in web, client/server, and mainframe environments.  He is equally adept in leading QA projects, or executing them as a part of a team.

Skills:               Industries: Insurance, Financial Services, Banking, Mortgage Lending, Healthcare, Equity/Commodity Exchange and Clearing, Transportation (Frequent Flyer and Call Center Loyalty apps), Hospitality, Retail, eCommerce, eLearning, HR
Quality Assurance/Business Analysis Expertise
·        Scope/Requirements definition, GAP analysis and Estimating based on business specifications or decomposition of existing applications (in absence of specs)
·        Project management, QA testing, requirements-based test planning for functional and performance testing
·        System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology for Requirement/Use Case Definition, QA/Testing, Defect Tracking, and Change Control
·        QA Methodologies including AGILE (TFS), Rational Unified Process (RUP), Six Sigma, System Life Cycle (SLC), SQS, Method-1, 4Front
·        QA Best Practices prescribed by ISO9000 and the SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM) including testing metrics, traceability (from Use Case/Requirements definition through integration/regression testing to mitigate risk), and structured test planning for Functional, System, Integration, and Regression test phases to maximize test coverage and efficiency for repeatability and reusability.
·        Manual and Automated test procedures and tools using black box and white box testing techniques to provide maximum coverage, efficiency, and repeatability 
·        Facilitates quality assurance concepts throughout the IT organization
Software/Technical Proficiency 
·        Test Automation:  HP Quality Center/QTP, IBM Rational Suite (Quality Manager, Robot/RFT/RMT, ClearQuest, Load/Performance tools), Clear Case
·        Application / Database / Operating System:  SIEBEL, STERLING, Oracle, IBM TFS (.NET), RALLY, Websphere, WebLogic, TIBCO, Windows NT, SQL Server, UNIX, Messaging (TCP/IP, MQ Series, JMS, API, ETL), CICS, DB2, MVS/ESA
·        Mainframe:  SAAS, TRILLIUM, JCL, CA7, Comparex, Version Merger, FileAid
·        Languages: Java/EJB, HTML, COBOL, Assembler, PowerBuilder, C/C++, Visual Basic/SQA Basic, ASP, MicroFocus COBOL, ObjectVision (languages read only)
·        General:  MS Office (Project, Access, Word, Excel, Power Point), Visio

Experience:            04/11 - Present                                      Valtech, Inc.                                                                                   Plano, TX
                                Quality Assurance Architect/Consultant at Affiliated Computer Systems
·         Test Lead, Scope/Requirements gathering, definition, analysis and estimating.  Created testing plans, assignments and managed day-to-day activities for SCRUM testing.
·         Custom scheduling and staffing tool for Intellinex Learning Administration System (LAS) and Instructor Management Center (IMC) - Designed and developed structured testing plans/processes for phase one prototype using AGILE and Best Practices, which are repeatable and reusable. 
·         Planned, scheduled and executed functional, integration and end-to-end tests for learning application instructor management application providing a calendar for identifying and scheduling teaching resources in LAS operating on UNIX based web and client/server JAVA/.NET platforms including integration with LAS to book the requested resources to the desired learning events.
·         Executed GUI web tests, and developed and executed SQL scripts to identify candidate test data and validate process updates against the database.
·         Defined test requirements and test cases by decomposing functional and technical User Stories.  Defined data requirements and created test data to support test cases.
·         Used RALLY to provided daily test progress and defect status reporting to SCRUM team
·         Conducted test script reviews, and participated in use case and design reviews
·         Planned, organized, and conducted Functional, and Integration testing.  Created test summary and detail test scripts for delivery to the client QA team.

                                08/07 – 03/11                                         Saratoga Software Solutions                                                       Plano, TX
                                Quality Assurance Architect/Consultant at Southwest Airlines
·         Test Lead, Scope/Requirements gathering/definition, GAP analysis and Estimating.  Created testing plans, assignments and managed day-to-day activities for various teams ranging up to 15 testers.
·         SIEBEL implementation - Designed and developed structured testing plans/processes for SWA TICKETING and LOYALTY applications using best of breed RUP and Client-based Methodology and Best Practices, which are repeatable and reusable. 
·         Planned, scheduled and executed functional, integration and end-to-end tests for airline reservation, ticketing, PNR processing for revenue and non-rev air travel, loyalty accounts and flight history end to end using legacy and dotcom booking applications and SIEBEL customer management engine operating on UNIX based web and client/server (UI and batch applications) for JAVA, .NET and legacy mainframe platforms including integration with SAAS and TRILLIUM
·         Executed GUI web tests, and MQ and API infrastructure between SIEBEL and legacy applications.
·         Developed and executed SQL scripts to identify, pull, and validate ETL for data conversion.
·         Defined test requirements and test cases for front-end UI and back-end data conversion. Defined data requirements by decomposing business requirements and technical specs for functional and system/integration testing.  Generated data manually and via UNIX procedures including data-masking for PCI compliance.
·         Implemented test and defect reporting/tracking metrics and procedures using HP Quality Center. Provided daily test progress and defect status reporting to company management
·         Conducted test script reviews, and participated in use case and design reviews
·         Planned, organized, and conducted Functional, Integration and User Acceptance Test testing
·         Planned and organized System (high availability and DR), and Performance testing
·         Supported training & mentoring across Testing, User, and Business teams

                                02/07 – 08/07                                         ABACUS Consulting                                                                   Plano, TX
                                Quality Assurance Architect/Consultant at JCPenney
·         Test Lead, Requirements gathering/analysis and Estimating.  Created testing strategy and plans.
·         STERLING implementation - Designed and developed structured testing plans and schedule/processes for new breed Order Management application which are repeatable and reusable. 
·         Defined data requirements by decomposing business requirements and technical specs.

                                10/04 – 02/07                                         Bearingpoint                                                                         Irving, TX
                                Quality Assurance Architect/Lead at FREDDIEMAC and National City Bank
·         Test Lead, Scope/Requirements gathering/definition, GAP analysis and Estimating.  Created testing assignments and managed day-to-day activities for various teams ranging up to 15 testers.
·         Designed/developed structured testing plan/processes for banking web portal based in .NET/Team Foundation Server (TFS) using AGILE, and mortgage servicing and tax accounting apps in JAVA using RUP-based Methodology and Best Practices, for maximum repeatability and reusability.
·         Created QA project plans and test execution schedules for UNIX based web and client/server testing (UI/batch applications) for JAVA and .NET platforms. Executed GUI and API infrastructure tests.
·         Implemented requirements-based test planning and traceability for Testing Center of Excellence
·         Defined test requirements, cases, and data by decomposing business, functional, and technical requirements and specs for functional, system/integration and external interface/message testing
·         Defined data requirements, standardized approach for test data definition, creation, and management
·         Implemented test and defect reporting/tracking procedures using Rational Test Manager/ClearQuest and Mercury Quality Center to support testing.  Automated test scripts using Quick Test Pro (QTP)
·         Facilitated standardization of test artifacts, participated in use case, design and test script reviews, developing test execution plans, and defining test reporting metrics in Quality Center and RALLY

                04/04 – 10/04                                         NetEffects, Inc.                                                                      St. Louis, MO
                                Technical Quality Assurance Lead/Consultant at A.G.Edwards & Sons
·         Infrastructure Test Lead, Coordinated test schedules for financial application Infrastructure, Application, Performance, User Acceptance and Release test teams using Rational Test Suite.
·         Designed and developed repeatable and reusable structured testing plans and processes.
·         Created QA project plans and testing schedules for UNIX based web, client/server, and API internal/external message process (MQ Series and JMS) testing (UI and batch applications)
·         Designed custom performance test tool for multi-platform environment

                01/01 – 04/04                                         SPR, Inc.                                                                                      Chicago, IL
                                Quality Assurance Architect/Lead at Chicago Mercantile Exchange and STARWOOD Hotels & Resorts
·         At Chicago Mercantile Exchange – Successfully implemented testing processes, and lead the QA projects for two mission critical system upgrades, and two joint ventures (Chicago Board Options Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade)
·         At Starwood Hotels & Resorts – Successfully implemented testing processes for hotel inventory/reservation management through the initial release of the product.    Executed testing activities, including executing SQL scripts, involving UNIX and WebLogic. 
·         Test Lead, Scope/Requirements gathering/definition, GAP analysis and Estimating
·         Tool analysis for procurement to determine best fit based on project requirements
·         Designed, and developed a structured testing plans and processes based on RUP-based Methodology and Best Practices, which are repeatable and reusable.
·         Created QA project plans and testing schedules for web, mainframe, and API internal/external message process (MQ Series and JMS infrastructure) testing (UI and batch applications)
·         Created and lead a diverse group of technical and business staff to plan and implement complex QA projects.  Executed testing activities, including executing SQL scripts.
·         Defined test requirements, test cases, and data by decomposing business, functional, and technical requirements and specifications, and gap analysis
·         Defined hardware/software environment requirements, defect reporting/tracking procedures using Compuware Tracker, and data management processes to support testing. 

07/00 – 01/01                                         Proceed Technical                                                                       Dallas, TX
                                Senior SQA Testing Consultant at INTELLINEX
·         Designed, developed, and implemented a performance test environment for a web-based eLearning/eCommerce application including structural integrity, load, stress and reliability using the Rational Performance Studio tool set
·         Defined and executed performance profile and application usage models to validate compliance with load, stress, and reliability requirements
·         Defined functional and system test requirements based on Use Cases, and developed automated test scripts using the Rational Robot automated testing tool
·         Trained QA staff on implementation of automated functional testing developed for the Rational Robot testing tool, and defect tracking using Rational ClearQuest.

07/97 – 01/01                                         COMPU PROS                                                                              Dallas, TX
                                Senior SQA Testing Architect/Consultant at Blue Cross/Blue Shield
·         Project Lead, Scope/Requirements gathering/definition, GAP analysis and Estimating for Group Health policy administration and Claims management
·         Tool analysis for procurement to determine best fit based on project requirements
·         Designed, and developed a structured testing plans and processes based on RUP Best Practices, which are repeatable and reusable.
·         Defined test requirements, test cases, and data by decomposing business, functional, and technical requirements and specifications, and gap analysis
·         Defined functional and system test requirements based on Use Cases, and developed automated test scripts using the Rational Robot automated testing tool
·         Planned and implemented complex QA projects, and executed testing activities, including executing SQL scripts, and defect tracking using Rational ClearQuest
·         Testing completed on schedule, and the initial release of the product went into production successfully.
Senior SQA Y2K Test Consultant/Project Lead at Fortis Financial and American Mortgage
·         Implemented structured SQA inspection and audit based on ISO2001 and CMM SDLC methodologies for unit, integration and system testing multiple insurance and financial applications
·         Project lead responsible for project test planning, defect tracking using PVCS Tracker, test execution,  quality audit and inspection, and release and implementation 
·         Developed manual and automated test scripts using QAHiperstation, Rational Robot, and AutoTester C/S automated testing tools.
·         Lead a teams of professional and technical staff who defined business and technical requirements for a project to consolidate separate mainframe (CICS on-line/batch) and Tandem (GUI) operations into a single environment supporting web, client/server, and mainframe based insurance, financial services, and mortgage applications
·         Coordinated with companion teams at four operations centers for requirement review, change control, and gap analysis
·         Successfully executed and delivered the Y2k project consists of 200+ web, client/server, and mainframe based insurance, financial services, and human resource applications.

4/97 - 7/97                                              INFO EXPERTS                                                                    Richardson, TX
                                Senior SQA Consultant at Maersk Sealand
·         .Defined, and executed structured test plans and cases for international shipping and cargo tracking.
·         Coordinated with other business units to define, implement and executed fully integrated system test, change control and defect tracking using PVCS Tracker.
·         Planned, implemented, and executed complex testing activities, including executing SQL scripts.

8/96 - 4/97                                              DELOITTE & TOUCHE, LLP / DRT Systems, Inc.                 Dallas, TX
                                QA Consultant/Lead at GlobalAdvantage
·         Created and lead a QA team responsible for implementing structured testing of International HR/Expatriate resource and tax application in a Client/Server environment
·         Defined and implemented an integrated SQA lifecycle methodology to integrate development, testing, configuration management, and documentation groups, including change control, and release migration procedures
·         Defined, developed, and executed automated test scripts using the Rational Robot automated testing tool, and defect tracking using Rational ClearQuest.
·         Planned, implemented, and executed complex testing activities, including executing SQL scripts.

12/95 - 8/96                                            PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                                                    Dallas, TX
Senior Associate-SQA at Rent-A-Center
·         Design, implement and coordinate structured System/User Acceptance testing in a C/S environment for a national retail front/back office, inventory and shipping operation
·         Adapted, customized, and implemented a fully integrated SDLC QA project, including test scheduling/execution, defect resolution, and change control
·         Planned, implemented, and executed complex testing activities, including defect tracking and change control.

6/91 - 12/95                                            CYBERTEK, a PMSC Company                                                 Dallas, TX
                                Lead Consultant - Analysis/Design and Integrated System Testing
·         Coordinated quality assurance for release upgrades of client insurance systems, successfully delivering seven software upgrade projects on schedule and within budget
·         Design, test and install custom modifications based on client-specific software requirements for complex projects.  Coordinated defect tracking and change control.
·         Provide on-site implementation support and client training

6/90 - 6/91                                              The CONTINUUM Company                                                   Austin, TX
                                Business Consultant - CCA Project Leader
·         Developed project plans, and administered dept. budget, staffing, and project reporting
·         Successfully tested and implemented multi-region (MRO) multi-thread processing capabilities for an insurance Billing/Collections application

1/86 - 6/90                                              ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEMS, Inc.                                      Plano, TX
                Quality Assurance Supervisor and Product Analyst
·         Design, implement and coordinate structured Functional and Integration System testing in a multi-platform environment for Life and Health insurance systems
·         SQA Contributor to the EDS SLC (System Life Cycle) methodology
·         Supervised staff of 21 business and technical professionals

6/75 – 1/86             Experience prior to January, 1986 with John Hancock and American Hallmark insurance companies in back-office positions of increasing responsibility.

                                                        Business Management/Computer Science /Data Processing (Completed 3 years)

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