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Lead Applications Analyst Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

329 Harlow Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15123
Mobile 412-759-1236


                KATZ Graduate School of Business, Center for Executive Education, Pittsburgh PA

                Master’s Certificate in Project Management                                                   November 2008


                KATZ Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA

                MBA with Concentration in Information Science                                          August 2002

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

                B.S. in Business Administration                                                                        May 1990
                Concentration:  Management Information Systems; Minor:  Computer Science
The School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA                                                   June 2011 – present
                Manager, Database and Software Applications
·         Lead SQL Server Analyst/Developer
·         Backup Oracle Developer
·         Lead Applications Analyst/Developer
·         Infrastructure Consultant
·         HIPAA Policy Consultant

Computer Science Department, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA                                             September 2010 to present
                Part-time Instructor
·         Computer Science Department
o    Introduction To Computer Programming-Basic
§  Visual Studio/Visual Basic 2010
§  Utilized the University’s installation of Blackboard for all assignments, quizzes, syllabus, grading, and communication.

CIDDE, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                        May 1995 to June 2011
                Manager/Systems Analyst:              
·         Staff Management
o    Hiring
o    Performance Appraisals
o    Salary Recommendations
o    Performance  Improvement Plans
·         Infrastructure Management
o    Server Recommendations and Purchases
o    Desktop Recommendations and Purchases
o    Software Recommendations and Purchases
o    Process Analysis and Recommendations
o    Enterprise Software and Database Recommendations and Purchases
·         Lead Windows NT/2000/2003/2008 File Server Manager
·         Lead Systems Analyst
·         Lead Visual Basic Programmer
·         Lead Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator (6.5, 2000, 2005, 2008)
·         Business Analyst/Process Engineer/Process Re-Engineering
·         Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Administrator
·         Microsoft IIS (5.0, 6.0) Web Server Administrator, Streaming Media Server
·         Manage and Support over 200 PCs
·         Noteworthy Projects:
o    Content System Investigation of Drupal, Sakia, and SharePoint
o    Multimedia/Podcast System:  Created a system in ASP.NET/SQL Server 2000/IIS6/LDAP that gave faculty the ability to upload multimedia files and make them available to either the world or have them secured.  PodCasts are also automatically created if the faculty member chooses to do so.
o    Business Analysis – Participated in and led several projects that reengineered several processes and applications that dealt with order entry systems and a photo archive system that included process analysis, build versus buy analysis, and SWOT analysis
o    Order Entry/Inventory Systems – Acting as lead and primary VB6 programmer and SQL Server DBA in the development of several systems to handle all the daily business for our Media Resource Department, Engineering Department, and Photography Department.  This application also keeps track of inventories, staff time, billable hours.  This Media Resource System contains additional information and images of building and classrooms that are their responsibility; a web site with this information and images is produced with this application that contains all the latest information.
o    Photo Archive System – Lead analyst for programming and SQL Server DBA of an application used to store images along with associated metadata to help speed up the search though our massive archive of photographs.  Acted as main programmer in converting the current VB6 application to the VB.NET application.
o    Student Testing System – Lead analyst and programmer for a system used to help facilitate testing students at remote sites for our Distance Education Department.
o    ASP and ASP.NET Systems
§  Metadata driven surveys system
§  System tied into our Media Order Entry System
§  Service Request system in ASP.NET
§  Podcast application
o    Registration System – Acted as main programmer for a system that interfaces via screen scraping techniques with a mainframe along with a documents storage system on an Oracle Database
o    Budget Project - involving Gupta SQLWindows, Oracle 7 (PL/SQL and SQL Plus), and VAX VMX (DCL and FTP))
o    Initial investigation for the University’s implementation of Oracle’s Government Financial System investigation

OMEGA Systems, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                   December 1993 to April 1995             
                Systems Consultant
·         Lead Visual Basic Programmer
·         Microsoft ACCESS Programmer
·         Noteworthy Projects:
o    Registration System Add-In for the University of Pittsburgh – Acted as lead contracted analyst and VB3 programmer
o    Customer Information System – Acted as PowerBuilder and SYBASE System 10 developer for a local gas company
o    Quote and Order  System, Sales Analysis Project – Acted as lead analyst on SYBASE database system/implementation projects, 

PC Solutions, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                           September 1991 to December 1993
                Client/Server Specialist:
·         Integrator of client products with Microsoft's SQL Server on Novell 3.11 and BANYAN Vines LAN networks.
                Applications Programmer
·         Forest and Trees Programmer
·         Microsoft ACCESS Programmer
·         dBASE IV Programmer
·         Other duties include producing user and technical documentation using Word Perfect, CLEAR+ for dBASE, and Hijaak graphics conversion and screen capture.

GSI Transcomm, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                     February 1991 to June 1991
·         TOLAS Analyst/Programmer
Small Business Institute                                                                                                   Spring Semester 1990
·         dBASE III+ Programmer
Bacharach, Inc.                                                                                                                    Summers of 1988 and 1989
                Chemical Laboratory Assistant:
·         Lab Assistant
·         Lotus 1-2-3 Data Entry
Relevant Courses and Experience:
Project Management (PMBOK)         Business Analysis                               Statistical Analysis                              Marketing Management
Visual Basic (3, 4, 5, 6, .NET)              ASP (.NET)                           SQL                                        Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle                                                     Oracle PL/SQL                      Oracle SQL Plus                   SYBASE
Windows NT/2000/’03/’08 Server     Windows NT/2000/XP        Microsoft Exchange 2000   Microsoft IIS 5.0, 6.0
Microsoft ACCESS                              Gupta SQLWindows           ASSEMBLER (VAX)           BASIC
COBOL 74 and 85                                 FORTRAN                            dBASE III+, IV                      PASCAL               
·         KATZ Graduate School Dean’s List
·         Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Dean's List and Rugby Club member
·         Awarded by Edgewood Borough with a recognition plaque and by having June 25th, 2005 named after me for voluntarily being the webmaster for five years

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