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309 NW Morgan LN
Grants Pass, OR 97001
(541) 761-9876
Java (1.1.5-1.6.0, javaws), C#, .Net, C, Agile/XP, SSO, SDLC, ORM, Ant, JUnit, NAnt, NUnit, html, IIS, Apache, Tomcat, SSL, asp, aspx, css, javascript, SQL, Subversion, GIT, Derby, Web Services and UI, Eclipse, Visual Studio
Operating Systems: WinX's, Linux, Unix
·Thorough understanding of the TDD application lifecycle, as well as Agile and Scrum
·Proven team leader with designs that save time and money, both in the short and long term
·Over ten years experience with Java and five years with C#
·Over fifteen years experience with UNIX OS management
·Twenty plus years experience with scripting languages
·Over ten years experience with build automation
·Over fifteen years experience with a heterogenous networked environment
·Proven communication skills dealing with broad spectrum of ability and understanding with both end users and third party vendors
7/11 – 12/11 Applications Developer
Management Services, Grants Pass, OR
Advocated use of
Source Control and the IT department now uses Subversion. Developed web applications, and services,
using C# and SQL. Advocated automation
where appropriate as well as modern software processes (scrum and test driven
development), and to general management ISO9001, and CMMI.
PCSI, Grants
Pass, OR
Maintained all infrastructure, including web
site, email, ftp, IM, continuous integration(Hudson/Jenkins), network, and
power(ups). This included measures to
prevent being hacked, as well as internal monitoring to detect evidence of
potential or pending failures, and mitigate them. Assisted developers having issues with C++,
Java, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, Hudson/Jenkins, gcc, maven, and/or
archiva. Promoted current best practices
in software development (scrum and test driven development), and general
management (ISO9001, CMMI).
12/08 – 3/09 Senior Software Engineer
International, Seattle, WA
include web services (client and server side) for an existing internal document
management product using scrum and agile methodologies, using Eclipse, and
Tomcat. Made recommendations regarding
their standard build and went from 6 minutes to 8 seconds total build
time. Have acted in an advisory capacity
to management regarding application monitoring issues due to my experience with
I/Watch at Quest Software.
5/08 – 10/08 Senior Software Engineer
Marketers, Seattle, WA
included all web services (client and server side) including sprocs, for a new
in house CRM product. Maintained legacy
Swing applications using Eclipse with the Subversive Team plugin. These applications used the published Google
Adserver and VoiceStar web services.
These were both continuous and on demand processes. I also managed their Subversion system, migrating it when needed, including once
excising changes that had been accidently performed by a developer.
1/07 – 2/08 Senior Software Engineer
Redmond, WA
Was member of a Scrum team, using Agile practices for health care (United Healthcare), financial (Fidelity National
Title Group), and online D&D
(Wizards of the Coast), as well as internal consulting, using .NET and Java
with Eclipse. Moved the companies
Subversion system to a more robust architecture with processes for guaranteeing
fault tolerance, recovery, and automated the verification of the backup of the
Subversion repositories using Bash.
There were times during the process which required manual prop file
maintenance. Used java to perform code
review and generate agile metrics consistent with management directives for all
commits for the last six months. At that
time the number of developers was greater than 200.
3/05 – 7/06 EDIWorks Software Engineer
Health Care, Ashland, Oregon
Created a Clean Room using my shell written completely in Java, which
automatically performed a build validation process including unit tests, whenever a change to the CVS repository took place, and notified those whose commits triggered
the build of its success or failure, which coordinated activities on multiple
machines and Operating Systems.
Administrated and maintained the CVS system.
Was responsible for offshore code review/support making sure the unit tests were valid and code followed proscribed design principles. Based on my experience,
implemented the development model adopted by Plexis, which included standards
for directory structures and contents, proper unit tests, as well as an automated release process using scripts using my shell
(/Java). Provided software design architecture that saved the company millions of dollars both in the short and long term.
8/95 – 3/05 Senior Software Engineer
Quest Software, Irvine, California
Responsible for all development activity relating to the complete MPEiX product line and the applications for systems which would inter-operate with it such as HPUX, WinXs, Linux, etc. Languages used on a frequent basis were C, Java, SPL/splash, Pascal, Basic, Visual C, and Visual Basic.
Typically interacted with various Quest support personnel to help resolve extremely technical issues and interact with Quest’s sales support staff. Had a large amount of interaction with customers including HP, IBM, 3M, ToysRUs, Ebay, Southwest Airlines, SystemTax, and Ecometry, to name just a few. During the course of a typical day, frequently switched languages, editors, and platforms, depending on the issues being resolved.
An example of a project, and one of the largest and most complex system I had designed, implemented, and documented (both internal for support and external for users) for Quest allowed tracking of reports created on a large heterogeneous system (hundreds of MPE and HPUX systems with thousands of PrintServers (WinTel), etc.) with a user base in excess of 100,000 users per day each of which was expected to create ten or more reports. Fault tolerance was created by using a multi-tiered database forwarding and redundancy scheme. When one server was overloaded or unavailable, another would handle the load in the interim automatically and seamlessly, and “resyncing” was done automatically in real time when the server that was down came back up and without operator intervention. This project involved many different platforms, languages, operating systems, and services, including an end-user interface using Java and Swing which was simple to use, did not compromise security, and required little or no up-front training.
MEMBERSHIPS: American Association for the Advancement of Science (1987-present)
HOBBIES: Bonzais, Tea, Go, Hiking, Biking.
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