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Administrative Services Manager Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

309 SE Black Nugget Rd. #Q5 w Issaquah, WA  98001 w Tel: (425)391-9876 w Cell: (206)418-1230

Credentialed Financial and Accounting Professional with progressively responsible and diverse experience in large, complex multi-functional public sector, not-for-profit, and public utility organizations.  Top-notch financial executive with demonstrated expertise in GAAP (GASB, FASB and FERC), financial policy interpretation and application, financial reporting, fund and non-profit accounting, Federal and State grant administration, complex financial analysis, internal controls, audit coordination and management, financial risk assessment, and organization and system development and administration.  Hands-on leader who has worked collaboratively with all levels of an organization and its outside contractors, auditors, and regulatory agencies in a team environment to successfully implement major organizational change, process improvements, system efficiencies and upgrades, and lead large-scale financial and budget system implementation projects.  Innovative problem solver and respected financial advisor.


KING COUNTY - Seattle, Washington
ABT Budget/Finance Manager, Department of Transportation                        March 2011 to Present
Finance & Administrative Services Manager, Public Health                      January thru December 2010
Financial lead for each department on countywide project to implement the new Oracle financial and PeopleSoft payroll systems: 
·          Initiate, develop, organize and manage projects and lead related work teams to analyze business process changes, assess customer needs, identify and resolve issues, and develop implementation strategies for the new and significantly changed financial and payroll functions.
·          Create implementation work plans, identify stakeholders for user testing and training, and recommend and document system efficiencies, policy and procedural changes, and related controls in the following functional areas:  inventory management; procure-to-pay processing; accounts payable and iExpense; general ledger; projects and grants accounting structure; capital and controllable asset accounting; cash handling and receipting; accounts receivable, billing and revenue processes; and payroll, time and labor.
·          Present implementation strategies and plan recommendations to department management for review, discussion and approval.

Chief Financial Officer, Public Health                                                        March 2009 to January 2010
·          Directed the work of three operational units - Financial Management and Planning, Accounting and Payroll Services, and Signature Patient Registration and Billing - and managed the budget, accounting, and financial reporting and forecasting systems that support these operations. 
·          Provided oversight and direction to the following functional areas of operation: budget development and preparation; general ledger; accounts receivable, revenue accounting and billing; accounts payable; cash handling; grant and project accounting; development and implementation of the department’s complex indirect cost allocation plan; financial forecasting; budget monitoring and maintenance; policy development and implementation; internal monitoring and controls; payroll; and medical billing.
·          Monitored, reported on, and provided financial forecasting information related to the department’s 2009 financial targets using agency financial reporting systems and tools to ensure that finances remain within budgeted parameters.
·          Interacted with the State Auditor’s Office and federal program auditors to ensure timely responses to audit findings including the development of recommendations and implementation of system and policy changes.
·          Managed the development, preparation and implementation of the department’s complex $300 million 2010 operating budget which included over 300 different funding sources supporting four funds, over 200 projects, and 1,550 FTEs.
·          Directly supervised three section managers and one financial management position; indirectly supervised 40 paraprofessional staff, both represented and non-represented; provided leadership to financial management staff supporting the department’s five divisions.
·          Developed, enhanced and maintained the department’s budget and financial policies and procedures; implemented new policies that addressed FTC red flag regulations, Environmental Health fund balance requirements, financial conflict of interest on research projects, and the recording and tracking of small and attractive assets.
·          Provided leadership and financial direction to a number of projects and organizational changes including the significant revision of the department’s Medicaid patient billing model in collaboration with the State.

SEATTLE CITY LIGHT - Seattle, Washington
Accounting Director [Controller]                                                             January 2006 to March 2009
Directed and provided oversight and strategic leadership to all aspects of the accounting and financial reporting operations of the utility including Accounts Payable, Procurement and Contracting, General Accounting, Power Marketing, and Cost Accounting.  Functions performed included the following:
·          Developed, recommended, interpreted and applied accounting policies and procedures and related internal controls in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), as promulgated by GASB, FASB and FERC, as well as local, state and Federal rules and regulations.
·          Maintained City Light’s general ledger; prepared the monthly financial, management, and budgetary reports and related variance analyses and projections and presented them to the Superintendent and other officers.
·          Directed City Light’s year end closing process; prepared the utility’s annual financial statements and reports including the filing with the SEC.
·          Provided oversight and accountability for the accuracy, integrity and quality of City Light’s official financial statements and SEC filings; tax return preparation and compliance; industrial insurance and risk management; accounts receivable and purchase power contracts.
·          Directed the procurement of and contracting for all goods, services, and licenses including consultant and board of public works contracting, stock and non-stock procurement, and inventory optimization.
·          Managed multiple functions related to the disbursement of cash including payment processing (accounts payable), cash management, cash flow analysis, and the accurate recording of all payments made through the city’s PeopleSoft financial management system (Summit).
·          Provided oversight and directed City Light’s accounting for capital improvement and other projects; development and maintenance of its work order system; accounting for the fixed asset inventory and related depreciation; accounting for material and equipment inventory; and the development and update of material handling and overhead applications methodology and rates.
·          Directed the billing for wholesale power, utility relocations, service installations, conservation services and other miscellaneous services.
·          Prepared the financial reports and all documentation for City Light’s federal and state grants.
·          Managed and coordinated the independent financial statement audit, various program and performance audits, and agreed upon services and reviews with independent outside auditors, the City Auditor’s Office, the State Auditor, and various federal program auditors.
·          Developed and managed a division operating budget of approximately $4.6 million, a general expense budget of $54 million, a tax budget of $63 million, and an inventory management/material control budget of $25 to $30 million.
·          Directly supervised four management staff; indirectly supervised the 52 professional staff, represented and non-represented, within the units they managed.
·          Implemented changes to the monthly financial reporting to include year-end forecast-to-actual and budget-to-actual revenue and expenditure projections presented each month to the
officers and directors of the company to enable them to make appropriate and timely management decisions.
·          Reduced the time between the monthly close and the issue of financial reports enabling financial information to be available to management on a timely basis.
·          Directed the documentation and reporting of costs and the coordination with the City Emergency Management Office enabling City Light to recover nearly $6.0 million in FEMA and State funding for the major outage disaster that occurred in December 2006.
·          Led the review of inventory management procedures and controls, analysis of contracting and procurement operations, performance based budgeting options, and various fraud prevention initiatives; participated with key Accounting staff on major operation projects to develop a work management and  asset management system and to issue utility tax-exempt bonds.
·          Completed a review and analysis of the utility’s contracting processes and issued revised policies and procedures that established more effective controls and  oversight over the contracting and procurement functions.
·          Working with the department’s external auditor, developed annual training opportunities to update staff and management on changes in accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and requirements; created PowerPoint presentations to inform department staff and management on operational and compliance issues, internal controls, and related policies and procedures.       

KING COUNTY - Seattle, Washington
Chief Financial Officer, Sheriff’s Office                                                        April 2005 to January 2006
Served as the key financial and budget advisor to the elected King County Sheriff.  Provided financial recommendations and assistance to the Sheriff and Executive Management Team.  Provided multi-fund control over all accounting, budgeting, financial and operational planning systems, contract city rate development, financial aspects of grant awards, internal auditing, payroll operations for the 1,100 employees, custody of records, procurement, and revenue collections.
·          At the direction of the Chief, and in consultation with the Executive Team, developed and managed the $135 million budget.
·          Supervised the 17 professional staff, represented and non-represented, in the Budget and Accounting Section.
·         Provided cost-containment management and control of the LEOFF I Retiree Medical Program.


Chief Accountant/Manager, Financial Management Section                      November 2000 to April 2005
Department of Executive Services
Managed and directed the central accounting and financial reporting operations for the County including accounts payable and warrant processing; accounts receivable and collection enforcement; general ledger, internal service, enterprise and fixed asset financial accounting services; and the maintenance of the county’s Oracle and proprietary financial systems and related sub-systems.
·          Developed and managed the section’s operating budget; monitored and tracked expenditures in all program areas; participated in the complex analysis and development of methodologies for determining rates to be charged to county agencies by the department’s internal service fund.
·          Directed the preparation of the county’s comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) as well as other highly complex special accounting and operational reports, supporting financial documents, working papers for audits and various account analyses.
·          Established and managed adherence to countywide financial and administrative policies and controls in compliance with State law and administrative rules, County code and ordinances, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and generally accepted governmental auditing standards (GAGAS).
·          Advised, assisted, informed and trained management and financial staff of county agencies and departments in the analysis, research and resolution of complex accounting and financial issues and problems and with financial decision making processes.
·          Interacted with internal and external auditors to coordinate audit efforts, provide information and access to accounting records, and develop and provide responses to audit recommendations including the preparation of corrective action plans.
·          Evaluated section staffing arrangements, staffing levels and work assignments; set performance standards and evaluated performance; assessed organizational needs and recruited and hired staff.
·          Developed, maintained and monitored a work plan for the organization that maximized operational efficiencies, safeguarded assets, assured adequate internal controls, measured performance, and promoted adherence to established policies and procedures.
·          Directly supervised five section supervisors and two professional staff; indirectly supervised 52 professional and paraprofessional staff, both represented and non-represented.
·          Every year received the Certificate of Excellence in Achievement in Financial Reporting from the GFOA for the County’s CAFR.
·          Successfully implemented the GASB 34 reporting requirements in the 2002 CAFR while continuing to receive the GFOA Certificate of Excellence; developed and wrote the Management’s Discussion and Analysis section; presented an explanation of these significant changes in financial reporting to the Budget Office and Council staff.
·          Led and successfully implemented the significantly complex technical upgrade of the Oracle financial system within the original time frame and budget established for the project. Developed the business case for and proposed the project for approval; co-chaired the project Steering Committee.
·          Created a countywide grant monitoring and oversight function to assist agencies in addressing a number of audit issues and findings; reduced the number of financial compliance audit findings the County received resulting in no accountability findings in the last year.


Fiscal Policy Advisor, Operations & Fiscal Policy Division                          June 2000 to November 2000
Acting Fiscal Bureau Chief, Operations & Fiscal Policy Division                   October 1997 to June 2000

Loaned to the department during the implementation of the new statewide PeopleSoft accounting, budgeting, and human resource system:

·          Directed the central fiscal operations of the department including the maintenance of the department's complex accounting structure; the accounting and financial reporting for over 200 major federal grant programs; the accounts receivable and accounts payable functions; contracts and system payments to all service providers and benefit recipients from the department's six major operating systems; medical billing and revenue accounting for the state's human services institutions; the accounting for and bond payments made to the Health Facility Authority; and the coordination of responses to and implementation of audit recommendations.

·          Developed, implemented and maintained the state's complex public assistance cost allocation plan and related system, and the department's payroll and benefits payment operations for 1,800 of its employees.

·          Analyzed and interpreted State statutes and policies, federal rules and regulations, auditing standards and GAAP as they applied to governmental entities in order to properly advise and inform department management as well as fiscal and program staff and to respond to requests from other state agencies, legislative auditors, federal agency staff and auditors, providers, system development and administrative staff, and the general public.

·          Planned, organized and managed multiple projects; developed and implemented complex accounting policies and procedures; effectively managed change; and applied problem solving, qualitative and quantitative analysis and program policy analysis techniques to a broad range of complex financial issues and situations.
·          Directly supervised five professional staff (section supervisors); indirectly supervised an additional 45 staff persons, represented and non-represented.
·          Successfully redesigned the department’s complex accounting and reporting structure and implemented the new PeopleSoft-based statewide accounting, budgeting and human resource system (SABHRS).
·          Established the department’s Fiscal Policy Office which provided an efficient and effective financial management control structure for the department to enhance current program level business practices in order to assist the department in its continuing efforts to improve its effectiveness in providing services to its many clients and providers, and to assure financial accountability and compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.

Division Administrator [State Controller]                                                   July 1992 to October 1997
Bureau Chief, Accounting Bureau                                                                     July 1990 to July 1992
Accountant II, Accounting Bureau                                                                      January to July 1990 Planned, organized, managed, staffed and supervised the statewide accounting, financial management, and treasury functions, and the centralized services functions for the Department of Administration [DofA CFO]. 
·          Statewide functions included the following:
§   Prepared the State’s comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) in accordance with GAAP;
§   Researched, analyzed, developed, implemented and applied State accounting policy to ensure compliance with GAAP, State statutes, and Federal rules and regulations;
§   Operated and maintained the statewide budgeting and accounting system (SBAS);
§   Coordinated the issue of all general obligation bonds and TRANS; gathered  and accounted for all proceeds, bond issuance costs, arbitrage and debt service payments;
§   Provided oversight to and directed the State’s central banking services, warrant processing, and debt collection functions;
§   Prepared and monitored cash flow projections for the State’s general fund;
§   Worked extensively with the Legislature, legislative staff, Budget Office and other state agencies to provide advice concerning financial and accounting issues, interpret GAAP, state accounting policy and statutes, and federal rules and regulations.
·          Centralized services functions for the department included the following:
§   Developed and prepared the department’s biennial budget and proprietary rates for its  internal service fund operations; analyzed the budget to actual for all divisions and prepared all changes and amendments;
§   Prepared a monthly analysis of proprietary financial statements and assisted with proprietary fund rate development; provided technical financial assistance in accounting and budgeting to all divisions within the department;
§   Coordinated the department’s interactions with the Budget Office, the Legislative fiscal Analyst’s Office, the Office of the Legislative Auditor, and the Board of Investments on financial and operating matters;
§   Provided bi-weekly payroll and personnel policy and benefit support for the department’s 300 employees;
§   Administered the department’s network support function.
·          Directly supervised one division bureau chief, two section supervisors, and three professional staff; indirectly supervised 30 other paraprofessional staff.
·          Successfully directed the passage of a number of pieces of legislation including the revision of the State’s travel policies to provide more reasonable reimbursement to state employees; the transfer of the warrant processing and debt collection functions to the department from the State Auditor’s Office; and the development of policy that enabled the general fund more flexibility in managing its cash flow.
·          Developed effective working relationships and a mutual respect with various legislators and legislative committees.
·          Continued to receive the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the GFOA for all CAFR’s issued during this time.
·          Chaired a joint national committee of state controllers and auditors to review and respond to the development of new accounting standards by the GASB.

Accountant I                                                                                    September 1988 to January 1990
Supervised and directed the accounting and financial operation of the State’s Teachers’ Retirement System.  Functions included the following:
·          Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements in accordance with GAAP, GASB, FASB, NCGA and State policy.
·          Coordinated preparation of the agency budget and prepared monthly budget analyses for management review.
·          Served as division purchasing agent.
·          Directed and supervised the analysis of the computer information system and the development of system enhancements.
·          Prepared reports and special studies as required by management, regulatory agencies, outside professionals and other State agencies.
·          Supervised four clerical staff  including a Management Information Specialist, Billing clerk,
      Refund Clerk, and Data Entry Operator.
·          Developed and documented a procedures manual for the accounting functions to address significant audit issues that had been identified in the previous year’s audit; reduced the number of audit findings in future audits.

Certified Public Accountant, Self-Employed                                  September 1983 to September 1988
Full-time 1987 to 1988; Part-time 1983 to 1987
·          Prepared individual and small business tax returns.
·          Prepared annual budgets, maintained general ledgers, and prepared and analyzed interim and fiscal year-end financial statements on a contract and GAAP basis for several nonprofit organizations with annual budgets of $50,000 to $300,000.
·          Compiled and reviewed financial statements as required for local businesses.
·          Utilized general ledger software packages to automate organization and small business accounting systems.

Manager, Subsidiary Accounting                                                                   January to August 1980
Supervisor, Oil and Gas Accounting                                                          May 1977 to January 1980
Junior Auditor                                                                                            August 1975 to May 1977
Planned, organized, staffed and supervised the accounting and financial reporting functions for the company’s subsidiary operations in Canada and the United States including five oil and gas subsidiary companies and three subsidiaries formed to provide services related to the company’s Colstrip coal mining and power plant operations as well as other specific functions within the company.  Functions performed included the following:
·          Supervised up to six staff accountants and three accounting clerks.
·          Oversaw the month end and year end closing processes for all of the subsidiary operations;  prepared closing journal entries and supporting analysis and work papers.
·          Prepared monthly and annual financial reports including the foreign currency translation of the Canadian subsidiary financial reports; directed the consolidation of the subsidiary companies’ financial reports with Montana Power’s financial statements.
·          Interpreted accounting standards and recommended changes to accounting policy in accordance with GAAP.
·          Calculated, accounted for, recorded and paid all oil and gas royalties, take-or-pay and other contract obligations, lease rentals and production taxes for the company’s oil and gas operations in Canada and Montana.
·          Coordinated the design, specifications and implementation of the subsidiaries’ EDP system.
·          Prepared special reports and studies and assisted during rate hearings.
·          Maintained regular working relationships with independent auditors, royalty owners, joint-interest participants, and government and regulatory agencies.

Adjunct Instructor, Governmental Accounting                                                 January to May 1992
Carroll College, Helena, Montana

Adjunct Instructor, Intro to Accounting/Business Systems                               January to July 1988
Montana Tech, Butte, Montana


 Montana State University                                                                                   Bozeman, Montana

 Bachelor of Science Degree in Commerce with an Accounting Option




·          Skilled in the use of Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Visio
·          21 years experience using/maintaining large, complex Oracle, PeopleSoft, and entity legacy financial systems
·          Skilled project manager providing leadership in significant financial system upgrade and
      implementation efforts.



Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

State of Montana, Licensed with Permit to Practice, 1978 to Present

State of Washington, Licensed to Practice, 2010 to 2013


American Institute of CPAs - Member, 1978 to 1991; 1995 to 1998; 2000 to Present


Government Finance Officers Association - Member, 1990 to Present


Washington Society of CPAs - Member 2000 to Present
Board of Directors, 2005 to 2007
Seattle Chapter: Director 2007 to Present; Chair, 2009 thru 2011
Government Accounting and Audit Committee: Member 2001 to Present; Chair 2002 to 2004

Oracle Public Sector Customer Advisory BoardAppointed, 2004 thru 2005                                                

National Association of State Controllers (NASC) - Member, 1996 to 1999
NASC Financial Committee on Accounting and Financial Reporting
Chair, Financial Reporting Model Task Force, 1996 to 1997

Montana Society of CPAs - Member, 1978 to 2001
Board of Directors, 1994 to 1998



Countywide Community Forums                                                                 King County, Washington
Councilor and Facilitator, 2008 to Present

Hamptons Homeowners Association                                                               Issaquah, Washington
Board Member, 2007 thru 2008; Chair 2008

Gateway Economic Development Corporation                                                        Helena, Montana
Board of Directors, 1998 to 2000; Loan Review Committee, 1999 to 2000

Helena Regional Airport Authority                                                                         Helena, Montana
Commissioner, 1994 to 2000; Secretary/Vice Chair/Chair, 1996 to 1999

Encompass NW                                                                                          King County, Washington
Development Committee, 2007 to 2008    

Montana State University College of Business Advisory Council                                       Bozeman, Montana
Member, 1995 to 1999

Epilepsy Foundation of America                                                                                    Landover, Maryland
Regional Director and National Board Member, 1985 thru 1989


Montana State Council of Junior Leagues                                                               Butte, Montana

Chair, 1988 thru 1989; Senior Delegate from Butte, 1986 thru 1988

Junior League of Butte, Inc.                                                                                  Butte, Montana
Member, 1980 to 1990; Trainer, “Management by Objectives”, 1985-1990
Treasurer, 1987-1988 and 1984-1985; Assistant Treasurer, 1983-1984

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