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SAP HR Associate Consultant Resume Format in Word For Implementation & Support

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills  & 6 Years Work Experience for SAP HR Consultant in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Manisha B                                                                                            Mail id:
SAP HR Functional Consultant                                                         Mobile:  91 – 9876543210

Career Profile:

Over 6.5yrs of IT experience which includes 3.9yrs of SAP HR which includes implementation and support project handlings. Strong in areas of business interactions with the clients and excellent SAP business knowledge in meeting the company standards.


·         Experience in handling implementation and support areas of SAP HR R/3 system of version ECC 6.0
·         Completely involved in 2 full life cycle implementations and 1 support which includes analysis, blue printing, conceptual design, post production and production support areas of the project.
·         Worked on ASAP methodology in terms of project handlings.
·         Strong on the areas as Organization management, Personnel administration, Time management (-ve) and Payroll (US) and Benefits.
·         Worked as a strong team member and involved in various stages of project implementation and involved in the activities like blue printing, configuration design, testing, post production and production support activities which includes user training as well.
·         Configured and maintained time evaluation using schemas (TM04 and  TM00)
·         Strong experience on data migration using computer aided testing tools like LSMW.
·         Worked on ticketing tools like Solutions Manager and Remedy in terms of having interaction with users and creating a good communication in the flow of activities to maintain the relationships.
·         Extensive knowledge of all phases of SDLC and understanding the business process
·         Experience in working with global teams, excellent communication and presentation skills and strong team player

Skill set:

ERP packages                          :           SAP R/3 ECC 6.0
Operating Systems                    :           Windows 07 / XP / 2000 / 08
Application Software                   :           Microsoft office, Project and Visio

MBA from Birmingham city University, UK – EEE from Anna University, Chennai

Work Experience:

Company         :           CTS

Project - 1
Client               :           Du pont
Designation     :           Associate Consultant (Functional)
Environment    :           SAP R/3 ECC 6.0
Project             :           SAP HR Implementation & Support
Duration           :           Mar. 2011 to till date

Modules Implemented -  Personnel Management (PA), Organizational Management (OM), US Payroll and Time management.


·         Involved in business requirement analysis by interaction with the client to understand the company policies and procedures.
·         Involved in unit testing and integration testing.
·         Responsible for complete implementation of SAP – HR module as per the client requirement.
·         Applied extensive methods to find the right solutions for the clients and gap resolutions.
·         Involved in Go – live support

Personnel Administration (PA):

·         Strong knowledge of Dynamic actions
·         Good knowledge of experiencing HR structures
·         Involved in configuration of info type menu for master data maintenance, personnel actions through info groups, action menu and user groups
·         Configured the number range intervals for personnel numbers and feature maintenance – IGMOD.

Organizational Management (OM):

·         Strong knowledge of designing organization structure using expert methods as well as Organization and staffing methods.
·         Worked on creating job, job structures, position, position structures according to business process requirements
·         Involved in defining custom OM info types and other object maintenance using specific plan version along with unique time constraints.
·         Integration with the PA Module by using the RHINTE00, RHINTE10, RHINTE20, RHINTE30 reports.

Time Management:

·         Created public holiday calendar for various personnel area and sub areas
·         Defined daily work schedules, break schedules and periodic work schedules
·         Created custom PCR’s and schemas (TM04) to define the customized leave management
·         Defined absence / attendance types and defined the quota management to calculate leave entitlements
·         Defined the counting rule and assignment of counting rules for various absence types to define the validity of absence / attendances.
·         Maintained time management info types like 0007, 0050, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2011.
·         Knowledge of time slip design and monitor times for various employees
·         Revised schema TM00, time evaluation using time events as per client requirement.


·         Configured basic pay, additional and recurring payment wage types and maintained the tables T512W, T511, T539J.
·         Configured custom wage types from model wage type as per the client requirements and assigned these custom wage types to various groups
·         Configured wage types for yearend adjustments (IT-0221) for YANA / YAWA.
·         Maintained taxability model and tax related processing classes 68, 69, 71 etc..
·         Involved in setting up the tax overrides in BSI tax factory as per the client requirements.
·         Feature maintenance and configuration of garnishments
·         Involved in retro, off – cycle and complete payroll process
·         Knowledge of custom pay slip designing as per the client requirement


·         Identified business requirements, needs and objectives with regards to benefits.
·         Defined benefit areas (BAREA) and benefit providers and the basic settings for the plans.
·         Defined the program groupings (BENGR and BSTAT), employee eligibility grouping (ELIGR) for the benefit plans and participation termination grouping for the employees (TRMTY).
·         Configured Benefit Plan Statuses and Benefit Plan Types in Plan Attributes.
·         Configured First Program Groupings, Second Program Groupings

Post Go – Live support

·         Involved in complete post Go – live support as per the client agreement sign up’s for the areas of Time, Payroll - US and PA.
·         Active involvement in resolution of the support tickets which are been opened by the users and completion communication on ticket status and in order to meet the SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Project - 2
Client               :           Sabre, Dallas TX
Designation     :           Associate Consultant (Functional)
Environment    :           SAP R/3 ECC 6.0
Project             :           SAP HR Implementation & Support
Duration           :           Sept. 2009 – Mar. 2011

Modules Implemented - Personnel Management (PA), Organizational Management (OM), US Payroll and Time management.


·         Involved in User trainings and analysis of AS – IS, TO – BE documents
·         Good knowledge of doing customizations as per the client requirements.
·         Data maintenance and screen modifications as per client requirements.
·         Involved in setting up the SAP Functionalities which includes the areas as Payroll – US, Time and PA.
·         Involved in status updates and designing the master data templates.

Personnel Administration (PA):

·         Involved in performing the integrations between OM to PA.
·         Designing various personnel action types, screen modifications and custom tab pages creation as per the client requisite.
·         Complete customization of enterprise, personnel structures and feature maintenance
·         Defined the custom info types and sub types using PM01 transaction codes.
·         Strong knowledge data migration tools like LSMW in order to get data directly on to master data screens for user test case replications.

Organizational Management (OM):

·         Complete knowledge on creation of organization structure using various methods and object creations.
·         Maintaining custom relationships between the objects and creation of evaluation path for comparison and copy purposes.
·         Maintained separate evaluation paths for organization management.
·         Defined Number Ranges Based on Plan version for different object types and maintained plan version for an organization.

Time Management:

·         Created work schedule rules, absence and attendances using RPTIME00 with various time management statuses.
·         Defined the custom day types and work schedule rules various employee groupings.
·         Configured holiday calendar, absence / attendance types, quotas, time slip design to monitor employee hours.
·         Involved in writing the custom pcr’s as per the client requirement.


·         Completely involved in feature maintenance (ABKRS, LGMST, TARIF etc...)
·         Worked on complete payroll process, posting to accounting, third party remittances, bank transfer.
·         Creation of custom pay structure for various employee groupings and control record maintenance at various levels.
·         Defined Wage Type Permissibility for Info type & per requirement done permissibility of wage type
·         for personnel sub area and employee subgroup.
·         Maintained the custom time wage types and their processing through payroll schema using ZLIT.
·         Worked on US payroll schemas and sub – schemas as U000, UT00, UTX0, UBE1, UBE2 and payroll driver RPCALCU0.
·         Maintained different info types like 0008, 0014, 0015, 0207, 0208, 0209, 0210, 0009, 0011 which are required for running the payroll
         Defined and maintained processing classes, evaluation classes and their specifications for maintaining wage types through logical views.


·         Gathered and identified business requirements, needs and objectives as regards to benefits.
·         Configured Benefit Plan Statuses and Benefit Plan Types in Plan Attributes.
·         Configured the Payroll-Benefits Integration by creating the Wage type catalog and linking the Wage types to the Benefits plans.
·         Maintained the necessary info types for the benefits, Analyzed, designed, and documented benefit plans.


·         Completely involved in resolving the tickets which are been raised by users for the areas of PA, PAYROLL – US and Time.

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