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Project Manager Curriculum Vitae Generator in Word Format Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

P.O. Box 7695
Newark, DE  19712-7697

Qualifications Highlights
  • Experienced international engineer and consultant, focusing on project management, international support for international technology marketing, human capacity building, government affairs, institutional strengthening, and natural resources.
·         Provide global support to technical firms that market products overseas.
·         Conduct client advocacy activities, marketing research, training seminars and technical presentations and position papers.
  • Develop and deliver culturally appropriate marketing materials and presentations for use in other countries of with international agencies and customers.
  • Liaise with foreign Ambassadors, Cabinet Ministers, Embassy personnel, and government agencies, bilateral and international donors on behalf of clients.
  • Liaise with US government personnel including those in the Department of Commerce and the US State Department and other agencies on behalf of US clients.
  • Provide logistics support including advice on travel and cultural practices for US clients and international counterparts.
·         Design and implement needs assessments, and monitoring and evaluation to assure project objectives.
·         Manage bids including identification of funding, document preparation, evaluation, procurement.
·         Manage USAID and USDA grants and cooperative agreements
·         Author or editor of over 40 technical books, articles, or papers published in international business and academic journals.
  • Work with members of US and foreign press, including delivering interviews for television, radio and newspapers.
  • Host foreign counterparts and provide all logistics support in the US including developing meetings with government officials, companies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations.  Also arrange cultural activities and introduction to US cities and important sites when appropriate.
  • Provide cross-cultural training for US clients and international counterparts.
  • Advise governments on regulatory reform in the water, sanitation, and natural resources sector, particularly for the certification and training of water and wastewater operators, resulting in the passage of legislation and regulations requiring the training and certification of operators.
  • Lead capacity building and institutional strengthening of water sector organizations to enable effective operation of the sector.
·         Conduct water, energy, natural resources and environmental policy research.
  • Initiate and build international partnerships among government, the public, industry, academia and NGOs to achieve results and sustainable organizational change.
  • Develop, implement and manage international workforce training and continuous improvement programs – vocational through graduate level.
  • Developed and implemented water and wastewater operator training centers and institutional infrastructure to support same resulting in the training and granting of ninety certificates to operators.
  •  Developed and implemented laboratory technology training center, including curriculum and infrastructure, for teaching laboratory technicians and veterinarians to test for animal, environmental, and food disease. Opened on time, on budget in 2007 and continues to train both in diploma program.
·         Evaluated efficacy of laboratories’ ability to test for and respond to country-wide avian influenza outbreak.  Led to development of country wide training of 75 government veterinarians, managers and top management in project management.
·          Edited and wrote content for training manuals for water and wastewater operators
·         Conducted asset management training programs for wide range of  O&M and financial managers from water, wastewater and electric utilities
·         Conduct “train the trainer” training for delegations of international water/wastewater experts on the development and operation of training centers
·         Develop criteria used for the improvement of operations and maintenance training for water and wastewater operators

MS Mining Engineering/Mineral Economics, Columbia University, New York City, NY
BS Mining Engineering/ Applied Geophysics, Columbia University, New York City, NY
Wastewater Operator Level III certificate (Delaware)
Water Operator certificate (Delaware)
OSHA Construction Safety and Health   # 14-002723069
Fundamentals of Project Management
Educational Technology
Finance and Foreign Languages

Cankiri Karatekin University, Cankiri, Turkey, Rector’s Recognition, 2010
Honorary Degree with Excellence, 2007, University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine – Bucharest, Romania
Gold Medal of Honor, 2007, University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary medicine- Bucharest, Romania
Exporter of the Year, 1987, US Small Business Administration
White House Fellow Finalist, 1979-1980, US Commission on White House Fellowships


Water Environment Federation
Society for International Development
Society of Mining Engineers
Society of Women Engineers
Project Management Institute


Board Member, World Trade Center Delaware, Inc., 1990-1992, 2003-2006
Charter and Board Member, People to People International, Delaware Chapter, 1985 to present
International Council of Delaware (formerly Governor’s International Trade Council, State Senatorial Appointment   ) 1986-1992; 2001 to present
Delaware Delegate, White House Council on Small Business, 1985-1986
Chair, Economic Committee and Co-Chair, International Committee                  
Board Member, Delaware Council for US/USSR Relations, 1989-1992
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1971-1992
Chairman, Council of Economics; Chairman, AIME All-Institute Programming Committee; Chairman, Government, Energy and Minerals Committee; Founder, NY Economics Section 
Alliance Française de Wilmington, Lafayette Committee


Representative Clients.
Aluminum Company, China.  December, 2011 to March 2012.
Identify impediments to quality control and recommend changes in quality processes.
Department of Public Works, City of Wilmington, DE.  October, 2011 to present
Identify the reasons that Wilmington residents in the selected Trash District do not participate in recycling and develop a strategy for increasing participation based on stakeholder input.
Management & Training Corporation (MTC): Utah, Jordan and West Bank. November, 2009 to present.
Develop and implement communications, management and team-building training for Miyahuna Water Company customer services and human resources personnel. Prepare technical presentation proposing standardization of regulations in MENA water sector and deliver at Arab Water Week 2010 in Amman, Jordan.  Meet with Palestine Water Authority and water and sanitation experts on behalf of MTC.  Prepare proposal documentation and represent MTC at water and engineering IQC team meetings of which it is a member.
International Environmental Technology Manufacturer: March, 2011 to present
Advise client on foreign water and wastewater sectors and industrial water treatment in the energy sectors.  Identify new markets for company’s products where extremely clean water is important. Liaise with foreign governments on company’s behalf.
International Environmental Products Manufacturer: Delaware and Jordan. August 2010 to present.
Identify new markets for non-chlorine disinfectants including international development, emergency relief and Middle East commercial and industrial markets.  Conduct client advocacy; write and deliver presentations.  Liaise with governmental and non-governmental organizations including UNICEF, United Nations Office for Partnerships, USAID.

DELAWARE TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Delaware Tech)                                                                                         2001-2009
Jordan Operations and Maintenance Training Project: Delaware and Jordan. 2007-2009. Project manager   for three year long program under subcontract to Chemonics International, funded by United States Agency for International Agency (USAID) to assist Jordan with establishing system to certify and recertify water and wastewater operators and to train and retrain operators to meet certification requirements.  Prepared Delaware Tech proposal including budgets and documentation; acted as liaison between Chemonics and Delaware Tech.   Prepared and delivered regulatory training in Jordan for cross-section of government, industry and academic officials who will be responsible for implementing certification board and training in Jordan. Prepared and delivered training seminar for stakeholders including US government, Jordanian officials and international donors. Developed “train the trainer” program for delivery in the US.

Bulgarian Water and Wastewater Operators Training Center: Delaware and Bulgaria, 2003-2005.
Program Manager for USAID project to establish Bulgarian Water and Wastewater Operators Training Center and to assist Bulgarian government to pass regulations and laws requiring operator training and certification. Regulations adopted by Bulgarian government in 2006. Legislation passed by Parliament in 2009.
Developed specific recommendations for institutional, legal and regulatory actions for training water/wastewater sector operators and managers. Conducted legislative/regulatory programs. Developed language for legislation at request of Cabinet Ministers. Conducted Legislative and Sustainability Workshops for Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers, regulatory staff and company representatives.  Received written support for legislation and/or regulation of water and wastewater personnel from Bulgarian Ministries, labor union, Bulgarian Medical Association and Municipal Water Companies. Developed and implemented Delaware Senatorial delegation visit to Bulgaria.
Established Bulgarian Water and Wastewater Operators Training Center with Bulgarian National Association of Water Quality. Developed sustainability plan for center. Built financial and institutional sustainability of the Training Center. Established MOU with University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy for permanent site for training center. Conducted Sustainability Workshop for government, industry and academic officials. Conducted Managerial/Supervisory Seminar for municipal officials, water and wastewater sector engineers, managers, and academicians.
Implemented Basic Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators Training Course Pilot Program. Trained 90 operators, first line supervisors and engineers from 16 different treatment plants across Bulgaria in three pilot programs. Conducted country-wide Operator Needs Analysis and Managerial Surveys to establish greatest areas of training deficits and support at plants throughout Bulgaria. Edited Wastewater Operators Training Manual. Developed and implemented Train the Trainer program for four Bulgarian engineers from industry and academia at Delaware Tech. Specified equipment and technical design for laboratories, training aids and laboratory simulation.
Conducted water and sanitation plant asset management training for 18 financial managers from western Bulgaria.
Water=Quality of Life film documentary. Produced film documentary in Bulgaria on importance of operator training in water and sanitation sector with Bulgarian Association of Broadcasters. Developed additional funding sources for production of the film. Film was shown on Bulgarian and US public television and to Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers and Assistant Ministers, US and Delaware elected officials, and Bulgarian Ambassador. 
Developed and implemented intensive public information campaign on water and sanitation.  Developed web site. Presented technical papers in 12 public or technical forums. Published eight technical papers. Interviewed by television, financial and technical press.

Technical Assistance, Training and Capacity Building in Response to Avian Influenza in Romania: Delaware, Romania and Hungary.  2006- 2007.
PROJECT MANAGER AND DEVELOPER of year long program funded by USDA/USAID to provide institutional capacity building and technical assistance in policy, planning and response, to government, industry and academia in Romania to respond to avian influenza and other catastrophic animal disease. Program was expanded at request of Romanian beneficiariesInitiated new model of laboratory capacity building based on Delaware Model. Strengthened AI laboratory diagnostic testing capacity and training of personnel including the development of a self-sustaining training center.  Provided Biosecurity technical assistance for commercial poultry sector. Enhanced AI disease monitoring and surveillance. Developed and implemented public information program. Improved communications among government, industry and academicians from Romanian poultry and agricultural sectors through the development and implementation of single policy, planning and response training program conducted in the United States.
Founded Animal Diagnostic Laboratory Training Center at University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine-Bucharest (UASVM-B). This two year diploma program trains experienced and new veterinarians, technicians, supervisors, and managers in animal diagnosis and testing technology and laboratory management. Identified resources necessary to implement plan including physical, human and financial resources, customers, and stakeholders. Assisted faculty in developing laboratory training curriculum. Assisted faculty in identifying equipment necessary for training lab. Developed budget and procurement plan for purchase of this equipment. Developed a train-the-trainer program for three Romanian veterinary faculties to increase their ability to conduct continuing professional education for adult learners. Developed Visiting Scholar program for Veterinary Professor from Romania who is implementing new Animal Diagnostic Laboratory Training Center.
Conducted countrywide Laboratory Veterinarian and Technician Needs Analysis and Managerial Surveys to establish greatest areas of training deficits and support at animal diagnostic laboratories throughout Romania.
Developed and implemented Project Management Training for Romanian National Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority. Trained 75 veterinarians, supervisors, and officials from 45 counties and local veterinary facilities as well as ANSVSA’s executive management over a six-month period. Program “twinned” with that at Delaware Tech. Developed and implemented training for ANSVSA Project Management team in Budapest, Hungary.
Conducted training and videoconferences between Delaware and Romania using ITV technology to expand reach of project while reducing need for travel in areas potentially infected by avian influenza.  Initiated four years collaboration between Delaware Tech and University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine-Bucharest (2004). Environmental Programs Agriculture and veterinary medicine. Developed model of collaboration for avian influenza response. Collaboration folded into project (2006).

Romanian Water Association:  Delaware and Romania, 2003-2006
Project Manager and Developer for program to establish network of Romanian Water Training Centers with Romanian instructors utilizing Delaware Tech’s advanced educational technology and distance learning methods. Established partnership with Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering, University of Agronomics and Veterinary Medicine-Bucharest. Conducted nation-wide assessment survey of water and wastewater operators to establish need for training and to determine those areas of greatest need for training as identified by operators. Conducted workshop in Delaware on collaboration among industry, government and academia to achieve environmental improvement for Romanian water sector delegation including Secretary of State of Ministry of Environment and Waters. Made presentations in Bucharest on benefits of training in water/wastewater sector to government, industry, and company officials.

Environmental Project Management, University of Zagreb: Croatia, 2003-2005.
Program Manager and Developer for collaboration to improve capacity of environmental laboratories in Croatia. Developed plan on assessment, evaluation and planning for upgrading and linking national system of environmental laboratories. Developed hazardous waste laboratory technician training plan for Croatian chemists, environmental scientists and laboratory workers. Developed and presented seminar on water environment training to Croatian Ministry, regulatory, municipal and private company officials. Developed laboratory technology demonstration proposal with the University of Zagreb. Established project management for environmental construction courses taught by DTTC faculty at University of Zagreb in new M. S. degree program in Environmental Management for nontraditional learners, including company managers who study on part-time basis in short, intensive training blocks.

Romania Equine Capacity Building Technical Advisory Training Program: Delaware and Romania, 2007.
PROGAM MANAGER AND DEVELOPER of capacity building and institutional strengthening training for Romanian equine industry, Romanian government stud farms, Ministry of Agriculture (ROMSilva) and Romanian Equine Authority. Developed and implemented technical advisory training tour led by Delaware Secretary of Agriculture and experts from government and industry to Romania. Developed and implemented Technical Training Tour in Delaware for Romanian equine industry and government officials.

Kosovo Poultry Training Project: United States, 2005-2006
 Project Manager and Developer of USAID funded program to strengthen institutional capacity and improve communications among segments of Kosovo’s poultry industry.   Developed coalition of government, industry and academic experts to provide training. Developed protocol for national poultry veterinary laboratory system. Enabled Kosovars to develop action plans to improve communication and cooperation among all segments of poultry industry to achieve healthy and economic industry. 

UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE                                                                                                                    1986-1992
Management Training and Economics Education Program, Bulgaria, 1990-1992.
In-Country manager of USAID funded nation-wide program to develop and implement business and economic training during Bulgaria’s transition from Communism to capitalism.  Established a national Delaware/Bulgaria Coalition with offices and classrooms in Sofia Municipal Library, University of Sofia and University of World and National Economy (Sofia) and the Economic University (Varna) and Agricultural and Technical Universities (Plovdiv). Developed an alliance of business, academic and government entities to support work. Conducted countrywide surveys and needs assessments. Developed extensive public relations program to recruit students and partners throughout Bulgaria. Appeared on television with President of Bulgaria.

BUSINESS & POLICY ASSOCIATES, INC.                                                                                                              1983-1993
Higher Commercial Management School: Moscow, Soviet Union, 1987-1989.
Developer and Implementer of “western” business training pilot program in Soviet Union for Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations on behalf of American Management Association.
Engaged in international trade consulting specializing in emerging economies of Asian, African and Eastern Bloc countries, especially enterprise development.
Designated Delaware Exporter of the Year 1987 by the U.S. Small Business Administration.

CONOCO, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                               1977-1982
Market Research Coordinator, Commercial Development Representative, Mining Engineer, Policy Development and Economics Coordinator

MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1974-1976
Research Analyst, Petroleum, Mining, and Utilities

ASARCO, INC.                                                                                                                                                   1973-1974
Assistant to Associate General Counsel                              

BETHLEHEM STEEL CORPORATION                                                                                                                             1972
Underground Mining Engineer                                             

With Digenakis, Anthony, “Preparing Students for Employment: The Educational Institutions’ Responsibilities to Prepare Students to Meet Employer Needs”, Seminar,
Cankiri Karatekin University, June, 2010, Cankiri, Turkey
With Baraitareanu, Stelian, and Danes, Doina. “Implementation of Delaware Tech Model for Technician Laboratory Education in Romania”, Progresses and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Academic Board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, June, 2008, Iasi, Romania
“Developing a New Veterinary Technician Curriculum for Romania”, Course CD, Delaware Technical and Community College, August 2007, Newark, DE and Bucharest, Romania
With Baraitareanu, Stelian. “The Role of Veterinary Laboratory Technicians: A Plan for the Future of Romania”, poster presentation, April, 2007, Georgetown, DE
 “Interview”, Utilities, Volume 3, Number 9. September, 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Ucpeshen  piloten kurs za obuchenie no operatori na prwchistvatelni ctantsii”,  Voda Za Horata, Volume 1, Number 3, September, 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Crossing Boundaries: The Importance of Regional Environmental Activities for Clean Water, Proceedings, Tenth BNAWQ Scientific and Practical Conference Water Quality Technologies And Management In Bulgaria, September 24, 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Delaware Tech Assists USAID’s Efforts to Improve Bulgaria’s Environment”, On Track, The Newsletter of People to People International-Delaware Chapter,  Volume 11, Number 2, Second Quarter, 2004, Wilmington, DE.
“Obuchenie na VIK Operatori”, Utilities, Volume 2, Number 8, August, 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Your Wastewater is My Drinking Water, My Wastewater is Your Drinking Water: The importance of cross jurisdictional standards for operator training and certification as it affects the quality of coastal waters, inland seas, and rivers.”, Speech to the 4th International Black Sea Water Quality Conference, Bulgarian National Water Quality Association, June 10, 2004, Varna, Bulgaria.
 “Operator Training: A Sustainable Development”, Speech to Bulgaria Economic Forum: Investment in the Environment for a Better Quality of Life”, June 9, 2004, Proceedings,
Sofia, Bulgaria.
“Opitut na Tehnicheckiya Koledj v Delayer (SASHT) ot Probal do perfektzionzum, Voda Za Horata, Volume 1, Number 1, January , 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria.
"Tirguile comerciale: Marketingul la el acasa." Businc$$TECH International, Volume 1. Number 6, August/September, 1992. Bucharest, Romania.
With Medvec, Stephen. "Comparative Analysis of Currency Convertibility in Eastern Europe and the Situation in Bulgaria," published by the Institute of Economics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1991, Sofia, Bulgaria.
“Xorata prodavat na mnogo ezitsi, no kupuvat samo na svoya”, Podkrepa, December 5, 199 1. Sofia, Bulgaria
"Opitaite da noite shtactie na klientete", Podkrepa, November 27, 199 1, Sofia, Bulgaria.
With Medvec, Stephen. "Consequences for Zloty Convertibility for Polish Economic Reform," Polish Review, Volume 36, Number 1, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, New York,
With Tomczyk, Michael. "Country Profiles." Export Today, Volume 6, Number 2, March/April 1990.
With Medvec, Stephen. "Approaching Convertibility in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union." Review of Business. Volume 12, Number 3. Winter 1990/1991, Business Research Institute, St. John's University,   New York.
With Billon, Alexander. "Anticipating 1997. The Effect of the Chinese Takeover of Hong Kong on the Investment Plans of American Corporations," The China Business Review, Volume 15. Number 3, May - June, 1988. National Council for China Trade, Washington, D. C.
"And they're off! Foreign Law Firms Race to Tokyo?” Delaware Lawyer, Volume 6, Number 3, Winter, 1988.
"The Great Globe Itself.” Delaware Lawyer, Volume 6, Number 3. Winter, 1988.
Editor, Delaware Lawyer, Volume 6, Number 3, Winter 1988, published by the Delaware Bar Foundation.
"International Trade," Governor's Small Business Conference Report, published by the Delaware Development Office. April, 1987.
"Passing the Test." Letter to the Editor, Far Eastern Economic Review, December 11, 1986, Volume 134, Number 50. Hong Kong.
Citation, Berney, Karen. "Competing in Japan," Nation's Business, October 1986.
"China's Energy Situation and the Implications for Foreign Investment." U.S. Woman Engineer Magazine
Volume 31, Number 6, November/December, 1985.
"Preparing for a China Delegation," The China Business Review, Volume 12, Number 5, September/October, 1985.
With Vogely, William and Newcomb, Richard. Associate Editor, Economics of the Mineral Industries, 4th Edition. published by the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Mining Engineers, New York, New York, 1985.
With Goodermote, Dean. "A Political/Economic Overview of the Chinese Coal Industry With an Assessment of the Constraints to Production," Mineral Resources of the Pacific Rim. Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, 1982

Editor, Economics in Transition, AIME Economics Transactions, published by the American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York, New York, 1982.
"Is Environmentalism a Luxury?" Hartford Courant, May 16 and May 23. 1982.
Program Committee, Proceedings, published by the Council of Economics of the AIME, New York, New York, 1981.
Program Committee, Proceedings, published by the Council of Economics of the AIME, New York, New York, 1980.
Editor, Conflicts and Resolution. Proceedings, published by the Council of Economics of the AIME, New York, New York 1979.
"Surface Mining Issues in Perspective," U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Reclamation Information and Assistance Center, Washington, DC, 1974.
"Women in the Earth Science," Report of the National Conference on Minority Participation in the Earth Science and Mineral Engineering, U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C., 1972.

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