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Experienced Senior Software Engineer Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Maya Rietman

309 Grayton Lane
Woodbridge, VA  22001
(703) 441-1230 (H) (703)-395-9876 (C)


Senior Software Engineer and Project Leader with 23 years of experience in Program Level Engineering and Management Support to commercial and military clients demonstrating high quality leadership with proven results.

·       Systems Analysis and Design
·       Software Problem Resolution
·       Unit & Integration Testing
·       Best Practices
·       Case Modeling
·       User Help Systems
·       Writing Requirements Specifications
·       End User Documentation
·       Project Management
·       Team Leadership
·       S/W Development Cost Analysis & Budgeting
·       Contract Proposal Preparation
·       Software & Database Design &  Development
·       RFID & Bar Code Scanning Technologies

·       Experienced supporting U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps clients
Feb 2011 – Present
TASC, Systems Test Engineer III
Performs systems test engineering for the United States Marine Corps’ Global Combat Support System, an application that performs supply and inventory planning, requisitioning, receiving, shipping for Marine Corps logistics, maintenance, and financial accounting of sales orders, purchase requests, requisitions and pack and ship status information providing near real-time visibility of data.

·         Performs test and evaluation of GCSS-MC versions and of interfacing applications.
·         Tests and reviews change requests of Oracle Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) application programming for reports, interfaces, conversions and extensions (RICE).
·         Serves as Liaison during the design phase of RICE objects and for DS & CDS objects. Coordinates delivery and perform validation of GCSS-MC system test data.
·         Provides review and comment for GCSS-MC technical design documents. Collects, compiles, and evaluates USMC and GCSS-MC enterprise data for discrepancy and problem resolution.
·         Serves as Tier 4 level support for GCSS-MC Help Desk resolution processes for the GCSS-MC test and production instances.
·         Develops and executes SQL queries and scripts of Oracle database instances.
·         Creates and updates Interface Control Documents (ICD), application data flow charts and diagrams, test requirement documents, test plan worksheets, and test result summaries.
·         Attends planning and design, development meetings in support of the GCSS-MC customer, providing meeting highlights and follow up on resulting meeting action items.

Oct 2010 – Feb 2011
Employment suspended due to funding shortfall for GDIT’s AMS-Tactical support contract with MCSC, USMC, Quantico, VA.

Dec 2003 – Oct 2010
General Dynamics Information Technology, Principal Software Engineer

Coordinated project development efforts in the Advanced AIT Solutions Group at General Dynamics Information Technology’s Credential Technologies Division. Led the team development of the “Automated Manifest System” (AMS) application used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps at theater distribution centers, forward receiving points, and DoD Foreign Military Sales freight forwarders.

·         Provided overall project management and progress reporting for the software project team and developer team
·         Developed project timelines, achieved milestone deliveries, managed customer expectations, and provided consultation and support
·         Mentored project team members to adopt best practices
·         Advocated using industry-standard SEI CMM compliance procedures
·         Organized and trained the software development team to adopt the use of version control software (Visual SourceSafe)
·         Implemented a stand-alone server for developer use only, separate from the corporate network servers
·         Led the redevelopment effort that successfully upgraded Anteon’s ‘Automated Manifest System’ application to an object-oriented, data-driven, reusable code, software architecture and platform
·         Instituted software project standards and naming conventions for coding robust software programs
·         Redeveloped the ‘Phone Action Tracker System’ from a legacy 16-bit application to a robust 32-bit, Windows XP compliant, LAN-based, multi-user database application

Dec 1998 – Dec 2003
L3 Corporation – GSD, Senior Project Leader     
Coordinated project development efforts for L3-Government Services Division’s software development team supporting the U.S. Navy’s Amphibious Warfare Division (NAVSEA PMS377 & PMS317) Office of Business Financial Management at the Washington Navy Yard, District of Columbia.     

·         Performed systems analysis and design, application development, project maintenance, and customer support for Navy database systems.
·         Provided overall project management and progress reporting for the software project team.  
·         Advocated team member participation in using industry-standard SEI CMM compliance procedures and mentored best practices in software development.
·         Completed a comprehensive security review and modification upgrades to ensure that the Navy customer’s database applications achieved the required DITSCAP security compliance and conformed to NMCI certification requirements.
·         Completed database migration of Navy finance office system (LANMIS) from a Visual FoxPro database to an Oracle application (PRISMS) database.
·         Led the redevelopment effort that successfully brought all eight PMS377’s business information systems to a common development platform
·         Implemented Y2K remediation of PMS377's "GFE" and "FORMS" database systems in addition to functioning as the project lead for Y2K remediation of PMS377's six other Navy applications
·         Redeveloped the "PMS377 Action Tracker System" from a desktop application to one that is now a robust, multi-user, division-wide application
·         Developed database maintenance utilities for application maintenance and support

C.C. Pace Systems, Inc., Senior Consultant                                            04/98 – 11/98
Maxim Group, Inc., Programmer Analyst                                               02/98 – 04/98
Paradise Software, Inc., Systems Analyst                                                           10/ 97 – 02/98
GE Capital Consulting, Inc., Project Leader/Developer                            10/96 – 10/97
Trandes Corporation, Systems Analyst III                                               10/94 – 10/96
Matrix Corporation, Senior Systems Analyst                                            04/91 – 10/94
Tracor Applied Sciences, Inc., Military Operations Analyst II                   07/88 – 04/91
Systems - Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Win CE Compact Framework, Windows Mobile, Linux, UNIX, MS-DOS
Languages - ADO.Net, ASP.NET, 
L, Java NetBeans, dotNET Framework, ODBC, PL-SQL, T-SQL, UML, Visual Basic.Net, Visual C#, Visual FoxPro 9, XML
Databases - Access 2007, MySQL, Oracle 10, SQL Server 2008
Applications - Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Project, Visual SourceSafe, Visual Web Developer
Networks – Windows 2003/XP Server, SBS 4.5

B.Sc. Computer Information Systems, 1996, Strayer University, Washington, D.C.
A.Sc. Oceanographic Technology, 1981, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida
Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MSCE) Certificate Program, 1998, Strayer University, Washington, D.C.

Programming in Visual C# 2005, New Horizons, 2007
Programming in Java NetBeans, Northern Virginia Community College, 2006
HTML Web Programming, Northern Virginia Community College, 2006
Programming in Visual Studio.NET 2003 3-day course, Oak Leaf Enterprises, 2003
Visual ProMatrix Enterprise 3-day course, ProMatrix Corp., 2002
SQL Server 6.5 Administration 10-week course, Strayer University, 1998
Visual Maxframe Professional 3-day course, MaxTech, Inc., 1997
Project Management Training Course, MaxTech, 1996
Visual FoxPro 5 5-day course, MaxTech, 1996
Visual Basic 3 10-week course, Strayer University, 1994
FoxPro 2.5 for Windows 5-day course, AppDev, Inc., 1993


Visual FoxPro and XML - Potomac Area FoxPro Users Group, July 1999
Developing 3-Tier Client/Server Applications - Rocky Mountain Programmers Newsletter, March 1997
Designing Multi-Dimensional Database Systems - Mid-Atlantic Database Workshop, June 1996
Rapid Date Entry in Date Fields - Potomac Area FoxPro Newsletter, October 1995


Capital Area .NET Users Group, Member since 2001.
Potomac Area FoxPro Users Association, Vice-President (2002-2010) and Webmaster (1999-2005), Member, 1994-2010
·         Presented numerous software code presentations at group meetings
·         Webmaster of "www.pafox.org" from 1999-2004. Completed redesign including concept, implementation, and maintenance.    

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