640Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download
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Mya Guo
OBJECTIVE A challenging senior software developer
or an architect position that will
utilize my skills and experience in the analysis, design and implementation of
information systems to support the company’s strategic business goals.
- Play major role in the full
development life cycle of several large scale projects.
- Excellent communication and
teamwork skills with experience in project management.
- Strong background in client server
and N-tier transactional web application development.
- Experience in Software, Financial,
Airline, Telecom, Manufacturing and Construction industry
- Analysis and Design: Structured Analysis and Design,
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Database Modeling using ERWin,
N-tier Client Server Architecture and Distributed Application
Architecture, Design Patterns, Agile Development, eXtreme Programming
- Development: Java,
J2EE (Servlet, JSP, EJB, JDBC,
JMS), Struts, Hibernate, Seam, Spring, XML,
Web Services, Enterprise Portal, PL/SQL Stored Procedure, ColdFusion
8, Ant, VB, ASP, Java Script, HTML,
- Tools and Servers: NetBeans, Eclipse, RAD,
JBOSS, WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, IIS, MS Visual Studio, MS SQL Server,
Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Data Warehousing (EssBase, Brio, Crystal Info),
Subversion, CVS, MS Source Safe, Clear case
- Environment: Unix, Linux, Windows Server
- Consulting: Project Management, Business Process
Reengineering and Change Management, System Integration
ADP (Senior Developer) - Verity Professional s
February, 2011 - July, 2011 Atlanta,
- Completed several major performance enhancements for
ADP HR Benefits application. The enhancements include rewriting database access
code and use compression & decompression techniques.
- Created JAX-WS web services which enable client
administration application to exchange data with existing corporate
applications in different domains.
- Responsible
for profiling,
architecture design, and implementation.
- Skills
used: Core Java, J2EE(EJB, JPA), Spring, JSF, Web Services, SOA, ESB, OOA & OOD, WebSphere,
Tomcat, Informix, Oracle, , XML/XSD, XStream, Maven, Subversion
AT&T (Senior Software Engineer) - MDI
July, 2008- January, 2011 Atlanta,
- Responsible
for the back end automation development and operation of the AT&T Company Official Use (COU) Web Application,
which manages every aspect of the over 400k plus internal business wireless lines and ATT
demo lines used in ATT, Best Buy and Wal-Mart stores. Added
new functionalities and automation to significantly improve system
performance, customer service representative and end user productivity
- Involved
in architecture redesign, framework
development, application construction,
enhancement, and maintenance.
- Work with
developers and Server Admin (Database, App Server, ColdFusion Server) to
improve application performance.
- Skills
used: J2EE, OOA & OOD, Web Services, Spring, Hibernate,
Ajax, JQuery, JSON, WebLogic, Oracle Fusion, Oracle DB, PL/SQL Stored
Procedure, ColdFusion 8,Quartz scheduler multi threading
ADP (Senior
Developer) - Anteo
February, 2008
- June,
Atlanta, GA
- Completed the redesign and implementation of several
Workflow components used by ADP Enterprise Portal Services. These
components allow users to edit workflow transactions already in progress,
therefore to minimize turnaround time for task submission and approval.
- Responsible for requirement analysis, architecture
design, OO & database modeling, coding.
- Skills used: J2EE,
Struts, OOA & OOD, Web Services, WebSphere, Oracle, Portal Framework, XML/XSD, CMS, Subversion
(Senior Software Engineer) -
October, 2007 –
February, 2008
Atlanta, GA
- Involved in the development and operation of the
AT&T Online Order Management Tool. Added new functionalities such as
chat tracking and smart search to improve customer service
representative’s productivity
- Responsible for application redesign, enhancement,
construction and maintenance.
- Skills used: J2EE,
Struts, OOA & OOD, Web Services, Ajax, WebLogic, iPlanet Web Server,
Intuit (Senior
Software Engineer) - Enablus
October, 2006 -
Atlanta, GA
- Performed lead developer role in the development and
operation of the Intuit TurboTax Refund Bonus program for the new Tax
season. The program processed 30M($) worth of gift cards during
three-month period.
- Responsible for application redesign, development,
support and performance tuning.
- Skills used: J2EE,
Framework (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, Seam, Flex, JBoss, MS SQL
Server, Project Management, SAP CRM, NetWeaver
Enterprise (Software Engineer) –Autotrader.com
January, 2005 -
Atlanta, GA
- Performed software engineer role in the Product
Development department of world’s largest classified automotive online
- Build innovative software products to market to
dealerships and consumers. Worked on J2EE
applications which enable company successfully competes with Google Autos
and Ebay Motors and Cars.com
- Skills used: J2EE(EJB,
Servlet, JSP, JDBC), Framework (Hibernate, Spring, Struts) and Design
Patterns, XML, Web Services, SOA,
Portal, Ant, JBoss, Tomcat, Oracle, Unit Testing, Project Management
Associates (Senior Application Developer/Team Lead)
October, 2000 -
Atlanta, GA
- Involved in architecturing and developing a large
scale J2EE based CRM application
including CustomerConnect, AccountConnect, SupportConnect, CustomerAdmin,
TopsAdmin and Open License Programs.
- Collaborated to develop enterprise application
architecture and to implement Java
design framework used by all business application developers.
- Initiated with production control to develop a set
of application check programs to check major components in each tier of
the application to minimize the downtime and to automate the fail over
- Mentor low-level developers on methodology and
programming. Facilitated meetings, monitored work plans, increased
customer satisfaction towards company’s products and support by addressing
their issues proactively.
- Skills used: J2EE,
Struts, Design Patterns, XML, Web
Services, OOA & OOD, C++, Eclipse, JBOSS, Ant, Project Management, SAP
Associates (Senior Consultant, CMD Group)
November, 1999
- September, 2000
Atlanta, GA
- Served as Lead application developer and object
modeler on CMDi Interactive project. Implemented the project five weeks
ahead of schedule and within the budget.
- Skill used: OOA & OOD, Paradigm Plus, ERWin, VB,
ASP, SQL Server
Associates / LDA Systems (Senior Consultant, Delta Technology)
April, 1998 -
Atlanta, GA
- Member of the Strategic Measures development team
responsible for providing consistent, accurate, and timely information via
the web to the Delta Airlines executives.
- Provided technical lead in the front end and middle
tier development of Executive Information System (EIS), which uses a
single interface to enable executives to view all major aspects of the
business including financial, marketing, sales, operations, customers and
competition. Launched the system on time and expected to save $450K
annually for the company.
- Evaluated tools and vendor offerings, maintained
budgets and schedule for subcontracted work to ensure on-time
- Skill used: Java,
Oracle AppBuilder (Borland Jbuilder), Arbor EssBase 5.0, EssBase Objects,
BRIO OLAP Tool, Crystal Info 6.0, Rational Rose 4.0, ERWin, Oracle, VB
LDA Systems
(Consultant, BellSouth Business Systems)
June 1997 -
Atlanta, GA
- Performed team lead role in Bids Web application
development. The application streamlined the company’s project bidding
process and created $250k annual cost savings over the old process.
- Responsible for conceptual and physical design,
development, support and performance tuning.
- Skill used: Advanced OO analysis & design,
Java, Java
Script, Oracle, Cold Fusion, HTML
Technologies Inc. & Bell Labs Innovations (System Analyst)
December 1996 -
Atlanta, GA
- Analyzed, coded and unit tested a number of modules
of the first web based multi-tier real time Product Tracking System at
Atlanta Works of Lucent.
- Performed lead developer role in the full
development life cycle. Responsible for system analysis based on the
business needs and user requirements. Wrote project plan and detailed
specifications, which included functional specification,
hardware/software/network specification, GUI specification and database
- Skill used: Java, C++, Visual Basic, JAM/JAM Web, Sybase System 11, Stored Procedures,
- L, JavaScript
Technologies Inc. (Web
August 1996 -
Atlanta, GA
- Defined the Departmental Intranet Architecture and
Standards. Performed System Analysis and Design using RMM Case Tool.
- Developed and maintained several corporate Intranet
- Responsible for Web server administration, site
reliability and performance.
- Skill used: Java,
Java Script, CGI, Perl5, JAM Web, Sybase,
HTML and Shell script.
Science &
Tech. Development Head Corporation (Programmer Analyst)
July 1991 -
Tianjing, China
- Developed, enhanced and maintained a diverse range
of in-house information systems such as Inventory, Order processing, HR,
- Involved in full life cycle development
- Skill used: C, C++, Visual Basic, SQL Relational
- MBA, Information Systems, Finance,
State University
- M.S., Computer Information Systems, Georgia State University
- B.S., Management Science, Nankai University, P.R.C.
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