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professional resume writers perth


57/1, Gandhi Street,
Rajiv Nagar,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu,

(:(Mobile) 9444177638

Personal profile:
Date of Birth :25 June, 1979
Gender          : Female
Nationality    : Indian
Husbands Name:
Passport No: E9094179

Spoken :  English, Tamil ,
Write    : English ,Tamil


            To be a good software professional, to avail a challenging career and to work in any given environment which provides opportunities to grow along with the organization, I continue laddering on the learning curve, showing utmost sincerity in my duty.

Ø  I am a post graduate(MCA).
Ø  I have 3+  years of experience in the field of Analysis, Design and Development of software application.
Ø  I have good knowledge in VB, MS SQl Server and Crystal Reports.
Ø  Working in Bee Vee Graphics Pvt., Ltd., (from Mar’05 to till date) as a Senior Programmer
Ø  Worked with reputed Organizations G.T.N.Exports Ltd., (Engg Division) Si’Tarc  and  GETIT Yellow  Pages

Ø  Master of Computer Application (M.C.A) –  2003 at Bharadhidasan University, Tiruchirapalli. Aggregate 78.5%
Ø  Bachelor of Computer Technology (B.Sc-CT).1999 at
       Coimbatore Institute of Technology( CIT),CBE. Aggregate 64.5%

±  Operating Systems             : Windows 95/98/NT, WinNT 4.0
±  Language                           : C,C++, Java, .NET Frame Work
±  GUI                                    : Visual Basic 6.0
±  DataBase                           :  SQL Server, Oracle 8.0, Access, MYSQL
±  Web Related Technologies : HTML, PHP, VB Script
±  Third Party Components    : Segate Crystal Reports 8.0

       Computer Identification, Installing all drives, Add-on-cards
, MODEM, Printers. Installing Operating System, CMOS setup. LAN Installation (peer to peer & Server-Client), Assigning access priority and rights to the users.

²  Project #1 :

Title                :           Modern Alchamey Production Process
Client                :           Modern Alchamey Pvt Ltd., .,Chennai
Environment      :           VB/MS SQL Server
Role                 :           Design, Development and Database Administration.

This application is used for maintaining various details of production process including subcontracts
 details.  The Project contains various modules such as Admin and Process. Process Module consist of cutting, pasting, printing, qc, lamination, punching, quad , wrapping and job worker. For a user use this package he should obtain a proper user name and password, which could be created by admin user.  Two types of user rights are there for using this package Admin and Ordinary user.Each module is integrated with one another to fulfill the needs of the client.
      Preparation of Reports such as
(i)                  Planning: Date wise, job wise
(ii)                For all Process(Jobwise,Datewise,Pending,Process Not Yet done,Wastage)

(iii)               Despatch

(iv)              Material Detail

²  Project #2 :
Title                :           Bee Vee Sales Package
Client                :           Bee Vee Graphics Pvt., Ltd.,Chennai
Duration           :           4 Months
Environment      :           Visual Basic 6.0/ MS SQL Server
Role                 :           Design, Development and Database Administration.

Description :                                                                                                                                                     
     This sales package consist of Admin, Sales and Film modules.  It maintains the job order details, client details, delivery Challan, Invoice of job order,  Item rate for different clients and also maintain the Film entry & Film wastage.
        Preparation of Reports such as
(i)                  Job Order: Date wise, Client wise, Marketing wise, Pending job order, Cancelled job order.
(ii)                Delivery Chelan: Date wise, Clientwise,  Unacknowledged.
(iii)               Invoice: Datewise, Clientwise, Acknowledge, Unacknowledge and Unbilled Dc.

²  Project #3 :

Title                :           Payroll System

Client                :           Bee Vee Graphics Pvt., Ltd.,Chennai
Duration           :           4 Months
Environment      :           Visual Basic 6.0/ MS SQL Server
Role                 :           Design, Development and Database Administration.

Description :                                                                                                                                                     
     This application is designed for maintaining the payroll system of Bee Vee Graphics (P) Ltd., It maintains the Employee details, Company & Department details, loan details and transaction for every month.
        Preparation of Reports such as
(i)                  Salary Statement :Based on Month,Year,Company,Brach,Department and PF & ESI )
(ii)                Payslip for a particular Month.
(iii)               Loan Statement : To view the loan debited from each employee salary for a particular month.
(iv)              Consolidated Report : It is used to view PF &  ESI details.

²  Project #4 :

Title                :           Q D Compression System
Client                :           G T N Exports Ltd., Coimbatore
Duration           :           4 Months
Environment      :           ‘C’ Programming language
Role                 :           Design, Coding and Implementation.

Description     : 

         This System work focuses on the following areas:  Text, Image(BMP, JPG) and Audio (WAV).  The Lossless Compression Technique is used in the above areas to compress & extract the information from various sources.  This technique is used to recreate the original file exactly.  All Lossless Compression is based on the idea of breaking a file into a “Smaller” form for transmission & storage and then putting it back together to its original position, so it can be used again.  This project is done basically on the DOS prompt.

§  Involved in Design, Coding and Implementation
²  Project #5 :

Title                :           OT Package
Client                :           G T N Exports Ltd., Coimbatore
Duration           :           3 Months
Environment      :           Visual Basic 6.0/ MS SQL Server
Role                 :           Design, Coding.

Description     :

         This Software was designed to automate the complete over Time management of this industry. This system consist of  Employee details, Overtime details and overtime payment of a particular month. The system maintaining the Overtime Hours Slip reports and Overtime payment slip for a particular Month.


§  Reviewed the requirement specification
§  Involved in Data Base Design
§  Involved in Design and Coding .
²  Project #6 :

Title                :           GTN PURSTO System
Client                :           G T N Exports Ltd., Coimbatore
Duration           :           4 Months
Environment      :           Visual Basic 6.0/ MS SQL Server
Role                 :           Design, Coding.

Description     :

         This System work focuses on the following areas:  Purchase and Stores. These Modules has been developed in order to Master maintenance, Transaction and Reports as per requirement. Purchase Module consists of monitoring the purchase through stores. This module maintaining MRS (Material Requisition Slip), PR (Purchase Requisition) and service order. Stores module consist of Material Transaction, checking the availability and scheduling the delivery.  This module maintaining PR (Purchase Requisition) Material Inward Chelan and Material Withdrawal Slip. The system maintaining the Vendor details reports and record the daily transactions.


§  Reviewed the requirement specification
§  Involved in Data Base Design
§  Involved in Design and  Coding
²  Project #7 :

Project                        :           SI’TARC Auto System
Client                :           Si’Tarc, Coimbatore.
Duration           :           4 Months
Environment      :           Visual Basic 6.0, MS Access

            This software was developed to handle various aspects of information flow such as Course Name, Duration Time, Date, Registration Details, Enquiry, Payment Details (mode) and personal profile of the candidate.
§  Involved in Design, Coding and Implementation.
§  Backup and Restore

²  Project #8 :

Project                        :           Customer Care System

Client                :           Getit Yellow Pages, Coimbatore.
Duration           :           4 Months
Environment      :           Visual Basic 6.0, MS Access

            This project is mainly designed for to maintain customer details that are all giving advertisement in GETIT Directory. The details such as Customer Name, Concern Name, Address, Phone No, Add Type like Single line, Double line , Quarter Column, Front /Back  page and etc., Price, Payment Mode and etc.,
§  Involved in Design, Coding and Implementation.
§  Backup and Restore

±  Confident and polite but firm
±  Highly motivated
±  Good team player
±  Quick learner

Place: CHENNAI                                                                                                   / Seema. S /

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