Vikash Dhingra
Mobile: +919326863991, +919890772184

Seeking an entry-level position in the software/IT industry
that would utilize my education, programming skills in a high-paced
organization that values innovation and creative ideas, encourages progressive thinking
while providing an opportunity to learn and contribute towards my advancement
and personal growth.
Ø Willing
to work as a team player or independently
in challenging environment
Ø Creative
and strong power of imagination
Ø Perseverance,
hard work and enthusiasm
Ø Good
verbal and written communication skills
Technical Skills:
Programming Languages C,
Java, J2EE
Technologies JSP, Servlets, EJB
Systems Windows
2x/XP, Windows 98
Ø CAT CJEV2 (J2EE) program from
NIIT completed on April 24, 2006
§ JSP,
Servlets, XML – 69%
– 75%
Ø Cisco Certified Network Associate
Ø Cisco Certified Network Professional (BSCI
Ø B.E.
in Computer Engineering: B.V.P. (D.U.) College of Engineering , Pune,
Ø HSC: Delhi Public School , R. K. Puram, New Delhi , 2000, 68%
Ø SSC: Delhi Public
School , R. K. Puram, New Delhi , 1998, 57%
Work Experience:
Network Engineer/Administrator ASIC Pvt Ltd. July 2005 – April 2006
Ø Involved
in configuration and troubleshooting of computers in the LAN network.
Ø Maintain/upgrade
software packages. Monitor illicit usage
of the systems by students.
Ø Final Year Project:
Implementation of Network Monitoring using C (vi editor on Linux platform). Extracting of IP address information of systems on a LAN. Checking the congestion status of all the machines sending and receiving packets at a particular instant recorded in a log file
Implementation of Network Monitoring using C (vi editor on Linux platform). Extracting of IP address information of systems on a LAN. Checking the congestion status of all the machines sending and receiving packets at a particular instant recorded in a log file
Ø Library
System using MS-Project and Rational Rose
Ø Airline
Reservations and System implemented in COBOL
Presentation Skills:
Ø Multi
Protocol Label Switching - MPLS technology delivers new services while at the
same time allowing migration from old to new networks
Ø Carnivore
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) system called Carnivore is a
software-based tool used to examine all Internet Protocol (IP) packets on an
Ethernet and record only those packets or packet segments that meet very
specific parameters
Activities and Hobbies:
Ø Event
Head of TECHNOSPREADSHEETS (Paper Presentation Competition) at GENESIS-2003
Ø Participation
in sport events, won at different levels of competition
Personal Details:
Father's Name Mr. Narayan
Date of Birth April 10, 1982
Languages known English,
Punjabi and Hindi
Interests Reading newspaper,
technical magazines/publications,
jogging, making friends
Permanent Address:
71, Lajpat Nagar,
Delhi 110121
I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Vikash Dhingra
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