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legal assistant resume sample

                        Niranjan Kumar

Permanent address:                                 Present Address:

Shri Nandan Ray,                                                      Niranjan Kumar                                       
V.P.O- Anand deodhi,                                           C – 326, Natural Green,
Darbhanga,                                                           Janabi Estate, Indira Road,
Bihar.                                                                    Worli (E), Mumbai.
Pin code – 848263.                                                Phone no: - 09867047102
                                                                             Mail id: -                                                               


To work as a Software Engineer in an organization that utilizes my programming, technical communication and teamwork skills.

Work Experience:
Organization               :  The Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.
Duration                      :  11 months
Designation                 :  Senior Executive Officer
Work Profile               :  Database Administrator (DBA) and Product Development   for The
                                       Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.                                                                            
Achievement              : Having OCA certificate (DBA track)             
Brief Description         :  Product development for The Clearing Corporation of India Ltd using C++,  
                                       Oracle, Linux  and DBA work  with Shell scripting. 

Academic Profile

Master of Computer                        Department of Computer Science, Pune University
Applications (MCA)                 C Grade

BSc.  Mathematics (Hons.) Magadh University, Bodh Gaya                    66 %                                                                                  Subsidiary subjects: Physics, Chemistry
H.S.C (12th)                            C.M. Science College, Darbhanga             68 %
S.S.C (10th)                               B.N.B H/S Bangarahatta (Bihar Board)           73 %

Technical Skills
            Languages:             C, C++, Scheme, Gofer, SQL, HTML, Assembly (80X86), Shell.
          Operating Systems:             Linux.
          Tools:                    Lex & Yacc, Make, gdb
          Databases:                Oracle9i


Industrial Training:

         Project name:  
                               Automated Student Database Management System
                              The project contains online academic and official information of the students of Pune University. Some of the features include online registration for a course, automated report generation, Alerts generated depending on student’s performance.
           Project Guide:    Dr S.D.Gore.
           Duration:            6 months.

            Database used:  Oracle9i.

           Language used:  Java

Course Projects

            System Programming                   
·                                                            Compiler and interpreter for assembly language.      
·                                                         Simulated the Make Utility.

            Operating Systems                    
·         Simulated first fit and best fit algorithms for memory management.
·         Modeling inter-process communication using semaphores, shared memory and message queue.

            Database Management Systems
·                                                         File system using B+ tree.
·         University database using Oracle.
·         Simulated Sliding Window protocol (stop and wait, go back n,
      Selective repeat)
·                                                         Simulated Transparent Bridging, Link State Routing Protocols.

            Programming Paradigms       
·         Event driven programming

            Introduction to Programming
·         Polynomial arithmetic using Scheme.
·         Finding connected components of a graph using Gofer.
·         Conversion of a number into words using Gofer.

            Theoretical Computer Science
·         Conversion of an NFA to a DFA using C.
            Low Level Programming   
·         Created a library for Arithmetic and String operations.

·         Polygon clipping and filling.


Extra Curricular Activities

·         Having district level certificate of Bharat Scout and Guide.

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