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how 2 write a cv


S.Pravakaran                                                                 145,14th Colony,                                                                                                     MTPS III stage,
04288-241517 (R) 9942257854 (M)

Career Objective:

To secure a challenging position where I can effectively contribute my skills as an engineering Professional, possessing competent Technical Skills.

Educational Qualifications:

Discipline /

Board/  University
Yearof Passing
Power Electronics and Drives
S.R.M Institute of Science and Technology


 for 4
Electrical and Electronics
Kongu Engineering College
Bharathiyar University


Higher Secondary
Science+ Maths stream
Bharathi Vidya Bhavan

State Board




Bharathi Vidya Bhavan




Technical Skills:

Operating System  
Windows 98, Windows 2000,Windows XP

Programming Languages

Java, JDBC, SQL, C++,
Databases & Tools
SQL Server 7.0
Web Related Technologies
HTML, Servlets, JSP, JavaScript
Other Utilities         
TomcatWebserver,  Weblogic 7.0

Academic Projects
Project Profile #1:

Project Title

W  Enterprise Solution Provider

Nov 2004 – may 2005
Operating Systems
Windows 2000
Skill Sets/Competencies
 JDBC, JSP, JavaScript, Java Bean

This Project was designed to meet the requirements of any company facing various problems regarding inventory, finance sales etc. This system handles all the data involved in various departments of the company and then consolidates this data instantaneously. In this way any time lag between activity reported and report generated can be avoided. The reports generated can be used as an effective tool to identify areas of concern in each branch regarding product movement, employee performance and current out standings.

The centralized information database helps to monitor the performance of each branch and its employee facilitating a result oriented appraisal.

Roles /Responsibilities:

ü  Developed various modules using JSP.
ü  Involved in the database and the application design.
ü  Used Bean component to connect to the database
ü  Designing the database using SQL Server 7.0 to maintain the associate and the projects information for the website
ü  Used JavaScript for performing client side validations

Project Profile #2: 
Project Title

     Fuzzy Logic Enhanced Speed Control of Induction Machine Drive

S.R.M Institute of Science and Tech
Nov 2004 – may 2005
Implementation Software

               In this project, the speed of an induction motor is controlled through a Fuzzy Controller. This controller is based on Fuzzy system . The control circuit was designed and run using the Matlab.
              The current speed of the motor and the set speed are compared and their difference is adjusted using the Fuzzy controller. The machine model  is taken from the implementation software, i.e is the Matlab. The Fuzzy controller performance is also compared with a PID controller and found to be better.    

Project Profile #3:  
Project Title

W   Generator Autosynchronizer

Bharathiyar University
November 2002 – May 2003

                  This project makes two generators to run in parallel automatically by checking their voltage, frequency and phase-sequence. The voltage, frequency and the phase sequence of the incoming generator is made to  match with the running  generator and once these parameters are made equal, a circuit breaker is made to close, which makes the generators to run in parallel.
                  This automation project, is very recently taken over in electrical sub-stations to increase the loading capacity

Academic Achievements:

·        University Rank holder in PG Degree.
·        First class with Distinction in UG

Personal Profile:
Name                           :           S.Pravakaran
Father’s Name             :            S.Elango
Sex                              :           Female
Marital Status               :           Single
Nationality                    :           Indian
Hobbies                       :            Reading, singing (classical), Cooking
Permanent Address      :           14, D.P.S Colony,
                                                Erode- 638 017 (T.N)
Phone No                    :            91-4288-256789
Passport No                 :           B467487
Date of Birth               : 30-05-1982

                       I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.

Place:Bangalore                                                                             (S Pravakaran)

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