Software Developer (JAVA) Professional Resume Format in Word -->

Software Developer (JAVA) Professional Resume Format in Word

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Dilip Bansal

Computer Engineering Graduate                                                         Email:                       

Department of Computer Engineering                                               Mobile: +91-9298455742

Maharishi Markandeshwar Engg. College                                       Address: Dilip Bansal, 239/38,

Mullana, Ambala                                                                             2nd  Floor,Near Ram Mandir, Onkar                                       

                                                                                                                    nagar C,Tri Nagar,New Delhi-98


With knowledge and skills in Computer Engineering, I will constructively contribute to the working of the organization and to secure a challenging position where I can effectively contribute my skills as Professional, possessing competent technical skills.

 Academic Details 

Examination/ Degree



Year of pass-out

Bachelor in Computer Engineering

Maharishi Markandeshwar Engg. College


  Aggregate :76%                 



Higher Secondary Education (12th) (C.B.S.E.)

D A V Centenary Public School, Sirsa

 Aggregate :72%



Secondary Education (10th) (C.B.S.E.)

D A V Centenary Public School, Sirsa

 Aggregate :80%



 Present Experience 

I have worked as a Software developer (JAVA) with Stellent Suse Technotics Pvt. Ltd. for 1 year i.e.  from 30th June 2012 till 1st  July 2013. 


·         Minor Project

              Website Title                       :           Online Newspaper Agency System

Software Tools            :           ASP.NET/Visual Studio 2008

Database                     :           Microsoft SQL Server

Team Size                   :           2

Role/Responsibilities  :           I have worked in the area of coding in C#.

              Scope Of Website        :           The purpose of the website is to maintain records of the newspaper                                                                                                                                                                      

                                                                  and customers for a newspaper agency.


·         Major Project

              Project Title             :           Hospital Management System

Software Tools            :           Java/Swings

Database                     :           Mysql

Team Size                   :           2

Role/Responsibilities  :           I have worked in the area of coding.

              Scope Of Project          :           The purpose of the Project is to maintain records of the various   

                                                                 fields of the hospital.

·         Undertaken Project - 1

              Website Title                       :           Global Development Organization

Software Tools            :           JSP/Eclipse

Database                     :           Mysql


·         Undertaken Project - 2

              Website Title                       :           SST Scheduler

Software Tools            :           JSP/Eclipse

Database                     :           Mysql


·         Undertaken Project - 3

              Website Title                       :           SOLO Capital’s website (CMS)

Software Tools            :           JSP/Servlets/Eclipse

Database                     :           Mysql


·         Undertaken Project - 4

              Website Title                       :           Stellent Suse Technotics Tech Support

Software Tools            :           JSP/Eclipse

Database                     :           Mysql


·         Undertaken Project - 5

              Project Title             :           Human Resource Management System

Software Tools            :           JSP/Eclipse

Database                     :           Mysql


·         Undertaken Project - 6

              Project Title             :           Anirudth Malhotra’s Portfolio (CMS)

Software Tools            :           JSP/Servlets/Eclipse

Database                     :           Mysql



§    Certified from HCL CDC in Core Java.

§    Certified from BM Infosys in ASP.NET.

§   Certified from Kyrion Digital Securities for attending workshop on Ethical Hacking and Information Security.


Technical Skills 

§    Programming Languages               :  C, C++, Java

§    Software Applications                     : MS office-2007

§   Web Designing Language                : HTML, JSP/Servlets


Strengths and Interpersonal Skills


§   Hardworking and dedicated towards achieving the objectives.

§   Adaptive in nature and always willing to learn.

§   Ability to maintain a good relationship with people.



§  Travelling

§  Driving

§  Photography

§  Listening Music


Personal Information   


§   Father’s Name                        -           Mr. Madan Sudan Bansal

§   Mother’s Name          -           Mrs. Koushyala Bansal

§   Date of Birth               -           24rd May, 1990

§   Sex                              -           Male

§   Marital Status             -           Single

§   Language Known       -           English, Hindi

§   Nationality                  -           Indian

§   Alternate Email Id       -  

§   Alternate Mobile No.  -             9854357900

§   Permenent Address     -           256 Park Street,Bhadra Bazar,Sirsa,Haryana-1251223




I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and can be supported with reliable documents when needed.



Date:_____________                                                                                                              Dilip Bansal



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