Company Secretory 2 years Experienced Resume Format in Word -->

Company Secretory 2 years Experienced Resume Format in Word

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for a Company Secretory 2 years Experienced  Resume Format for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download 


Resume                                                        Nitin Joshi

                                (CS,B.Com)                                                                                                                                                                                                         ACS Membership Number 34444



Contact Details


Contact Address

Email Id

Contact Number

R-no, Manguprasad chawl, Ovaripada, M K Road,

Dahisar (w), Mumbai-400145,

Maharashtra, India.


+91 9846951182


Carrer Objective


To enhance my knowledge and skill-sets in the Secretarial and Legal stream and to utilize it in meeting the challenging demands of the corporate sector and to contribute effectively towards the Organizational Goals.

Educational Qualification

 Ø professional qualification 

  • Company Secretary(CS) Professional Programme (Final) in December 2011 from Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI)


  • Company Secretary(CS) Executive Programme (Intermediate) in June 2010 from Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI)


Ø   Academic qualification­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­



Board/ University




Mumbai University




Maharashtra State Board

78.50 %



Maharashtra State Board

74.80 %



Comptuer Skills


  • Ms word, Excel, Power point
  • Internet                     


Work Experience


Completed One year & Three Months (15 Months) Management Training from Listed Company Pipavav Defence and Offshore Engineering Company Limited


Duration: April 18, 2012 to July 17, 2013


Work Exposure


Ø  Annual Report Work


      Assisted in preparing Directors Report, Corporate Governance Report section        in the Annual Report of the Company.


      Assisted Preparation of Notice and Directors Report of Subsidiary Company and Group Companies.


Ø  Board/Audit/Committee Meeting and AGM/ EGM Meeting of the Company


Assisted in convening and holding of Board/Audit/Committee Meeting and AGM/ EGM Meeting of the Company and assisted in Preparing of Agenda, Attendance Registers, Notices and Minutes of the Board, Audit and other Committee Meetings of Company.

preparation of proxy register, attandance registers, updation of statutory registers and drafting of minutes other related task for AGM / EGM  of Company and subsidiary Company and other pre and post Compliances with the Stock Exchanges (BSE and NSE) for listed companies.


       Preparation of Notice, Agenda and Minutes of Board and general meetings of several group Companies.


Ø  Compliances under Listing Agreement


      Compliance under various clauses of the Listing Agreement including preparation and filing of share holding pattern (Clause 35), Corporate Governance Report (Clause 49) on quarterly basis, preparing & sending covering letters for clause 35, 49, 41 and       other intimations to the Stocks Exchanges etc.


      Uploading above information on NSE Electronic Application Processing System(NEAPS) and BSE as well as posting the same on Companies' website.


Ø  Other Secretarial Functions


·     Preparing & filing various E Forms like filing of form 2, 5, 8, 17, 23, 32, 25C, 20, 1, 1A, 32, 67, 23AC, 23ACA, 20B, 22 and 18 etc on MCA portal for all Companies including group & subsidiary company.

·                     Form 24AA for annual Disclosures by Directors.


·     Preparation and Maintenance of various Companies’ Records such as Minutes Book, Statutory Registers etc.

·     Prepared Minutes, Notices, Agenda, Extracts of Minutes, of Board meeting, General Meeting & Extra-ordinary General Meeting.

·     Filing of various Corporate Announcements, Updates, Listing Application,  quarterly compliances and other compliances on website of NSE (NEAPS) and BSE

·     Assisted in Handling various investor Grievances received through Investor Grievance e-mail & through SEBI (SCORES).

·     Preparation of notice, Statutory Report and Statutory Meeting under section 165 of the Companies Act, 1956 and filing of E-form 22 with Registrar of Companies on MCA Portal for newly incorporated Public Company.

·     Assisted in issue and allotment of equity shares issued on conversion of warrants and equity shares issued on preferential basis and pre and post compliances like filing return of allotment, listing application for such  shares, corporate actions form  etc.

·     Disclosures under regulation 13(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 and uploading the same on websites of stock exchange.

·     Preparation of various documents for incorporation of Companies and Assisted in Incorporation of the Companies.

·     change in registered office of the company.

·     Preparation of  Benpos on daily basis and shareholding Pattern of the Company on weekly basis and other Comparison of data  for the perusal of the Senior Management.

·     change in objects clause and change in name of the  subsidiary & group company.

·     Replying to various query raised by ROC with respect to form filed and Replying to the notice of ROC, RD in connection with the various queries raised by them.

·     Reviewing and studying the amendments, notifications and the circulars issued by MCA, RBI, SEBI and other statutory & government bodies.

·     drafting of various board resolutions, letters to stock exchanges and ROC.

·     Preparation of various annexure as required for various E-forms. 

·     Prepared Summons and Warrants under various Sections of the Companies Act, 1956 during 15 days training with Registrar of Companies (ROC) Mumbai.


Personal Details



Nitin Joshi

Date of Birth

25rd June 1988



Marital Status




Languages Known

English, Gujarati , Hindi, Marathi


Watching movies, Travelling, Cricket, Music



Will be provided, in case required.


Place:  Mumbai




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