Electronics And Instrumentation Fresher Engineer Resume Format -->

Electronics And Instrumentation Fresher Engineer Resume Format

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Electronics And Instrumentation Fresher Engineer Resume For Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download 


           Arundhuti Reddy

H-No: 14-35-282/1, plot no. 15,

Rajshree Nagar,

L.B.nagar                                                         E Mail: arundhuti@yahoo.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Hyderabad-500015.                                        Mobile:9845168241




Quest to work in an environment, which will enable me to cope-up with emerging as well as latest technologies and provide scope for widening the spectrum of knowledge.Seeking a challenging and quality environment where my knowledge and experience can be shared.



Education Profile








Year of Passed

Mark Obtained





Pragathi Model High School



Board of Secondary Education

Andhra Pradesh










Sri Chitanya Junior Kalasala



Board of Intermediate

  Andhra Pradesh






B.Tech (EIE)

Electronics And Instrumentation


Royal Institute Of Science & Technology         










 Technical Skills


Operating Systems


MS-DOS,Windows 95/98/2000 and xp




RDBMS softwares


Oracle 9i, MS-Access







      Project Profile


            Project                          :   Application Of Distributed Control Systems

                                         (TELEPERM ME+) ON Turbo Blower Automation  

    Team Size                     :      3

    Environment                 :  STRUCK, Windows XP.             

    Duration                        :  3 months

            Roles & Responsibility  :   Developing Logics for Controlling Different Parameters


Description:   TRLEPERM ME+ Distributed Control System of Siemens is chosen to implement the control system for the three turbo blowers. This is a purely Distributed Control system, with no central processor. It consists of two systems, an automation system AS220EA and an operation monitoring and information system, OS220EA. Automation system is used to implement closed loop control, open loop control, interlock protection and monitoring. In VSP DCS is used to protect the turbo blowers from surging in order to ensure that compressor always operates within the stable range of its performance map.


Personal Profile


            Name                               :           ARUNDHUTI REDDY

Father's Name                    :         Bhasu Reddy 

Date of Birth                      :         11-08-1984

Marital Status                    :         Single

Nationality                        :         Indian


Languages Known               :         English, Hindi and Telugu

Phone                              :         040-63504284


 Extra Curricular Activities:-

Active member and participant in the two days National Conference on “Bio-Medical & Process Instrumentation “BINCON-2005” Organized by Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering at Royal Institute of Technology and Science.



           I here by declare that the information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.



Date   :

Place:                                                                         (Arundhuti Reddy)



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