608, 609 Certified Technician Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download -->

608, 609 Certified Technician Sample Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Haley Frank

3297 Jackson Road                           Phone: 697-238-7045
Denver, SN 50214                             E-mail: haley_frank487@gmail.com

Profile:            A young professional with a unique combination of military and construction experience, completing courses in a tech-based curriculum in Diesel Mechanics and Chassis Fabrication at nationally accredited Wyotech, in Laramie, WY.  Recent Honorable Discharge from the US Army.


Experience:    Performed construction projects in Mexico; assisted in relief construction efforts rebuilding for Hurricane Katrina, in New Orleans, LA.  Extensive international travel;selected for training with military organizations from England, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru, awarded andreceived those countries parachutist badges.  Served in Iraq and Afghanistan; two tours of duty in each area of operations.

Professional Goals:    Develop and grow in leadership and knowledge in diesel equipment repair, diagnostics, welding and fabricating. Seeking a high level of technological competence, experience, interacting with team members and clients, learning and excelling in the best available technology.



Aug 2002 - May 2006              Marysville High School, Graduate, Marysville, CA

Sep 2006 – Jan 2007               United States Army Infantry School, Graduate, Ft. Benning, GA

Jan 2011 - Present                   Wyotech Diesel, Technology, Laramie, WY

Technical Skills

Computer        Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word software; internet& email skills
Mechanic        Diesel and general automotive repair, maintenance management and support
Armorer          Advanced repair, inventory, and maintenance, small arms weapons systems
Refrigeration 608 Universal certified and 609 Certified

·        Light and Heavy duty dieselrepair, engine, body,hydraulics, drive train rebuild, maintain and service.
·        Arc, Mig, and Tig welding. Plasma and Oxy cutting.
·        General construction, rebuild and repair activities in diverse and harsh conditions.
·        Support and action inmilitary operations, weapons, logistics and demolition exercises.
·        Vehicle &TacticalEquipment; operator, maintenance, inventory and repair for battalion operations.

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