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Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for B.Tech in IT CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


#68-Durga Niwas, North Road, JP Nagar, Bangalore
e-mail: dinesh@yahoo.com; ph: +91-9886947763

                                   I aspire for a professional career leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed & dedicated people, which will provide me growth opportunities, suitably reward my skill & give a chance to constantly add value to the organization.

Technical Proficiency summary:

ü  Good analytical abilities, quick grasping power zeal for learning new things.
ü  Strong knowledge in Java, J2EE
ü  Strong knowledge in server side programming with Java using Servlets.
ü  Good   knowledge  of JNDI,JMS,JDBC and RMI
ü  Working knowledge in IDE JDeveloper,Jbuilder
ü  Knowledge of Technologies used in Web Services.
ü  Working Knowledge in  servers Weblogic7.0 and Tomcat4.0
ü  Good Working Knowledge in Sql

Ø  Good leadership and team building ability.
Ø  Strong communication skills and excellent interpersonal relationship skill.
Ø  Keen learner and always ready to accept challenges.


Working as a Software engineer in Flash Infotech (Bangalore).

Ø  B.Tech from U.P Technical University  in 2005 with  first class
Ø  H.S.C from C.N.S.I.C (Kanpur) in  1999  with  first class
Ø  S.S.C from C.N.S.I.C (Kanpur)  in 1997 with  first class

Operating System                      :           Windows-98/NT/ XP,  MS DOS 6.22
Web Technologies                     :           HTML, JavaScript ,JMS
Languages                                 :           C, C++ , Java, PL/SQL
Server Side Technologies         :           Servlets, JSP, EJB, Struts and XML
Database                                    :           Ms-Access, Oracle9i, SQLServer 2000
Distributed Technologies          :           RMI , JDBC ,JNDI
Application Server                   :            Weblogic7.0/8.1


Title                                :            Interactive Messaging
Environment                  :           Servlet,JDBC,Java, IADE, JMS,XML,Oracle9i
Client                             :            Flash Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Duration                         :           6 months


The Scuba Notification Service is a tool that can be used to inform external applications on life cycle state changes of entities of in the Scuba CMS/AMS(Card and Application Management System).The entities for which  a notification can be sent include :cardholders,cards,applications and organizations;Everytime a state changes in a CMS/AMS entity and its life cycle indicates that this state change needs to be notified to the outside world, a notification is send to a list of subscribed external applications(“listeners”).It is up to the external application receiving a notification from Scuba to react according the application specific logic and business rules.External Applications need to be subscribed to the Scuba Notification Service prior to receiving notification messages.


ü  Developing Messaging System and DAO framework
ü  GUI development using IADE 4.0
ü  Integration with Scuba
ü  Junit Testing


Title                             :           Business information system and stock analysis
Environment                :           Servlets, Jdbc,Java,JSP and Oracle 8i.
Client                           :           Hotline Marketing Agencies.
Operating System        :           Windows 2000
Duration                       :           4 months.

This Application provides complete solution for the business systems where stock is distributed, provides the information of levels of stock, alerts about system behavior and provides decision support. The System is interacted by three users who work with their respective privileges. Admin who creates and assigns privileges to the newly registered users who sell the stock in retail as well as in bulk quantity. Stock controller who looks after the stock level. The history as well future requirements of stock information is maintained for the analysis and decision support. Stock controller maintains the inventory information and current stock quantity of every product.

ü  Designing.
ü  Developing JSP, Servlets
ü  Testing.


Title                             :           Automation of Shopping Complex
Environment                :           Servlets,JSP, Jdbc,and Oracle 8i.
Client                           :           Maruti shopping complex,Moradabad
Operating System        :           Windows 2000 Server
Duration                       :           2months.

This Project deals with the automation of a shopping complex, which facilitates the user to go for online shopping. This application typically allows a user to select items from a catalog and placethem in a virtual shopping cart, before proceeding to the checkout and paying for items. It provides an automatic updation of the repository as soon as the items are placed in the cart and final payment is made for the items.

ü  Developed Servlets
ü  Designing of web pages


Name                                                       Dinesh Upadhyay
Father’s Name                                         Mr. Mukesh Kumar Upadhyay
Martial Status                                           Unmarried
Date of Birth                                                   10th  Jul. 1982
Nationality                                                       Indian.
Language Known                                            English  and Hindi
Contact no.                                                      09886947763

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