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template for a curriculum vitae

Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for B.E.in Electronics &Electrical Engineer CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

                                                          Phone: 044 25987295
                                                                                                Mobile: +91 98412 40367
                                       Email: rakesh@yahoo.co.in                                             
                                     A.Email: rakesh@rediffmail.com


To work in a challenging environment in which my knowledge and abilities are fully utilized for the development of both the company and myself.
Month & Year of
Bharath Institute Of Science And Technology,Selaiyur, Chennai – 600073.
Anna University

May. 2006

K.C.Sankaralinga Nadar Higher Secondary School,
Chennai – 600 021.
State Board
Mar. 2002
Sri Ram Dayal Khemka Vivekananda Vidyalaya. Chennai – 600 019.
Central Board
Apr. 2000

Academic Qualification
Technical Competency

¨       Operating System               :  MS DOS, Windows 98, 2000, XP.

¨       Programming Languages       :  C, C++.
¨       Multimedia                             :  Adobe Photoshop 7.0
¨       Packages                                 :  Orcad 9.2, MS Office.
     Project Profile

Title:  Micro-controller Based Single Phase AC-AC Converter with Capacitor Clamped Scheme.
Description: A Single Phase AC/AC Converter with a Capacitor Clamped Scheme is proposed to act as the nearly unity power factor at the input side, to regulate the DC link voltage and to provide a stable AC voltage at the output side. The AC/DC part of the converter is controlled to generate a unipolar PWM Waveform using four power switches with a voltage stress of half the DC bus voltage. The DC/AC part of the proposed converter is controlled to generate a stable and clean sinusoidal output voltage to the critical load. The circuit reduces harmonics since PWM is used.
Software used: PSPICE
Duration: Jan. 2006 – Apr. 2006.
Team Size: 4
¨       Analysing.
¨       Designing.
¨       Coding.
¨       Implementation.
¨       Testing.

Industrial visits                                                                                                                         

¨       Andrew & Yule Transformers Limited, Perungudi, Chennai.

¨      Hindustan TelePrinters Limited, Guindy, Chennai.

Fields of Interest
¨       Electrical Machines.
¨       Power Electronics.
¨       Control Systems.
¨       Network Analysis and Synthesis.

Academic Electives

¨          Computer Networks (8th  Semester)
¨       Bio-medical Instrumentation(8th Semester)

Scholarships / Awards

¨       Secured School Second In State Board Higher Secondary Examinations.

Extra Curricular Activities

¨       Have organized Programming Contest for SPIKE (EEE Technical Symposium).
¨       Player in school Cricket team.

Personal Profile

Father’s Name                           :  Amitabh.v
Date of Birth                             :  19th   May 1985.
Nationality                                :  Indian.
Address                                   :  #119, North Street,
                                                    Chennai – 600 050
Language Proficiency              :  English, Tamil and Telugu.
Hobbies                                   :  Listening music, Reading Books, playing Cricket.


I hereby declare that the information and facts furnished above are true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief.

Place :
Date :                                                                                    (V.RAKESH KUMAR)

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