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Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for MCA in IT CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


Mob: +91 9849764905

Career Summary

Having been in the field of development in ASP.NET, VB.NET, C# & SQLSERVER for 2 Years and have acquired expertise and productive capabilities in analyzing client requirements/specifications and reaching quick and satisfactory technical solutions, and has a good reasoning in analyzing anomalies and approaching quick solutions.

Experience Summary

            Memory Books for eMagineWorks
            LAN Controller
            Consulting System for Ambe International.
      Intranet Messaging Service for product
Professional Experience

      I am Currently working for Vishwam Solutions Pvt. Ltd. as a Software Engineer, Hyderabad, from June’2004 to Till Date.

Academic  Qualifications

Master of Computer Applications(MCA) from Osmania University in 2004, Hyderabad, AP, India.

Bachelor of Computer Science(BSc(comp)) from Sri Krishna Devaraya University in 2000, Anantapur, AP, India.
Technical Cognizance

GUI                                         : .Net Technologies, Visual Basic-6.0
Languages                                :  C#, C, C++
RDBMS                                   : SQL Server 2000, Oracle 8i.
Reporting tools                         : Crystal Reports.
Internet technologies                 : Share Point Portal Server 2003, ASP.Net, ASP

Project # 1      :           MemoryBooks
Client               :           eMagineWorks
Team Size        :           4
Environment     :           Windows NT, VB.Net, ASP.NET, &SQL Server 2000
Role                 :           Member of Technical Team.

Description :

Memory Books is a web-based project is being developed for eMagineWorks. This project aim is to create Memory Books online of an expired person by collecting information from contributors. Initially one person will take initiation to create Memory Book who is known as Facilitator sends requests to relatives, friends of an expired person and collects their views for the book. The features added to the project are spell checking, creating documents.

Major Responsibilities

·    Design and Programming with ASP.NET & VB.NET
·  Database maintenance using SQL Server 2000

Project # 2      :           LAN CONTROLLER
Team Size        :           3
Environment     :           Windows NT, C#, SQL Server 2000
Role                 :           Member of Technical Team.

Description :

 LAN Controller software is designed to monitor the network. In this project, a server program is designed which is responsible for monitoring the network. After that a client program is need to be installed on the systems, which you want to monitor the information. The lists of clients connected are displayed on the server process, through which we can monitor the network. After selecting a particular client, it displays the information related to that system viz., the process that are running, the threads that are running for a particular process, and the DLLs that the process is using for its execution. Using this information, we can monitor the client systems, namely we can kill unauthorized processes from the server that a particular user is executing.

Major Responsibilities

·    Design and Programming with C#, ASP.NET
·  Database maintenance using SQL SERVER 2000

Project  # 3                 :           Consulting System
Team Size                    :           4
Environment                 :           ASP.NET, VB.NET, & SQL Server 2000
Role                             :           Member of Technical Team.

Description     :
                            The objective of the project is getting details about who are attending for the Interviews. This project has many features like it can get all the details about the candidate, It also gives the details about skills, tools, personal details, experience, no of interviews attended, remarks, position, designation, designation code and qualification etc.
                            This has mainly features as the requisition number with which we will get the details about a candidate easily, Interview Selected Entry form gives the details about date of joining / appointment, time, offer, interview referred by, remarks, skill name, etc, Interview Attended Master provides details about candidate skills, tools, referred by, remarks, date and time etc. Job Provider Master includes provider code, contact person, provider name, city name, phone number, mobile number and designation.

Major Responsibilities

·    Design and Programming with ASP.NET & VB.NET
·  Database maintenance using SQL Server 2000

Project # 4                             :           Internal Messaging Service
Team Size                                :           4
Environment                             :           C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000
Role                                         :           Member of Technical Team.
Description     :          
                 The project allows employees of the company to send/receive messages within the organization. User logs into site with employee id and password, registration of user with employee id and password, allows user to supply employee id and question to get password, to send message, user can reply to a message, can see messages, change password, delete messages, create group, add members to group, remove members from group, delete groups.


·    Design and Programming with  C# & ASP.NET.
·  Database maintenance using SQL Server 2000

Personal Profile

  Name                           : K.Pradip
Father’s Name              : K.Vishal
Date of Birth                 : 21.07.1979
Marital Status                : Single
Present Address            :  26-7-351/B/315
                                       Flat No. 303  

                        Mobile                          : +91 9849764905

                        Email                            :

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