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Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience forB.E. in (EEE) CV Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

 D RAJU                                                                                    14/1 N S Road
 Mobile   : 09876543210(kolkatta)
 Mobile   : 09876543222(Chennai)
 Phone    : 04562-24242424
 E- mail   :
Objective :  

                Aspiring to join in any esteemed concern and improve my learner skills.

Professional Qualification:

2001 -2005           B.E -EEE 76%(first class with distinction) from 
                                       P.S.R engg. College (Affiliated to ANNA UNIVERSITY)           
2000 -2001          XII Std (10 +2) (79.33%) from school, 
1998 - 1999         X Std (10th) (78.4%) from School,
Working Experience: Working experience of 6. 2 months in oracle (sql.plsql) and dotnet technologies.
Current Employer: CMC Ltd, Kolkata
Domain Experience: Under gone Domain Training in Insurance for the Gensys-Configrator (India’s First Insurance software developed by CMC Ltd.) Kolkata


·        Operating System        :   Windows 9x, 2000.
·        Languages                     :   C,C++ ,C#,plsql
·        Web Technologies        :   HTML(java script),  
·        Database                         Oracle8i,9i


·        Toad, Pl/sql developer.

               Undergone Essential Diploma In Graduate Engineering (EDGE) Program with CMC IT EDUCATION,
CMC LTD (A TATA Enterprise) Chennai.

Areas Of Interest

·        Relational Database Management System


           Company Name    : CMC Ltd.,Kolkata.(02 SEP 2005 - Still to date)
           Languages            :  Sql,plsql.                                                          
           Database              :   oracle
           TOOLS                 :  toad,Report6i,form6i
           Team Size              :  6
           Destination            :  Maintenance trainee (ICT ).

                        PROMPT is an online Field Support System. It is being used in tandem with GENISYS which is an insurance product developed by CMC Ltd. and used by the Insurance Companies. It has been deployed for providing support to over 250 locations all over India. Each location has a Call Registering Centre where all complaints, suggestions etc. are registered in the Field Support System after being categorized under different categories like Bugs, Operational Errors, Modifications etc. Analysis made against these calls by the support persons are captured by the system and the same can be viewed by the customer.
                      The customer thus benefits by having access to online solutions as provided by the support team. The system also has different reports generated on regular basis on customer  request.      Entrusted with job of securing database and daily export and import of data to various other locations. Assessing various requirements, planning and implementing. 
                     This PROMPT software later enhanced to be used as a Capability Maturity Model for achieving SEI CMM Level 5 and was assigned the Job for Developing robust interfaces using DEVELOPER 2000 (Forms 6i and Reports 6i and VB covering various fields like Project Planning, CMM Implementation Documents, Requirement Management, Billing, Timesheet and Document Generation.Generated reports on the above areas for the clients.Maintained various versions of files in the Clear Case Server.Trained a group of 3 persons on Developer 6i and ORACLE 8i.Worked as Assessment Team Member in the CMM  Assessment of CMC Ltd.

Personal Profile:

Date of Birth           : 20th April 1984.

Sex                          : Male.

Nationality              : Indian.

Languages Known  : Tamil, English & Telugu.

Permanent Address :  S/o V.Varadharajan,
                                   Kakkivadanpatti (po),
                                   Virudhunagar (DT),
                                    Pincode : 121212

                   I here by declare that above mentioned data are true to the best of my knowledge.

Date:                                                                                              signature

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