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medical assistant resume templates

Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for MCA in IT CV  Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

Skanda  Nilayam, 3rdCross,
 Kumar Swamy Layout,                                Govind Nayakan Halli, Bangalore, karnataka, India – 5600 01.
Mobile     +91-9876543210
DOB            09.01.1976
Passport    F1212123
RAM KUMAR         

it Fresher
Software development/Database management/ System Administration/ Network Administration

OBJECTIVE: To work with an IT organization of distinction, which recognizes my true potential and provides me sufficient avenues for professional growth through nurturing my technical skills and competencies.
1      Sound knowledge of software development, best practices with project management capability.
2      Technical knowledge and proficiency in software development languages, operating systems & web technologies.
3      Self-motivated and capable of being highly productive with minimal supervision.
4      Reliable as a fully contributing, responsible and accountable member of task/project teams.
5      Able to handle multiple assignments under pressure and consistently meet tight deadlines.
   6    Excellent analytical skills and conceptualizing skills critical for software Development

Technical Skills

Languages: C, C++, Java , Visual Basic 6, VB.NET,LISP, COBOL,                      
                     FORTRAN, 8086 Assembly                                        
 Scripting Language : Shell script, Perl script                                      Databases: Oracle 8 (SQL),9i,SQL Server, MS-Access 2000
Operating System: MS DOS 6.62, WINDOWS  98/ 2000 Professional/    
         NT  4.0, WINDOWS XP/ 2000 Advance Server/2003Server                                        
         NOVELL  Netware, LINUX (Enterprise Edition)
Networking:  PC Server Architecture, Installation, Configuration &  
         Administration of Windows NT/2000 Server/ 2003 Server and their  
         Services, OSI architecture Router, Switches  configuration/
         TELECOM  concept, Wireless and Mobile Technologies.
Office Automation Tools :  Office 2000,XP & 2003 

Education And Professional Qualifications
2002 – 2005      Indira Gandhi National Open University      Ranchi                                                                                                      Master in Computer Application  (MCA)                                                          ●     First   Class                                   ●    Obtained    60%                          1997 – 1999 (Result out in 2001)  Ranchi University               Ranchi                            Master in Science (MSc) in Botany                                                                   ●  First Class                                         ●    Obtained   65%                            1994 – 1997        Ranchi College, Ranchi                                Ranchi                                                                                Bachelor  in  Science(BSc Hons) in Botany                                                          ●     First Class                                      ●   Obtained   63%                                 1992 – 1994        Gossner College, Ranchi                             Ranchi     Higher  Secondary  Education (Bihar Intermediate Council)                                      ●     First Class                                     ●    Obtained   60%                            1991 – 1992          St. Aloysius’ High School                          Ranchi Secondary Education (Bihar Secondary School Examination Board)          ●      First Class                                     ●    Obtained  69%
Work Experience
●   Computer Training Organizer to conduct and manage short term     training in Computer Application under ICAR Development Programme(January - march 2005).
Had Developed GPF (General Provident Fund) Software for Birsa   Agriculture University (BAU)  which is running successfully.                                                                Back-end : MS Access                   Front-end : Visual basic                               Responsibility  : Primary Investigation, Designing and Coding
Professional Training
Key Concepts Covered: Networking Concepts compatible to CCNA syllabus, wireless and telecom concepts, WindowsNT/2000/2003 Administration, LINUX Administration, SHELL Scripting, and CGI Perl. 
Institute: SUNiTECH, Bangalore            Duration: Aug 2005- Feb 2006
Institute: IIHT Ranchi                              Duration: 1 Month (June 2005)
Had Training form National Informatics Centre(NIC), Ranchi for the     DTO(District Transport Office) Software VAHAN and SARATHI  
Institute: NIC Ranchi                        Duration: 1 week (2005)
Academic Project
Final Year Project: Optimization of  Material Management System
Role: Primary Investigation, Designer, Analyst and Programmer
Organization: Central Coalfields Ltd. (CCL), Darbhanga House, Ranchi.
Duration:  April 2004 to October 2004
Environment: Windows XP ,Pentium IV 
 Back-end:   Oracle 9i             Front-end:          VB.NET
Responsibilities and Project Description:
●  Study Primary Investigation and analysis of the specifications provided by Central Coalfields Ltd(CCL) .
●  Designed and created the Database to support the Requirements.
●  It covers entire gamut of material management right from the Planning and Programming of Materials, Indents, Value Analysis, Vendor rating, Purchase Orders, Store Maintenance, Records for control purposes, Issues, Accounting and Inventory Analysis
● Codes for replacing the old existing material code with new 11 digit code based on standard CIL code with an Interwoven Solution to achieve improved supportability, more efficient workflow/processes with better control.
Mini Project: Telephone Billing System of BSNL
Role: Design and Development of Software              Duration: 1 month
Environment: Visual Basic 6, MS-Access 2000, Windows XP
Responsibilities and Project Description: The system calculates the required bill for the customers, considering their due date,meter readings, taxes, surcharge and generates the bill with their respective addresses.
Languages   Known
English, Hindi (Read, Write & Speak)

●   Won various Inter College/ School Badminton
●   Conducted Inter College Debates, Quizzes and Sports events
●   Had Been Awarded National Merit Scholarship.

Photography, Reading, Gardening
Personal Details
Father’s Name      :    Sri   Mahendra   Thakur                                                          Gender                  :     Male                                                                                 Nationality              :    Indian                                                                                    Marital Status        :    Unmarried

REFERENCES:     Available on request

Ram Kumar

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