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 Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for  B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineer CV Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

Curriculum vitae

                                                                  D.SUMIT KUMAR
                                                                                                        Flat no: 71, C-Block,
                                                                                                5th Phase, Janapriya Apartments,
Email:                                                                   Miyapur,
Mo.No: +919876543210                                                                  Hyderabad - 500001.

Professional Objective         

            To take up a challenging career in organizations of repute in the software industry and to put my competitive edge into practice and boost my sense of accomplishment.

Personal Skills

v   Having a Good knowledge in .Net
v   Having in depth knowledge and experience in RTOS & Micro Controller
v   Good Knowledge in Assembly Language Programming
v   Having Good knowledge in C, C++, Tornado V2.2(Vx-works), RT-Linux
v   Having the knowledge of TCP/IP, Device Drivers, ARM7TDMI

Educational Background

v   Bachelor of Technology in ECE (B.TECH) in First Class from Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
v   Diploma in ECE (10+3) in Second Class from Board of Technical Education, Bangalore, Karnataka.
v   S.S.C in First Class from Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh.

Technical Proficiency



Microsoft Technologies
Object Oriented Programming
Oops Concepts, C, C++,Data Structure
Programming Tools
UMPS, Micro Vision Keil, RTOS
Windows 9x, Me, XP and 2000


v   Steep learning curve.
v   Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
v   Perform well under pressure and able to meet deadlines.
v   Good Team player.

Project Profile

Project #1 (B.Tech)

PC-Based Antenna Tracking System Using

Micro Controller 89C51

Center for Electronics Test Engineering, Hyderabad
Antenna Tracking and positioning it in right angle right direction for continuous reception of the EM Waves from satellites Using Micro Controller Application.

Team size
Operating System
Windows XP Professional
1)  Team Leader
2)  Designing Circuit Diagram 
1)      Design review
2)      Coding and Testing
3)      Troubleshooting

Project #2 (Diploma)


Pulse Rate Data Transmit & Receive System

The aim of this project work is to transmit the pulse rate data to the receiving station. Any information in the form of pulses can be transmitted using this transmitter.
Team size
Components Used

555Timer, FM modulator, 7-Segment Display

Team Leader
Design Review And Troubleshooting

Embedded project

Project #1: Project #1: Socket Programming -VxWorks

Project #2: Device Drivers (Serial Port Communication) -UNIX

Project #3: Cryptography - C++

Project #4: File Splitting - C Language

Personal Profile

Name                                       : SUMIT KUMAR DUDHANKAR
Date of Birth                             : 28-08-1982
Nationality                                : Indian
Martial Status                           : Single
Sex                                          : Male
Languages Known                    : English, Hindi, Marati and Telugu
Passport No                             : F0123456


I hereby declare that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 

Place: Hyderabad
Date:                                                                                                           D.Sumit Kumar

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