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Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for MCA CV  Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

Olivia Pinto
No:18th Avenue,
54th Main Road,
Jaam Nagar,
Contact No: 9876543210


Ø Continuous learning and implementing those Software and its concepts in Real time Environment.
Ø To achieve a challenging career in the IT Industry that promotes professional growth and prospects


Ø “Can-Do” Attitude
Ø Diligent
Ø Improvisation


POST graduation


Master of Computer Application
n  N.M.S.S.V.N College, Madurai
n  Madurai Kamarajar University,Madurai
n  86%

Bachelor of Science
n  Womens Christian College, Nagercoil
n  Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli
n  71%


Interpress Private Limited, Chennai
§  Working since June 2004 in varied high-end technologies involved in Design and Development for software systems for a variety of platform and requirements.

Software Skills

n  Operating System - Windows NT 4.0, Windows 9x, Windows                                           2000
n  Language                 - C, C++, Java,J2EE
n  IDE                                     - Visual Basic 6.0
n  Web Tools               -JavaScript,VBScript,                       
                                 HTML, JSP                                       
n  Database                 - Oracle 8i, MS ACCESS
n  Editors                                - Dream Weaver MX

Interpress PRivate Limited

Title :  CIMS – Purchase and Stores                     
Client: DailyThanthi Groups
     In the Purchase & Stores module indenting is the major process that triggers all other processes in the module. The whole process of purchase & stores as mentioned earlier starts when the necessity for material arises and is not available in the local / branch stores. So for acquiring the material an indent should be raised by the branch. In Daily Thanthi since the sole authority of purchasing materials is with the central stores (located at chennai), indents from all branches should be forwarded to them.
The next task   in  the  Purchase  &  Stores   module   is  the  Purchase process. The necessity of this process   starts with the requirement of the material, which is unavailable  in the Central Stores. The process carries on   with the procurement of   the material by calling for   the    quotation.
  • Java Swing,JDBC, Windows 2000 Professional
Database         : Oracle 8i

Interpress PRivate Limited

Title :  Task Management            
Client: Breakthrough Technologies, Chennai
    This system managing and tracking all tasks, projects and jobs in the team are working on. It used to get an instant list of all tasks, jobs or projects, Balance personal and team workloads. It is easy-to-use graphical user interface allows you to enter an unlimited number of tasks, jobs, projects, and notes.
    JSP and Oracle 8i
Interpress PRivate Limited

Title :  E-Greetings portal             
Client: Breakthrough Technologies,Chennai

        This system incorporates a typical Greetings website, with which the clients can select a greetings card, customize it and can send it to the destination they chose. The main advantage is selection and customization of a card can be done dynamically, where a database is maintained in order to store the details of the e-card. Hence all the manipulations are being carried out efficiently using the IDE like JSP developed under Macromedia Dream Weaver, that runs under Apache Tomcat Server-4.0.4 and the database is maintained in Oracle 8i.
JSP, Tomcat Server – 4.0.4 and Oracle 8i.

Academic Projects
POST graduation

Title :  Power Tariff Monitoring System(PTMS)       
Client: Winfocom pvt Ltd,Chennai

            This system is a Model for the process of taking energy meter reading automatically, i.e., Without Human intervention.
      PTMS is a system in which the process of taking the reading and generated bills automatically. The System is so accurate and it is also cost effectiveness.
    The Microcontroller has stored the reading, which consumed electricity consumed by the consumer and calculates the Units. It directly transferred to the Electricity office by Wireless Transmitter.
   In the Electricity office Wireless Receiver receives the signal and converts in to units and calculates the amount.
  • Pinnacle 52,Visual Basic 6.0
  • Database         : Oracle 8

Title :  Automization of Sirumalar Electricals       
Client: Sirrmalar Electrical Agency, Nagercoil

             This system is fully computerized this organization. Purchase, Sales and Stock management are the module of the system. The bill is generated automatically and alternatively the stock will reduce while it has sold. This system reduces the manpower. The customer can able to verify whether the required item is available or not and they can purchase it according to their wish.

  • Visual Basic 6.0
  • Database         : Oracle 8i


v  Spouse Name         : Mr. Peter Pinto
v  Sex                         : Female
v  Date of Birth         : 7th April, 1980
v  Nationality             : Indian
v  Languages Known : English and Tamil


v   I hereby declare that all the information given above is authentic to the best of my  knowledge.

                                                          Olivia Pinto

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