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how to make curriculum vitae for job

Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for MCA CV  Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

Sunil kumar
Srinivas Complex,
Chunchugatta Main Road,
New Bank Colony,
(M) 9876543210

Job Perspective:

Seeking an opportunity which will lead to my personal development and give me the chance to prove myself in adding value to the prosperity of the company.

Professional Qualification:

MCA: - Appearing in final year in the session 2005-06 from G.G.D. University, Bilaspur.
§  1st Year MCA – 63%
§  2nd Year MCA - 66%

BCA: - Passed in the year 2000-03 from G.G.D. University, Bilaspur.
§  1st Year BCA – 67%
§  2nd Year BCA - 62%
§  3rd Year BCA – 68%

Persuade .NET training from Times Technology, Bangalore.

Academic Qualification:

10+2: Passed from B.I.E.C. Patna with 70% marks.
10th    : Passed  from B.S.E.B. Patna with 72% marks.

Technical Skills:

            Operating System              : MS DOS, WINDOWS
            Programming Language     : C, C++,C#
            Database                           : SQL SERVER, Oracle
            Web Technology                : .Net Framework, ASP.Net,C#.Net,Java Script

Commanding Skills:

             C, C++, .NET Technology


     Project Title         -Book portal for bookstore
     Organization        - Times Technology, Bangalore.
                 Team Size -
                 Front End              - ASP.Net, C#.Net
     Back End               - SQL Server
Summary: A Web portal for a bookstore is an enterprise solution  that allows businesses to interoperate . A portal for a bookstore offers users a varity of books  from several  publishers. Retailers, in turn ,can share  the data of their customers with publishers . so Book Palace will display  the catalogs of books  from various publishers. .Customer can see the catalogs of Books and search the Book Information on the basis of ISBN , Writter name, and Book name  and Order the Book.

Major Strength:

·         Effective Communication verbal and written.
·         Variable for change.
·         Result Oriented within the given span of time002E

Personal Details:

Name                                : Sunil kumar.
Father’s Name                    : Sri Amit kishor.
Date of Birth                      : 01-10-1979.
Marital Status                     : Single.
Language Known                 : Hindi & English
 Mobile                                : 91-9876543210,91-9876543211

Date  :
Place                                                                                (Signature)

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