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Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for MCA CV  Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

               Sanjay Kumar
25 Nauchandi Ground, 
Near Shaheed Gate, 


To obtain a position requiring strong analytical and organizational skills, and to contribute to an organization's success. Want to perform and excel in a challenging career as a Software Professional with emphasis on SDLC. I am eager to utilize my knowledge in the development of new product and technologies and learn more from them, keeping abreast with the new technologies.

a) MCA from Bangalore University 1st class with distinction (78%), Year 2001 – 2004

b) B.C.A from C.C.S University, Meerut, 1st Class with distinction (76%), Year 1998 – 2001 

Technical Skills
a) Operating System    :  DOS, Windows NT
b) Languages               :  C, PowerBuilder 6.5
c) RDBMS                   :  SQL Server, Oracle 8i
d) Others                      : Quality Management, MS Office

Have an overall experience of 1 + year as a System Developer, Presently working in Dish TV (EsselGroup Company) at Noida involved in the system study, design, and development stages of developing ERP package using PowerBuilder 6.5 & SQL Server 2000 on Windows platform.

·        Hands on expertise in designing, coding and testing of variety of software applications using               Power Builder 6.5.
·        Excellent analytical, logical and programming skills
·        Capacity for Work - Meeting Deadlines
·        Diagnostic Ability - Ability to go to the core of the problem  

Professional Experience
·        Programmer in Dishtv (Essel Group), Noida from June05 to Till Date.
·        Software Developer in LG Electronics India Ltd, Greater Noida from April 04 to May 05.


DishTv India Ltd.

Project Details: SMS serves as an ERP as well as CRM tool with all the functionality including full detail of subscribers tagged with respective Hierarchy and full billing of subscribers with DR/CR Notes and Journal transfers. This system helps to manage the Call Center activities for both the level (Inbound and Outbound) and control the sales, issue & movements of material. To maintain all these things there are various modules in the application. My Roll in the Subscriber Management System (SMS) is in the Development & Maintenance of the System.
Title: SMS (Movies on Demand)
Team: Four
Duration:  2.5 Months
Place: Noida (UP)
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5, VB, ASP & SQL Server2000
Role:  Programmer
Functional Details: Movies on demand or MOD is real-environment system, for MOD there are 4 different channels in the DTH and every week there are different movies are available, in this subscriber request the movies from three different modes i.e. IVR, Website, SMS as the request process subscriber got the SMS contains the Movie start time and channel no. In this there are two payment type Postpaid & Prepaid. IVR and Website have both the option of payment but if request is come from the SMS is conceder as postpaid. As movie start the financial transaction of the request are generated in subscriber Account.

Title: SMS (Territory Management System)
Team: Four
Duration:  2.0 Months
Place: Noida (UP)
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & SQL Server2000
Role:  Programmer
Functional Details: Territory Management System or TMS is a real-time intelligence gathering solution designed for sales people to mange their territories optimally; it enables sales people to schedule appointments, chalk out tour plans, disburse stock, POP & Spares optimally. It also allows the sales team to collect and store research information; ensuring people make more informed decisions
LG Electronics India Pvt Ltd.

Project Details: ERP System developed for the overall manufacturing process to commercial transactions and booking of all transactions into accounts. Automation of the Order to sales process from purchase, manufacturing and issuing of materials and parts and billing to the sale of various models to customers and invoicing and the corresponding details booked into accounts. My role in M-System is in the maintenance of Sales Module.
Title: M-System(Scheme Empowerment System )
Team: Four
Duration:  3 Months
Place: Greater Noida (UP)
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & Oracle 8i
Role:  Software Engineer
Functional Details: Scheme Empowerment System is used to give different scheme in market, in this system there are 4 different schemes. Schemes are define according to Model/Suffix and branch wise. Scheme 2, 3, 4 are fixed but scheme 1 is varies monthly according to the management. In this the Scheme budget is generated depending sales of that model suffix and actual expenses are allocated in different radios in the branches. This Scheme system used in Commercial Sales only. There are different reports and entry screen to maintain scheme.
Title: M-System(Debit / Credit Notes System)
Team: Three
Duration:  1 Month
Place: Greater Noida (UP)
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & Oracle 8i
Role:  Software Engineer
Functional Details: In this Debit/Credit note are prepare for Purchase, in this both the option is given, they upload the excel in the system or they enter manually. After Confirmation of Credit/Debit notes they affect the Vendor Account. In this system there are different reports for display the Debit / Credit Notes, Total Purchase etc.
Title: M-System(Dispatch Plan System)
Team: Three
Duration:  1 Month
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & Oracle 8i
Role:  Software Engineer
Functional Details: In Dispatch Plan system, first they make the dispatch plan according to the stock & requirement of the branches. After that a stuffing is prepared by the logistics persons for actual dispatch. In this system all the vehicles in & out status is also maintain.
Title: M-System (CD Adjustment System)
Team: Three
Duration:  1 Month
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & Oracle 8i
Role:  Software Engineer
Functional Details: Cash discount Adjustment system , take all the payables & Receivables according to branch & month wise included the Correction Entries that is entered by the users, then they Calculate the actual cash discount according to receivable received date & invoice date, There is the different criteria to given discount as soon as payment comes discount Percentage is more. According to that users issue the Credit / Debit Notes of differences. 
Title: M-System (Export)
Team: Three
Duration:  2 Months
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & Oracle 8i
Role:  Software Engineer
Functional Details: In the organization there are two type of customers LG Affiliated buyer and non LG Affiliated Buyer, For LG Affiliated Buyer purchase order is comes from the Head Office and for others there purchase order is make manually.  In this system they are different steps like order entry, plan, stuffing. After complete the all steps they take the invoice print & goods are physically move. In this system when B/L comes then they confirm the B/L in the system , For LG Affiliated buyers invoice details are again interface to Head Office in the form of Shipping Advise(SA) and inventory is physically reduce. 

Title: M-System (Transport System)
Team: Three
Duration:  2.5 Months
Place: Greater Noida (UP)
Tools Used: PowerBuilder 6.5 & Oracle 8i
Role:  Software Engineer
Functional Details: In this system we check the movement of all Vehicles from Factory and process the bill that are given by the transporter. In this system all the details of Vehicles are stored like time, vehicle no, transporter name, status, type in the system, for this information a different reports are design in the system to check the status of the vehicles as well as all the bills given by the transporters are process. In this when source, destination, transporter are selected freight is automatically comes from the freight master. After process the bill the voucher is automatically interface in Account & post it in different heads. In this different interface for update Freight master, reports for check the status of bills, Entry screens for bill Processing.


Father’s Name                                       :  Manoj Kumar
Date Of Birth                                        :  April 21st, 1978
Sex                                                        :  Male
Marital Status                                        :  Unmarried
Languages Known                                :  English, Hindi
Passport No                                          :  Available

a) 10 + 2 from UP Board with  2nd Class (50%) , Year 1998

b) 10th from UP Board with 1st  Class (63%) , Year 1995

Others Activities and Hobbies
·        Playing Snooker & Reading Books
§  Participated in Quiz in college level.
§  Organized the Annual functions in college level.
§  Team member of IT Newsletter Publishing - “IT Times” in BIMT.
§  Team member of IT Magazine Publishing - “Cyber World” in BIMT.
§  Academic Excellence in College life with various merit and proficiency certificates.
§  Excellent communication and inter-personal skills.

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