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Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for MCA CV Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

Sanjay Reddy.CH   
(M) +91 9876543210                                                                  
            Aiming to achieve a challenging position in IT organization, looking forward for   an environment conductive for leadership and new challenges that allow me to continue to grow and provide immense learning thus making significant contribution to the organization
·          Working as Software Associate With softProjex (I) Ltd-CMM Level 5, Hyderabad.
·          Around 2 years of experience in Development of Windows and Web Related Programs, Using N-Tier Architectures, Implementation of MS-SQL Server 2000, Client-Server Programming using ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, C#. NET, JavaScript, IIS and Involved in Full Life Cycles.
·          Excellent Presentation, Problem Solving and Motivational Skills - 'Can Do' positive attitude, and ability to work in a team environment and communicate with peers.

Operating System                      :           Ms-Windows 2000/XP.
Programming Languages           :           Visual Basic.NET, C#, C++ and C.
GUI                                          :           VisualStudio.Net 2003.
Web Development                    :           ASP.NET, IIS 5.0.
RDBMS                                    :           SQL SERVER2000, Oracle.
Scripting/Markup Languages     :           HTML, XML, JavaScript.
Reporting Tools                        :           Crystal Reports 9.0. 

Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from Osmania University in 2004 with 75%.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) from Kakatiya University in 2000 with 75%.

Intermediate (M.P.C) from A.P intermediate Board in 1997 with 79%.

S.S.C from A.P State Board, Karimanagar (A.P) in 1995 with 89%.   
Organization     : softProjex (India) Limited –ISO 9001:2000 and CMM Level 5
Duration           : Feb'04 - Till Date
Designation     : Software Associate


Project # 1
Experience Dentistry:                                                                         Oct’05-Till date

Client               : Cyber static (USA)
Organization    : SoftProjex (India) Ltd
Environment    : ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQLServer2000, Visual Source Safe, Crystal Reports.
Team Size        : 5
Role                 : Team Member
Description: Experience Dentistry is an incredibly easy, user friendly, secure and efficient internet application. This application is accessed by Administrator, doctors and patients. This application provides the communication between the patients and doctors using the internet. It is encrypted secure vault and server (like internet banking) application with simple mechanism to upload patient information including digital photographs X-rays and patient education slides. In addition you can upload written treatment letters, treatment plans, and treatment estimates. All the information is stored in the Experience dentistry secure vault and automatic email notification is sent to your patient that is Available for their review and Comment.
Individual dentistry’s can register with Experience dentistry. Site Admin manages registration process, up-gradation and create and manage Dentistry admin. Dentistry admin can create their users, patients and send messages, treatment plans and upload images to patients. Dentistry users have all access rights of dentistry admin except managing users. Patients can login to site and see images uploaded by dentistry admin, respond to messages received and accept treatment plan.

·          Involved in Coding and Data Modeling.
·          Involved in Generating Crystal Reports and Stored Procedures.
·          Involved in Preparing the LLDs  and Unit test Cases
·          Peer Reviews and Technical Documentation

Project # 2    
EXPOTECH Web:                                                                                  Mar'05-Sept’05

Client               : Expotech Inc (USA)
Organization    : SoftProjex (India) Ltd
Environment    : ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQLServer2000, Visual Source Safe, Web Services.
Team Size        : 6
Role                 : Team Member
Description     : Expotech intends to develop a system with Flexible and scalable database robust front end B2B solution to be accessed by Expotech and manufacturers, body shops, appraisers, insurers. Improve dataflow through Registering a call, assign appraiser, body shops, manufacturer, warehouse etc. The main functions of the system developed for EXPOTECH are develop a centralized repository to register a new claim and modify an existing claim. Track the call status. Create dynamic snap-shot of a claim. Create and manage body shops, manufacturers, Insurance companies, User management, and Warehouse management. Only EXPOTECH Web registered users systems can access the system at any time. The user access to the system will be role based System can have any number of roles with pre-defined access to different parts of the application and assign users to these roles.

·          Involved in Coding and Data Modeling.
·          Involved in Casual Analysis and Resolution (CAR).
·          Involved in Preparing the LLDs  and Unit test Cases
·          Peer Reviews and Technical Documentation.

Project # 3                            
Credit Management System:                                                          Aug'04-Jan’05

Client               : Wells Fargo (USA)
Organization    : SoftProjex (India) Ltd
Environment    : ASP.NET, C#.NET,  SQLServer2000, Visual source safe, Crystal Reports.
Team Size        : 5
Role                 : Team Member

Description     : Credit Management System is an n-Tier architecture based solution developed for Web based Banking Portal. This project deals with approving applied loans. It includes the following Roles Administrator, Loan Manager, Loan Officer, Under Writer, Appraiser, and Borrower. Borrower can apply for loan through on line or can by contacting Loan officer, where Loan Officer verifies it and next it will be passed to underwriter and Appraiser for verification and calculating the Risk factor. If the borrower provided data is accurate then it is passed to loan manager from loan officer. Loan manager is the top most people to decide whether to approve the loan or reject it. After the loan is verified the payments are taken from Loan officer.

·          Involved in Design and Coding.
·          Involved in Unit Testing.

·          Built a strategic format that helped the company in improving the training methods.
·          Participated in Microsoft ISV Communication Events in Hyderabad.

·          Best Employee of softProjex award for the month of April’05.
·          Stood State level (A.P) 17th Rank in S.S.C.

Name                           :           Sanjay Reddy.CH
Father's name              :           Venkat Reddy
Date of Birth                :           16/06/1980
Sex                              :           Male
Marital Status              :           Single
Nationality                   :           Indian
Alternative Email-ID     :
Permanent Address     :           58, VengalRaoNagar,
S.R.Nagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

Location: Hyderabad                                                                       (Sanjay Reddy.CH)                                                         

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