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curriculum vitae modern free download

Sample Template Excellent Resume / CV Format with Career Objective for BE in Computer Science & Engineer Professional with 2+Years Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


65, Ambika villa,
Kaveri nagar, North Street,
Chennai  600 036                                                                                 Cell         : 9840709144
TamilNadu.                                                                                            Mail to   :


ü  Three Plus years of experience in IT (Software Development with excellence in Design & testing) and non-IT industry
ü  Worked in VB.NET, ADO.NET, VB, ASP, SQL server and Crystal Reports.


ü  Working as a Software Engineer at LIONBRIDGE, Chennai
ü  Worked as an Application Engineer at SLASH SUPPORT, Chennai
ü  Worked as a Programmer Pongi Systems, Chennai
ü  Worked as a Programmer in VRK GRAPHICS, Coonoor
ü  Worked as a Lecturer at Chennai.

ü  B.E. Computer Science and Engineering,(Mar 2002), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
First Class (71.40% - April 2002)
ü  XII std, St. Mary’s Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Coonoor.
First Class (78.66 % - March 1998)
ü  X std, St. Mary’s Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Coonoor.
First Class (90 % - March 1995)


ü  Diploma in E-Commerce, CSC Computer Education.


Languages                            :  C++ and Core Java
Operating Systems              :  DOS, Windows 95/98/2000
Packages                               :  MS-Office 2000
Front End                              :  Visual Basic, VB.NET, ADO.NET
Back End                               :  Oracle 8,SQL, and MS ACCESS
Web Development Tools   :  HTML, ASP.
Multimedia                            :  Adobe Photoshop 6.0, Macromedia Flash.


Project Title               :  SFA – Sales Force Automation
Client                           :  MERCK - US
Operating system    :  Windows XP
Language                    :  VB, VB.NET
Database                      :  Oracle, Ms-Access and DB2
Responsibilities        :  Coding, Analysis and Debugging
Duration                      :  June 2005 to till date
Description                 Merck & Co., Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines in over 20 therapeutic categories. SFA Operations is responsible for various applications and toolset utilized to support and monitor the data flow between the HQ and the sales reps. The Application support is from both Client Server and Mainframe systems. The Client Server system uses the IPS Toolset, Merckury, Clear Quest and the Insight Production Support Inbox to monitor and support.

‘Effort Utilization’ is a metrics project that tracks the issues we have handled on a daily basis. Weekly reports are created using different parameters. For each individual/each process/each project, the metrics report was generated using this application.  Each user enters their effort done on daily basis using this application for various applications they have worked on.

Project Title               :  Business Objects (Crystal Decisions)
Client                           :  Business Objects
Operating system     :  Windows 98/2000/XP
Language                    :  VB,VB.NET
Database                      :  Oracle, Ms-Access
Support Given To    : Crystal Reports
Responsibilities        :  Analysis, Debugging and Giving Solution
Duration                      :  Dec 2004 – June 2005
Description                 The users can place their issues in email and on receiving the email the support is given.  We mainly support the product “Crystal report” and any issue with respect to Crystal report at run time is given solution by our team. When the user faces problems while using Crystal report at run time, they can raise the request. The request is raised via an email. On receiving the email, the issue is analyzed and the proper response is sent to the client via email.

Project Title               :  MDIS (Management Development Institute of Singapore)
Client                           :  MDIS (Management Development Institute of Singapore)
Operating system     :  Windows 98/2000
Language                    :  VB,VB.NET, ADO.NET
Database                      :  SQL Server 2000
Responsibilities        :  Low Level Design and Coding
Duration                      :  May 2004 – Nov 2004
Description                 MDIS is a non-profit educational institution based at Singapore, which has tie-ups with many leading universities in the world and offer various courses in collaboration with these universities.
Marketing: This promotes and markets MDIS Marketing program. It takes care of all the marketing activities such as Handling Enquiries, Receiving and Processing Application, Generating Offer Letters for the Eligible Applicants, Enrollment and Rejections
Central Planning Unit: This organizes the class s, Puts the batches, arranges rooms, allots lecturer for the batch and gives the final report to the Marketing team. All the class s have been carried out by this unit.

Project Title               :  Automation of HR consultancy
Operating system     :  Windows 98/2000
Language                    :  Visual Basic 6.0
Database                      :  SQL Server 7.0
Responsibilities        :  Coding and Unit Testing
Duration                      :  Dec 2002 – March 2003
Description                 :  This web-based system created for automating the functioning of the HR consultancy firm. In this system the candidates can submit their resumes and take up examinations online. The HR can view the entire resumes in category wise, add question to the question bank, etc. The candidates can also update their resumes using their login.

Project Title               :  Solution explorer for clients
Operating system    :  Windows 98/2000
Language                    :  Visual basic 6.0
Database                      :  SQL Server 7.0
Responsibilities        :  Coding and Unit Testing
Duration                      :  July 2002 – Nov 2002
Description                 This web-based system which related to previous project. It has various clients all around the world could place their complaints regarding the product and also view the status of their complaint. The clients could also get solution for the problems or difficulties commonly faced by other clients. Once the client registers the complaint, a message would be sent to the administrator and the Project Leader. The PL give allot about the bug to the developers in the team and bug status will be updated for client.

Project Title               E-Mail Organizer
Operating system     : Windows 98/95
Language                    :  Java 2.0. 
Database                      :  Ms-Access
Responsibilities        :  Front end design and Coding.
Description                 The user can get connected to the Internet at his/her own specified time automatically. All the mails present in the inbox will be downloaded to the user’s database. All the mails will be sent to the corresponding mailbox and will be disconnected automatically.                                        


                Worked as a lecturer for the period of 12 months with effect from May 2003 - April 2004.


ü  Date of Birth                 : 19-07-1981
ü  Sex                                  : Female
ü  Nationality                    : Indian
ü  Languages Known      :To Speak, Read & Write - Tamil, English, and Hindi. To Speak                              -                                                  Telugu.
ü  Marital Status               : Single
ü  Passport                        : Will be provided when needed.

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