Sample Template Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective for MCA Professional with 3+Years Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download
R.V.S. College of Engg & Technology,
University of Calicut , Calicut .
Bangalore . to till date
Cochin , Kerala. to Aug 2005
Mysore Works, Mysore
to May 2003
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Cell No: 09880072214
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Having 3 Years of experience
in Information Technology Industry with rich hands on Core Java, J2EE and
Web-based technologies. Designed and developed various Internet applications.
Good team worker with more initiative and ability to learn new technologies.
Looking forward to work in a challenging environment that allows me to learn
and contribute.
A confident,
enthusiastic, imaginative, mobile person who is ready to accept challenges and
has strong determination towards achieving goals set by/for me.
Systems : MS-DOS, MS-Windows 9x/ NT/ XP
Languages : C++, Java, Java Swing, J2EE (JSP,
Servlets, JDBC)
Internet Programming : HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, XML
Ø M.C.A (Master of Computer Application)(2000-2003)
(Madurai Kamaraj
University , Madurai )
Ø B.Sc (Mathematics)(1997-2000)
Employer Designation Work Period
1) Proint Software, Member
Technical Sept 2005
2) Xoft Solutions,
Software Engineer June 2003
3) Larsen & Toubro Limited, Trainee December 2002
PROJECT 1: Connect
Technology Used :
Back-end :
Role : Designing, developing and testing
Connect Studio is an Enterprise Application Integration tool. This tool
is a combination of comprehensive end-to-end, standards based toolkit and
run-time framework of components, which accelerates the design, development and
deployment of integration solutions and provides ease of maintenance.
PROJECT 2: TconnecT
Technology Used :
Back-end : MS-SQL
Role : Designing, developing and testing
The tool, TconnecT aims at the integration of Galileo Central system’s
(GCS), Travelease, Amadeus client reservation concept with accounting software
package (Excelsior accounting package or Tally).In usual case, the data
received from Galileo system as Machinable Interface Records (MIRs), Travelease
as txt file, Amadeus as AIR file, which is used in travelling sectors, is
manually entered to update the accounting software database to keep track of
the records. TconnecT does this in an automated process. In this application
the data, which is got from the MIR and other information, like discount, tax
is stored in a database called an intermediate database, and then it is updated
to the accounting database.
PROJECT 3: CRM/Ticket Management Module
Technology Used : HTML, Java Script, Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC
Web Server : Tomcat 4.1
Back-end : MS-SQL
Role : Designing and developing
Client :
JTN Telecom , Malaysia
This project was developed using Java Technology. The project is developed for a
Product Support Centre. Under this project the works to be done are Customer
Login (Accessibility), Mailing System, General inquiry, Register calls, View
opened calls by the Supervisor, Update status information for the client call;
Close a call on completion by supervisor and then logout. The related works
under the above mentioned subtitles are being developed.
PROJECT 4: NMA WebInterface1.0
Technology Used : HTML, Java Script, Java, JSP, Servlets JDBC
Web Server : Tomcat 4.1
Back-end : MySQL 4.0
Role : Designing and developing
Client : National Merchants Association, New York
The National Merchants
Association is one of the largest business owner's associations in the United States .
Established in the year 1997, NMA serves the small and medium businesses. NMA
offers a wide range of programs to support and promote the interests of its
members. These include the providing necessary assistance and making the right
resources available to run a business better. NMA also offer products from many
vendors to its members at a very discounted rate. NMA has been the collective
voice of the merchant community and works very closely with the Local, State
and Federal governments. NMA decided to start a web based system for connecting
its members, merchants and vendors to increase the interaction between them.
1) Managers 2) Agents 3) Members 4)
can become a member through this interface and order for products and can view
the status of the order. Vendor also can Signup through the interface provided
and can post offers, view orders from the members and process the orders. Legal
Agents then formalise the deal. Separate Administrators maintain the users'
access rights.
PROJECT5: Educational Center Administration System
Technology Used :
HTML, Java Script, Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC
Web Server : Tomcat 4.1
Back-end : MySQL 4.0
Team Size : 4
Role : Design, Development, Coding and Testing
This project was developed using Java Technology. The project is developed for an Educational Centre Administration
and it
automates the activities of educational centers. The
modules done in this project are:
Student Registration: Personal details of
students and the course for which they are joining are recorded here.
Fee Collection: This module deals with the
payment of fee. If there is any due in fee payment, it can be searched through
this module.
Progress Report: This module generates
progress reports of students. This report can be directed to monitor or
Payroll Management: Employee details and the
salary payment details are recorded in this module.
Attendance Register: Records the attendance
details of students and staff.
Topics : Automatic
Electrical Inspection Software for Tri-Vector Meters.
Company :
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Mysore Works, Mysore .
Front-end :
Microsoft Visual Basic
Device : Windows registry
Used : MTE (Programmable Power Source), Standard
Reference Meter (L&G),
Moxa-Multiport Serial Controller, Optical
Duration : Six Months
Size : One
“Automatic Electrical Inspection Software for Tri-Vector Meters” aims
at offering a completely computerised inspection of
the electrical characteristics of the
Tri-vector Meter. Tri-vector Meter is an electric
energy meter used to measure consumption of electric energy in industries. In
order to computerise the inspection process varies hardware components are
connected to the PC. These are MTE (Programmable Power Source),Standard Reference Meter(L&G), Moxa-Multiport
Serial Controller, Optical port. This software runs under Win 9x or Win NT. The
software used Visual Basic 6.0 as
GUI & PCOMM Serial
Communications Library. To store data Windows
registry is used.
Father’s Name :
G. Lakshmanan
Nationality : Indian
Date of Birth : 30-05-1979
Sex : Male
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil
Permanent Address : Ambika Nagar
Calicut – Dt.
Phone No : 0496-2514796
I affirm that the information given above is
true to the best of my knowledge.
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