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Sample Template Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective for Computer Science & Engineer Professional with 2+Years Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

                                                                                                                                          No#83, 5th floor,     
                                                                                                    Indira Nagar, JP Nagar,

Professional Summary:

       ·    Having 2+ years of experience in software testing on both web based
      Windows application software.
        ·    Expertise the use of both Manual and Automated testing methods.
        ·    Expertise in GUI, Functional and Regression Testing.
        ·    Expertise in automated testing tools such as WinRunner.
        ·    Experience in SQL Server2000.      

Professional Experience:

       ·    Working as a Test Engineer for Avienties IT solutions, Bangalore Since
                 May 2004 to till date.

Educational Qualification:

      B.E (CSE)  Affiliated to MK University from 2004, Secured 72.5%.
      HSC           Affiliated to State Board, TN from 2000, Secured 80%.

Technical Skills:

Testing Tools                :    WinRunner, QTP.
Language                      :    C, C++
GUI                               :    Visual Basic 6.0
Operating System         :    Windows XP/2000/2003Server.  
Internet Applications     :    JAVA, HTML.
Database                      :    oracle8i.
Script                             :     Perl Script

Manual and Automated Software Testing Experience:

·   Write Test Case, executed functional, destructive, regression test, tracked 
    Defects and store them in defect report.

·  Develop and execute GUI automated scripts, based on written test scenarios
    With WinRunner, to test at multiple stages of the development process, all
    Aspects of an applications GUI and then regression test unattended.

Project Details:

#4        Title              :    UNIVERSAL EXPLORER
            Client             :   GTS,chennai
            Designation  :    Software Tester.
            Environment :  Java,Java Swing,SQL8i.
Team Size    :    5 

            The mainstay of the project Universal Explorer   is to develop    a   Graphical User Interface common for all file systems, which also supports the primary internal Commands of multiple Operating systems.This project will explore all file system in the network.

                · Test activities included Functional Testing and GUI Testing of the application.
                · Review the Test Case Documents against Requirements.
                · Preparing Test Cases, Test Scenarios, Specifying what is the input &
      Expected value.
                · Bug Reporting and Bug Tracking.
                · Authored Test Plan and Test Specifications.

#3        Title              :    Bug Reporting Sheet
            Client             :   solsol solution,Netherland.
            Environment :  Java,Java Bean,SQL Server2000.
.           Designation  :    Software Tester.
            Team Size    :    5 

             It maintains a record of all the bugs found in the projects developed in the organization and based on the client/server architecture. This system developed using EJP.This bug tracking system mainly having four modules user administration, project administration and database. This application maintains the details of employees along with the department projects including the versions. Administrator can add employees. Administrator and PL can add projects and can assign the project to the employees. The bug’s raise will be reported to the administrator. The bug will be assigned to the employees. The bugs will be maintained under different conditions with different priorities and status. The application restricts the users (employees) to edit the bug only and the user can’t delete the bug. Users can view the bugs assigned to him only and can’t view the bugs assigned to other users. User can assign the bug to another user also by adding his work description. After solving the bug it will be closed by adding the solution to the bug description as future reference purpose. After finding the solution for a bug it will be forwarded to admin people.

  4   Analyze system specification and business requirements.
  4   Execute test script developed in WinRunner and analyze the results
4  Create a test data for regression testing.

#2        Title              :    Network intrusion Detection System
            Client             :   E-works technology.
             Designation  :    Software Tester.
             Environment :  C#,, SQL Server2000.
             Team Size    :    5 

              In The Project entitled 'Network intrusion Detection System' is an IDS where it monitors packets on the network wire and attempt to the discovery of hacker/cracker who is attempting to break into system. This discovery is being performed by comparing the captured packet with the intruder details stored in the database. If the packet is found to be an intruder it is then forwarded to the firewall with the respective message for blocking.

  4   Test activities included Functional Testing and GUI Testing of the application.
  4   Review the Test Case Documents against Requirements.
  4   Preparing Test Cases, Test Scenarios, Specifying what is the input &
         Expected value.
  4   Bug Reporting and Bug Tracking.
  4   Authored Test Plan and Test Specifications.
  4   Modified Test Cases to accommodate GUI changes in the new versions of the products.

#1     Title                     :  E-repository
         Client                   :  Asia Office-Kualaumpure, Malaysia
        Software                :  Windows NT/2000, SQL Server, JAVA Script, SQL, JSP, Visual Basic.
        Team size              :    5
     .   Designation        :   Software Tester.


  E-repository is a portal site for the employees. The system provides HR department to capture the details of the employees joined in the organization, helps in Project allocation for the employees. It also provides access to every employee of the organization documents and also provides help for carrying day-to-day activities like Leave applications, entering weekly Time sheets.


v  Review the SRS and Functional Documents.
v  Involved in Manual testing of application .
v  Preparing and Execution of test cases.
v  Performing theRetest and Regression
v  Report the Bugs using defect tracking form.


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