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Sample Template Excellent Curriculum Vitae / CV Format with Career Objective & Project Summaries For a MCA (IGNOU) Professional Developer & Freelancer in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Arjuna Singh                  Mobile: 09980860233
    205, Om Apartment,                     Email:
    63A, Rajshree Nagar,                
    JP Nagar,
    Bangalore - 560023.

Personal Statistics
Father’s Name                      :               Deepak Singh
Date of Birth                         :               July 25, 1977
(Age on 01.01.2006      28 Yrs 5 Months and 07 Days)
Sex                                          :               Male
Language                              :               English, Hindi
Hobbies                                                 :               Thinking in development prospects &
Market analysis.
Strength                                 :               Always optimistic
Special Quality                     :               Group worker and friendly natured.

Professional & Educational Details

Highest Degree Held           :               Master in Computer Application (MCA)
from IGNOU in year 2005 with 66.17%.
Diploma Courses                  :               E-Commerce, DOEACC ‘O’ Level.
Work Experience                  :               One (1) Year.
Industry                                 :               IT/Computers - Software Development.
Skills                                       :              
ü  MS Dos, Linux, Windows [Operation / Administration],
ü  COBOL, Assembly, Unix Shell & Kernel Programming,
ü  Strong C / C++ Programming and Debugging Skills,
ü  JAVA (Core, Advance, Distributed),
ü  Visual Basic, Developer as Front-End,
ü  Oracle, SQL as Back-End (Application Development).
ü  Web Tools like HTML, DHTML, CSS, Front Page, Scripting Languages, ASP, XML, and CGI Perl.

ü  Data Structure, Computer Organization,
Computer Networks [Installation & Maintenance],
S/w Engineering, Object Oriented Systems,
Computer Architecture,
Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, etc.


Seeking a position to utilize my skills in the Information Technology Industry that offers Professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible.

Personal Skills

Adaptability to the situation, Appealing verbal and written communication skills, Public interaction, Willingness to learn and able to work as a Team member.

Basically I have very good skill in Logic and System tool development. I have one (1) year sound experience in C, C++, Visual Basic, Oracle & Developer, and JAVA.


On Line Examination System.                           Jan - Mar 2002

This system was designed for ‘Rastriya Computer Shakshrta Mission’ to make the Examination process online. This was developed in ‘C’ with File handling approach and Graphics. The above-mentioned system can also be said as ‘Automatic Question Generator’.

Operating System: Dos, Windows
Interface/Coding: C
Database        : Simple File Oriented Approach
Work Location   : MCC (RCSM), Raja Bazar Patna-14.

Game Development (Offline Puzzle Game).               Apr - Jun 2002

It is my own. It is an arrangement game (number, alphabet, and maps) developed in ‘C with graphics’ providing options for different puzzles for both one and two players with static and dynamic settings, to play offline with CD.
Here I have used static & dynamic allocation of array in ‘C’. I named it ‘LOGIC’.

Operating System: Dos, Windows
Interface/Coding: C & Data Structure
Work Location   : MCC, Raja Bazar Patna-14.

Storage & Manipulation of Very Large Numbers.         Jul - Sep 2002

It was a solution of academic project work of MCA course curriculum under course “Data Structure trough C”. The project was relatively short however I feel it was very demanding and skilful. The Problem was
“Using ‘C’ language develops a program to add very large floating-point numbers. The floating-point numbers may be equal to maximum floating point number that is possible on your machine.”
The solution was based on conversion of numbers into character format & vice-versa for storage & manipulation, and separating & comparing mantissa and exponent of both nos. and equalizing them.

Operating System: Dos, Windows
Interface/Coding: C & Data Structure
Work Location   : IGNOU, St. Xavier’s Campus, Patna-01.

Split & Merge Tool For Dos & Windows.                 Oct - Dec 2002

It is my own. It is a very important tool for work like physical transfer of large files from one location to another by using small capacity media like floppies. Lack of such facilities in Dos/Windows platform inspired me to develop such tool.

Operating System: Dos, Windows
Interface/Coding: C & Data Structure
Work Location   : IGNOU, St. Xavier’s Campus, Patna-01.

Classical Problems In Concurrent Programming.         Oct - Dec 2003

It is an example of “Interprocess Communication and Synchronization.
It was a solution of academic project work of MCA course curriculum under course “Operating Systems”. The project was relatively short however it was very demanding and skilful. The Stated Problem was “Sleeping Barber Problem
“A barbershop consists of a waiting room with n chairs, and the barber room containing the barber chair. If there are no customers to be served, the barber goes to sleep. If a customer enters the barbershop and all chairs are occupied, then the customer leaves the shop. If the barber is busy, but chairs are available, then the customer sits in one of the free chairs. If the barber is asleep, the customer wakes up the barber. Write a program in C / C++ to synchronize/coordinate the barber and the customers. ”
The solution was based on developing a simulation program in C where different processes communicate and synchronize with each other.

Operating System: Dos, Windows
Interface/Coding: C & Data Structure
Work Location   : IGNOU, St. Xavier’s Campus, Patna-01.

Co-Operatives Development Project Monitoring & Management System, ICDP Patna.                                          Jan - Jun 2004

ICDP (Integrated Cooperative Development Project) is an organization of Govt. of Bihar, which handles all Cooperative societies financed (partially / fully) by the Govt.
This was an approach to make a Software “ICDPMS”, that provides solution for various type of works being done manually at Society Monitoring Cell. The main theme of the project was to create Software that keeps the records of all Co-Operative societies with their activities. Like…
·         Manage distribution of loans to various societies & their reimbursement.
·         Manage various divisions of works being done in Monitoring Cell like Construction, Business, Training, Financial, and General Information.

Project Category: RDBMS (Stand alone system)
Operating System: Windows 2000(Professional/Server Ed.)/Win NT
Database        : Oracle 8i [As Back-End]
GUI Tools       : Visual Basic 6.0(Enterprise Ed.) [Front-End]
Word Processor  : MS-Word
Work Location   : ICDP, DNS Institute of Management Studies
Shashtri Nagar, Patna-23.

Telecalling & Billing System, Reliance Infocom Patna.  Jul-Dec 2004

Reliance Infocom. manages their customer’s account through various Call Centers. Call Centers are providing services related to Billing (Bill Issue & Payment Collection) and Telecalling (Informing Customers about their current due Bills & Others…) by making call to them.
Reliance India Limited (RIL) Provides Soft Copy of Raw data (Customer details with their Due amount & other information) on Contract basis to various Call Centers in a bulk either Daily or at Certain Period. Now, The Duty of Call Center is to analyze the data, and do various works related to Billing and Telecalling. This was an approach to make Software, Which provides solution for various needs of Call Centers dealing services to Customers associated with Reliance India Limited.
It has three modules namely,
·         Data Conversion Module.
·         Telecalling Module. And
·         Billing Module.
The ‘Data Conversion Module’ is used here because Reliance Infocomm., has their database in Excel and that’s why they are providing raw data to agencies in Excel format. So, this module basically converts the excel data format and upload raw data into agency database that is Oracle database and vice versa.
In Telecalling Module, Telecallers by using agency database provides various services to customers and notes their response. The Billing Module does work so. Finally it generates various types of reports as needed.
This system also provides solution for agency / call center requirement like Employee and other resource management.
It is a Multi-User Software with Centralized database approach.

Project Category: RDBMS (Based on Client/Server Model)
Operating System: Windows 2000(Professional/Server Ed.)/Win NT
Database        : Oracle 8i [As Back-End]
GUI Tools       : Developer 2000 [As Front-End]
Word Processor  : MS-Word
Work Location   : Divya Computer House(A Reliance Call Center)
    B 1/82, Maurya Lok,Patna-01.

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