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Academic Resume Template Free Download

Sample Template Example of Excellent CV Format with Career Objective for BE in Information Science & Engineer Professional with 1+Years  Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

 #157, 5th cross, 11th main,
 Indira Layout,
 JP Nagar,                                                       
   Phone: 080-22246077/9341140563

Career Objective:
To become a successful professional in the field of Information technology and to work in an innovative and competitive world. Seeing a responsible and career-oriented opportunity in an 
organization that could utilize my knowledge and ability in a competitive environment.


Year of passing
Rural Girl’s HIGH school
Rural college
Pre-University Board, Karnataka
Information Science and Engineering
B.N.M Institute of Technology


Skill Set:
  • Operating Systems                 :           Windows 98/NT/xp, UNIX (LINUX).
  • Programming Languages      :           C, C++, JAVA, J2EE,SQL and VC++.
  • RDBMS                                  :            ORACLE 8i.
  • GUI                                         :           Visual Basic 6.0.
Personal Interests:

            Reading books, Painting, Poetry writing and listening music.

Personal Achievements:

  • Hold Hindi Degree in Madras University.
  • Played a key role in academic project.
  • Took participation in workshop “Mobile Communication”.
  • Seminar in campus: Steganography.
Languages known:  

 English (Read, Write, Speak).
 Hindi (Read, Write, Speak).
 Kannada (Read, Write, speak).
 Telugu (Speak).

Project Details

Project  (VI semester)

Title: Linux File Browser
Team size: 4               Duration: 3 months      
Environment: Linux (kernel version 2.4).

    This is the first approach towards presenting a user-friendly interface for universal Linux / Unix users.    
     LINUX FILE EBROWSER works exactly like the Explorer (Windows environment) it gives better interaction between the users and system. Locate file and copies and performs various other operations like editing the file, searching, deleting the specified file, finding the background processes and foreground process.
    The concept of this project is to reduce the burden of such programmers so that they can use some user-friendly programs, Which makes their jobs easier.

Role:  Involved in design and development.

Project  (VI semester)

Title: University Management System
Team size: 4               Duration: 3 months      
Environment: oracle 8i,VB
           This project maintains all the colleges, student records and employer records.

Project  (VII semester)

Title: simulation of Data structure in java
Team size: 4               Duration: 3 months      
Environment: jdk1.3.0
           This project simulates how the stacks, queues, trees works. Provides very good GUI using applets.

Project  (VII semester)

Title: Online Library
Team size: 4               Duration: 3 months      
Environment: Xitami, perl, Explorer
           This project provides online registration, records of all the Books available in the Library.

Project  (VII semester)

Title: Recursive HTTP Down loader
Team size: 4               Duration: 3 months      
Environment: Linux (kernel version 2.4) using c.
            It’s a Networking project and it downloads the WebPages from one system to another using HTTP protocol.       

Project (VIII semester)

Title: Interface For Flow Analysis using CFD Application
Team size: 3               Duration: 3 months       
Environment: VC++ (MFC AppWizard exe), FORTRAN.
Company: Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE)
  The main characteristics of the Gas Turbine Research Establishment is to design and develop Aero Gas Turbine Engines for military applications, besides they carrying out advanced research work in the area of Aero Gas Turbine subsystems.
In addition, it is also responsible for establishing the requisite testing and prototype manufacturing facilities for components and full-scale engine development.

   The main Aim of Interface For Flow Analysis using CFD Application is an application module developed for the enhancement of the fluid flow calculation done by the Scientists in GTRE. The software named as GTRE Soft contains the CFD applications, which were developed in C, C++ and some more basic codes of FORTRAN.
         These application files are converted into executable files (EXE), which can be accessed through the interactive interface created in Visual C++ platform. This front-end interface contains the buttons, which can link the executable files at the time of processing data to give a valid output graph.
       These output graphs will be used for the purpose of interactive blade designing and stacking. The data created by different programs like 11 parameter blade design or Time Marching solutions are stored in files which are then utilized by the software for plotting the grid and for viewing the blade profile.

Personal Profile:
Name                        :       Neha k
Father’s Name    :            Ravi Reddy
             Religion               :           Hindu
Mother tongue   :           Telugu
City                      :           Ban galore
tate                     :             Karnataka
Country               :           India
Date of Birth       :           28-06-1983
Sex                           :       Female
Reference            :           Mrs. Vagdevi and Prof. D J Ram Murthy


                        I hereby declare that the above-furnished details are true to the best of my   knowledge and belief.

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