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summary resume examples

Sample Template Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for MCA in IT CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


 #14, 5th Cross,                                                                  e-mail      :
11th Main, BTM 5th Stage                                                   Mobile  +919980478025
 Bangalore-560024                                                            Tele No.  :  080 – 26684709



 Java developer have two year of professional software experience in the area of Application development using JAVA, Swings, Servlets, JSP and XML and Database Design on Oracle, SQL Server 2000, MySQL.I have been involved in analysis, design, development, integration and testing of applications using Java and related Technologies and development of Client-Server applications, development and maintenance of application software. My projects include ITE, Library of Cordoba, Amson ,Chunri, Les Concierges.


Mangium Infotech pvt Ltd                                                           Apr 2004-- Till date
Lavanya Technologies                                                                  Nov 2003- Apr 2004
Position :         Software Engineer
                      Working on Internet and business applications

 ENVIRONMENT: Windows 95/NT/2000.

                            Java 2, Servlets 2.2, JSP 1.1,JDBC 2.0,NetBeans IDE 3.4,
                                XML, HTML 4.0, JavaScript
                                  ORACLE 8.i, SQL Server 2000, MS Access, MySQL


MCA from THRC TRICHY (BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY) in 2004 with an aggregate of 70% marks.


# 1 Project:

Project Title               TTMS- Textile Trading Management System
Platform                     Windows 2000, MySQL, Tomcat
Language and
Tools                          Java, Swings,Net Beans
Client                         SLN Technologies, India.
 Duration                    Presently Working.

Project Description: ITE is well-established trading organization in the field of textile. The requirement is to automate the modules of workflow activities to ease the daily functionality at any time to access the data for critical business analysis and decision marking of the company. The entire solution is divided into five modules Purchase/Expenditure, Inventory, Sales Force Automation (SFA)/Customer, Sales, and Report Management.

Responsibilities:  Interacting with Client, understanding their requirements, the workflow designing and creating GUI tools in the Swings. Demonstrating to the client to get the feed back and modified according to they’re suggestions. 

# 2 Project:

Project Title               Library of Cordoba  
Duration               6 months
Platform               Windows 2000, Tomcat4.1, MySQL
Language and
tools                     Java, Swing, Servlet, Net Beans
Client                   Shifa Software Solutions, UK.
Project Description: Automation of inventory and sales with the electronic point of sale facility along with an e-Business portal. The core features include Bar Code generation, printing, saving gif images, encryption and decryption of data, graphical report generation, synchronization of offline inventory with online sales, different types of sales analyzers, database backup and database restore facility from the application.

Responsibilities:  The main responsibilities involved in this project are coding, well understanding of the requirements, analyzing the code and developing GUI tools for the easy interaction and responsible for marinating the project.

# 3 Project:

Project Title                Amsons, Chunri       
Duration              4 Months
Platform              Windows 2000, MySQL, Tomcat
Language and
tools                   Java, Swing, Servlet, Net Beans
Client                Shifa software solutions,UK.

Project DescriptionAutomation of inventory and billings with the epos facility.  Inventory maintenance, bill generation, different types of search and report generation were the major modules. The core features include Bar Code generation, printing, saving gif images, encryption and decryption of data, graphical report generation, synchronization of offline inventory with online sales, different types of sales analyzers, database backup and database restore facility from the application.Servlet is used or synchronization of Online and Offline data.

Responsibilities:  Interacting with Client, understanding their requirements, designing and creating GUI tools in the Swings. Demonstrating to the client to get the feed back and modified according to they’re suggestions. 

# 4 Project:

Project Title                Les Concierges.
Duration              5 Months
Platform              Windows 2000, Oracle, Apache
Language and
 tools                   Servlets, JSP, ,Java script,HTML.
Client                 Trivium india software Pvt Ltd.,Bangalore.

Project DescriptionThis system enables Customer for routine type service related information, send a request and check status of service request. Desk Executives (DE) records all the enquiry in a central location, updating existing enquiry, tracking status of enquiry, ensuring collection of adequate advance for request, tracking status of every service request booked for his/her helpdesk, tracking latest vendor related information, tracking status of check realization for service requests, tracking vendor related transactions, capturing part payments against invoice/bill. Account Executives (AE) checks new service request notification with service request information, elimination of effort duplication in capturing account related information, tracking status of collections and vendor payments, raising invoice/bill for fulfilled service request


Awarded scholarships for the outstanding academic performance in class V, VII.


·         Solving Puzzles
·         Organizing various social service campaigns
·         Watching movies, chatting and making friend


Name                           :           Rohit kj
Date of Birth               :           4th April 1979
Gender                        :           Male
Marital Status             :           Single
Nationality                   :           Indian
Languages Known      :           English, Hindi & Malayalam
Permanent Address    :           S/O Ritesh
                                                74, Ernakulam,


I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date:                                                                                                   ROHIT K J

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