Sample Template Example of Excellent CV / Resume / Curriculum Vitae with Career Objective & Work Experience for B.E. IT CV Freshers & Experienced Professional in Word / Doc / Pdf Format

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Address: No 5 3 rd Floor,
7th F Main
Road, 7th Block,
Phone No. - 09876543210(M)

Career Objective:
to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed
& dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and realize
my potential.
Educational Qualification:
Ø B.E. in Information Technology from C. V. Raman College of
Engineering, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, with 69% in JUNE-2005
I.T. Exposure:
Programming Language’s: C#,
Database: ORACLE 9i, SQL Server 2000
Vocational Training:
One-month training in Computer hardware & Network
Management at CTTC (Central Tool Room & Training Centre), Bhubaneswar, in
MAY 2003
One week corporate training on “SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
TOOLS” for Telelogic Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore in OCT 2005.
I.T. Experience:
year TRAINEE PROGRAMMER Experience at C.S.M. Technologies, S.T.P.I
Bhubaneswar, ORISSA.
[1] Project Name: Collect
orates Automation Technology
Title : District Welfare Automation System for
loan management
Client : State Government of Orissa
Role : Team member
Environment :
ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000
: January 2005 to May 2005
This is an era of Electronic Governance aimed at demystifying the role
of Government, simplifying procedures, bringing in transparency, making
need-based, good quality and timely information available to all citizens and
providing all services in an cost effective way and identify services on an
on-line basis. Taking a leap in this direction, the system has been designed to
computerize District Welfare for a Collectorate thereby paving the way for
experimenting various application software tools to automate the government
processes aimed at reducing the troubles of the citizens in their interface
with the government machinery in their day-to-day life.
District Welfare System incorporates automated loan servicing under certain
government laid down schemes that will benefit mostly to the unemployed
graduates from SC/ST and minority commission. The system implements a workflow
management system that would improve client satisfaction through the use of a
more standard and consistent loan application and approval process. It will
also reduce fallout by minimizing loan-processing cycle time and thereby
enhancing management reporting capabilities.
[2] Project Name: Collect
orate Automation Technology
Title : MPLAD Management Technology
Client : State Government of Orissa
Role : Team member
Environment :
VB.NET, Oracle 9i
Duration : February 2004 to July 2004
MPLAD is exemplary software, in being a
one of its kind, with scope for mobilizing and managing of funds used by the
Members of Lok Sabha as well as the
Rajya Sabha for carrying out developmental activities in their territories. At
the same time, the Collector’s office can have an access to any and every of
the recorded projects and sought for immediate action. The collector can also
monitor data fed into the system.
This software
eliminates various limitations like time and resources spent on moving files
and thus information to the deciding authority, time taken for taking out
cumulative reports, etc… Providing
a Revenue Collection system that looks after all the demand generated vis-à-vis
the collection also indicating the progress, is what the state for fulfilling
the above motive.
[3] Project on “Data
Encryption and Decryption using Rijndael Algorithm (AES)” using VB.NET
[Academic Project]
Encryption and Decryption is the study of mathematical techniques related to
aspects information security such as confidentiality, data integrity, entity
authentication, and data origin authentication.
Rijndael Algorithm is an advanced encryption
standard adopted by N.I.S.T. (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
having the following characteristics.
Resistance against all known attacks
Speed and code compactness on a wide range of platform
Design simplicity
Role and Responsibilities:
Ø Involved in understanding
the application
Ø Review technical attributes
of each sub-system
Ø Unit testing
Seminar Report:
Seminar on “Wi-Fi” Technology
Personal Profile:
Father’s Name : Mr.
Sadananda Behera
Date of Birth : 27th
June 1980
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages (R/W) : English, Hindi, Oriya
Nationality : Indian
Hobbies : Reading poetry books
Strengths : Hard working, flexible, determined.
I hereby declare that the above mentioned are true
to the best of my knowledge.
References will be provided, if asked.
Place: Bangalore
Shukant Behera
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