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Software Engineer CV Templates in Word Format Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Lismon Farnandes
212 Ocean Parklay, Easton, DA 30215 359/825-6021

Software Engineer / C++, Java Developer

“Highly capable, well-experienced, energetic, enjoys challenging work, team player”

§   Versatile at programming using C++, Java with a breadth of IT knowledge
§   Multitasking problem solver with excellent time management skills
§   Proven leadership, excellent communicator and coordinator

Ø  Computer Skills (10 years) with excellence
§   Visual C++ , Java (J2EE), XML, MS-SQL
(for both application and system software. ie: IT-Solution, Simulator, Games, Word Processor)
§   Windows 7, LINUX, UNIX, MS-Office
Ø  Management Leadership
§   CEO/CTO for 5 years on Green-IT, Smart Grid projects.
§   Liaison Officer for 3 years (w/ U.S. 7th Air Force), Leader of a diverse, multi-skilled team


§  MS Computer Science, ChungBuk National University (CBNU), S. Korea

o  Major: Parallel Processing & Computer Architecture. 2005
§  BS Computer Science, CBNU, S. Korea, 1998
§  Research Institute of Ubiquitous Bio-Information, CBNU:
o   McKinsey Analysis Technology Practice (7/2006)
o   ARM Processor Programming for Embedded Software (11-12/2005)
§  Human Resources Development Service of S. Korea, 1997 to present
o  Engineer of Information Technology (License 1735)

Ø  CEO/CTO of Felix Electronics, Inc. ( Cheongju, S. Korea
11/2006 – 7/2011.
§   Founded the “startup” company and led 15 employees as its CEO with sales of $1.3 M in 2009, $2.8 M in 2010, $1.7 M in YTD 2011 (July), respectively, resulting in additional incubator funding from the S. Korean government of $1M for three consecutive years
§  Main business areas are the IBS (Green IT) and AMR (Smart Grid)
§  Managed effectively and vigorously five departments of manufacturing, planning, financing, marketing, and research and development
§  As a CTO(chief technology officer), made a large-scale software (IT-solution) consisted of server and end-user application using Visual C++ and Java (J2EE) respectively.
§  Developed and implemented marketing/sales strategies targeting educational institutions (mostly universities), government offices, military facilities as a main(direct) contractor.
§  Awards: “INNOBIZ” (6/2011, S. Korea) and “Excellent Product Procurement” (2/2010, S. Korea)—a bid exemption for government purchases given to under ten companies per year
Ø  Senior Research Engineer. Research Institute of Ubiquitous Bio-Information (RIUBIT /, Chungbuk National University (CBNU), S. Korea. 9/2005 – 10/2006.
§  Researched “Green IT” technologies using the ZigBee wireless network and an automatic metering infrastructure (Smart Grid), then founded a spin-off company (Felix Electronics Inc.) to manufacture products using these innovations
§  Established evaluation criteria to commercialize these technical breakthroughs that led to a national award of “Best Institution of a University (2006)”
Ø  Project Manager & Programmer. Institute of CBNU, S. Korea. 3/2004 – 8/2005.
§  Project: Simulator of Memory Controller in CPU on high bandwidth
§  Tool / OS: Visual C++ .NET / UNIX (Digital Alpha Machine), ATOM application
§  Developed a simulator allowing the memory controller of CPU yields the high performance factors (cache miss rates at L1/L2, accuracy, coverage of prefetch and total execution cycles
Ø  Project Manager & Programmer. WhiteStone, Inc. Seoul, S. Korea. 2/2003 – 2/2004.
§  Successfully developed game applications, “Mahjong” and “Go-Stop” (card game) using Visual C++ .NET, MS-SQL, Visual Basic, exported to Japanese portal-website”
§  Successfully developed the application of “P2PWorld” (similar to “Torrent”) using Visual C++ .NET 2003/MS-SQL, implemented Win32 network without MFC for speed enhancement
Ø  Programmer. Various Institutes of CBNU, S. Korea. 2/1996 12/1998.
§  Developed a web-browser, Web-Eye using Visual C++ 4.0 running on Windows with the patronage of the Ministry of Information & Telecommunication, South Korea.
§  Developed a word-processor for the visually impaired, Sorimoon, using Watcom C++ running on MS-DOS 7.0 with funding from the Official Culture & Introduction Department.
o   Successfully implemented a voice synthesizer and all peripheral hardware drivers of keyboards, printer, mouse, sound-card and a braille conversion machine
Ø  TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                                           
§  Unix Programming / Parallel Programming Instructor: CBNU, 3/2005 – 6/2005
§  C/C++ Summer School Instructor at CBNU, Summer 1995 through 1998

PATENT (Patent Application #: 20090207042)                                                                      
§  Abstract: A wireless remote meter reading apparatus and driving method thereof are used to reduce the cost of detecting the amount of energy consumption and to enhance the detection efficiency… (Abbreviation) See more at:

§  Design and Implementation of Web Browser for the Blind
(Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers 1997, Seoul, S. Korea)
  • A Cache Controller to Maximize Effectiveness of Hierarchical Memory Architecture
    (Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications 2005, Las Vegas, USA)
  • A Comparison of Effectiveness between A Memory Bandwidth Expansion and An Inter-Cache Prefetch (International Symposium of High Performance Computing 2005, Tokyo, Japan)
§  TRANSLATION (English to Korean)
o   “Technology Assessment of the U.S. Assistive Technology Industry” (2003)
§  U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security
o   “Access to Assistive Technology of the European Union” (2003)
§  EU Committee / EU Department of Employment and Social Welfare

MILITARY SERVICE (1/2000 – 1/2003)
§  Liaison Officer (1st Lieutenant) with U.S. 7th Air Force (Osan, South Korea)

REFERENCES : Available upon request

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