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Online Curriculum Vitae Builder For Project Manager in Word Format Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Scott Roybal

2341 Pilot Rilcy Road
Maryland, DA 50214
(310) 720-2340

·   Ten years of experience in CFD and thermal engineering.
·   Extensive CFD modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow in electronic devices and industrial equipment. Examples include heat path analysis in a handheld X-ray analyzer, hot and cold fluid mixing in a water basin, simulation of HVAC-driven heating and cooling in office buildings, etc.
·   Avid user of ANSYS Workbench, Design Modeler, Space Claim, Meshing, Icepak, Fluent and CFX.

Lawful permanent resident of the United States.

Job Title:
Project Manager
Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Middlebury, CT
10/2010 – Till Date
Delivered detailed heat transfer and fluid flow analyses of different technical devices for industrial and research companies.

Job Title:
06/2009 - 10/2010
·   Upgraded the economics module of the ARIES Systems Code and released the complete software to the ARIES team.
·   Developed an educational, nuclear fusion-inspired software application for mobile computing platforms.

Job Title:
Assistant Research Scientist
University of California in San Diego, La Jolla, CA
04/2003 - 06/2009
Developed and utilized advanced simulation tools for modeling of fusion chambers and fusion power plants:
·   CFD software tool SPARTAN for simulation of multi-constituent hydrodynamics in inertial fusion energy chambers.
·   Object-oriented ARIES Systems Code for analysis of nuclear fusion power plants. This research contributed vital information to federally funded multi-institutional effort, which aims to establish fusion as a viable source of electrical energy of the future.

Job Title:
Development Engineer
University of California in San Diego, La Jolla, CA
11/2001 - 04/2003
Built CFD models of inertial fusion energy chamber gas dynamics. The models identified excessively hot regions in the chamber and contributed to resolution of this problem.

Job Title: Employer:
Dates: Accomplishments:
Process Engineer
Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
01/2000 - 11/2001
·   Developed a novel, high-throughput dual wafer chamber for manufacturing of semiconductors by chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
·   Conducted an evaluation of a resistive heater used in a single wafer CVD chamber and provided recommendations that improved the uniformity of the CVD films.

Job Title: Employer:
Dates: Accomplishments:
Consultant, Academic Computing Services
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
01/1996 - 01/2000
Provided technical support to students, faculty and staff for scientific and educational software on a variety of hardware and OS platforms. Software applications include Matlab, FLUENT, ABAQUS, ANSYS, Patran, Pro/E, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, etc. Operating systems include UNIX (Solaris, AIX, IRIX, HP-UX), Linux (Fedora, Debian), Windows and Mac OS X.

Job Title: Employer:
Dates: Accomplishments:
Research Assistant
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
05/1993 - 01/1996
·   CFD Algorithm: Developed the first-of-a-kind control algorithm for accelerating convergence of a CFD solver SIMPLER by using fuzzy logic. The algorithm dramatically improved the performance of the conventional solver on a variety of test problems that were otherwise slow or impossible to converge.
·   CFD Modeling: Simulated directional solidification of single, semi-conducting crystals Ga-Ge and Sn-Bi from the melt by vertical Bridgman method with a submerged baffle. This modeling effort provided an insight into the transport mechanisms in the melt that contributed to the high radial uniformity of the crystal composition achieved by the submerged baffle method. In case of Sn-Bi, the model closely matched the experimental results.

Job Title: Employer:
Dates: Accomplishments:
Teaching Assistant
Columbia University, New York, NY
09/1992 - 05/1993
Conducted problem-solving tutorials in class, graded homeworks, mid-terms and final exams for an undergraduate level course in Fluid Mechanics.

Research and development of advanced engineering systems, development of fast algorithms in CFD.
Programming Languages/APIs:
C/C++, Objective C/Cocoa, OpenGL, FORTRAN, Java, XHTML, Perl, UNIX shell script.
 ANSYS: Workbench, Design Modeler, Space Claim, Meshing, Icepak, CFX, FLUENT.
 Data Analysis/Solid Modeling Tools: MATLAB, Mathematica, Microsoft Office, Pro/E, AutoCAD.
Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows 7 and earlier releases, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora), Mac OS X (Lion and earlier releases).
Oral presentations, peer-reviewed technical reports, effective collaboration within small teams and large, multi-institutional working groups.

·   Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 2000.
·   Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1993.
·   Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, 1992.

·   Invited speaker at American Nuclear Society’s Sixteenth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Madison, Wisconsin, 2004.
·   Invited speaker at U.S./Japan Workshop on Power Plant Studies and Advanced Technologies with EU Participation, San Diego, CA, 2008.

·   Chair of Technology Panel, 6th Annual Grad Research Symposium 2006, University of California in San Diego.
·   Reviewer for international scientific journals and international conference proceedings.
·   Member of American Nuclear Society.

Refereed Journal Articles

1.   J. Ryoo, D. Kaminski, Z. Dragojlovic, "A residual-based fuzzy logic algorithm for control of convergence in a computational fluid dynamics simulation," Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121 (1999), pp. 1076-1078.
2.   J. Ryoo, D. A. Kaminski, Z. Dragojlovic, "Automatic convergence in a computational fluid dynamic algorithm using neural networks," International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications, Vol. 1A-3 (2000), pp. 301-311.
3.   Z. Dragojlovic, D. A. Kaminski, J. Ryoo, "Tuning of a fuzzy rule set for controlling convergence of a CFD solver in turbulent flow," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 44(20) (2001), pp. 3811-3822.
4.  J. D. Sethian, M. Friedman, R.H. Lehmberg, M. Myers, S.P. Obenschain, J. Giuliani, P. Kepple, A.J. Schmitt, D. Colombant, J. Gardner, F. Hegeler, M. Wolford, S.B. Swanekamp, D. Weidenheimer, D. Welch, D. Rose, S. Payne, C. Bibeau, A. Baraymian, R. Beach, K. Schaffers, B. Freitas, K. Skulina, W. Meier, J. Latkowski, L.J. Perkins, D. Goodin, R. Petzoldt, E. Stephens, F. Najmabadi, M. Tillack, R. Raffray, Z. Dragojlovic, D. Haynes, R. Peterson, G. Kulcinski, J. Hof- fer, D. Geller, D. Schroen, J. Streit, C. Olson, T. Tanaka, T. Renk, G. Rochau, L. Snead, N. Ghoneim, G. Lucas, "Fusion energy with lasers, direct drive targets, and dry wall chambers," Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 43 (2003), pp. 1693.

5.   Z. Dragojlovic, D. A. Kaminski, "A fuzzy logic algorithm for acceleration of convergence in solving turbulent flow and heat transfer problems," Numerical Heat Transfer, An International Journal for Computation and Methodology, (Part B: Fundamentals), Vol. 46 (2004), pp. 301-327.
6.   J. Ryoo, D. A. Kaminski, Z. Dragojlovic, "Control of convergence in a computational fluid dynamic simulation using ANFIS," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13(1) (2005), pp. 42-47.
7.   Z. Dragojlovic, F. Najmabadi, "Effects of chamber geometry and gas properties on hydrodynamic evolution of IFE chambers," Fusion Science and Technology, Vol. 47(4) (2005), pp. 1152-1159.
8.   Z. Dragojlovic, F. Najmabadi, M. Day, "An embedded boundary method for viscous, conducting compressible flow," Journal for Computational Physics, Vol. 216(1) (2006), pp. 37-51.
9.   A. R. Raffray, W. Meier, S. Abdel-Khalik, R. Bonazza, P. Calderoni, C. S. Debonnel, Z. Dragojlovic, L. El-Guebaly, D. Haynes, J. Latkowski, C. Olson, P. F. Peterson, S. Reyes, P. Sharpe, M.S. Tillack, M. Zaghloul, "IFE Thick liquid wall chamber dynamics: governing mechanisms and modeling & experimental capabilities," Fusion Science and Technology, Vol. 49(1) (2006), pp 1-27.
10.      Z. Dragojlovic, C. Kessel, R. Raffray, F. Najmabadi, L. Waganer, L. El-Guebaly, L. Bromberg, "An advanced computational approach to system modeling of tokamak power plants," Fusion Science & Technology, 56 (2), 913-917, August 2009.
11.      Z. Dragojlovic, A. R. Raffray, F. Najmabadi, C. Kessel, L. Waganer, L. El- Guebaly, L. Bromberg, An advanced computational algorithm for systems analysis of tokamak power plants, Fusion Engineering and Design (2010), doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2010.02.015.
12.      Z. Dragojlovic, F. Najmabadi, "Effects of gas physics and wall geometry during transition of IFE chamber between target shots," submitted to Nuclear Fusion.
13.     Z. Dragojlovic, F. Najmabadi, "Effects of different IFE chamber gases and pre- ignition conditions on target survival and trajectory," submitted to Fusion Science and Technology.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

1.   A. G. Ostrogorsky, Z. Dragojlovic, "Heat and mass transfer in solidification by the submerged heater method," Proceedings of ASME Winter Annual Meeting, HTD-Vol. 284/AMD-Vol. 182, Chicago, Illinois, November 13-18,1994, pp. 255- 263.
2.   A. G. Ostrogorsky, Z. Dragojlovic, "Model of convection and segregation during growth by the submerged baffle method," Proceedings of International Aerospace Congress, (IAC’94), Moscow, Russia, August 17, 1994, pp. 443-452.
3.   J. Ryoo, D. Kaminski, Z. Dragojlovic, "Automatic convergence in a computational fluid dynamics algorithm using fuzzy logic," The Sixth Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society, (CFD 98), Vol. 8, Quebec, Canada, June 7-9, 1998, pp. 1-6.
4.  Z. Dragojlovic, D. A. Kaminski, J. Ryoo, "Control of convergence of a computational fluid dynamics algorithm using fuzzy logic," Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division, (ASME, HTD-Vol. 361-5), Anaheim, CA November 15- 20, 1998, pp. 13-22.

5.  Z. Dragojlovic, D. A. Kaminski, J. Ryoo, "Control of convergence in convective flow simulations using a fuzzy rule set that stabilizes iterative oscillations," Proceedings of the 33rd National Heat Transfer Conference, (ASME, NHTC99-229), Albuquerque, NM, August 15-17, 1999, CD-ROM.
6.   J. A. Subramony, Z. Dragojlovic, S. Tandon, D. Liu, T. Keisic, H. Ho, S. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Luo, S. A. Chen, "High productivity producer SE system for LPCVD applications," Applied Materials Engineering and Technology Conference, Santa Clara, CA, March 5, 2001, CD-ROM.
7.   Z. Dragojlovic, D. A. Kaminski, J. Ryoo, "Tuning of membership functions in a fuzzy rule set for controlling convergence of laminar CFD solutions," Proceedings of 2001 ASME, (IMECE, HTD-24288), New York, NY, November 11-16, 2001, pp. 59-72.
8.   Z. Dragojlovic, F. Najmabadi, "Simulation of IFE chamber dynamic response by a second order Godunov method with arbitrary geometry," Proceedings of Third International Conference on Inertial Fusion Science and Applications, (American Nuclear Society), Monterey, California, September 7-12, 2003, pp. 850-853.

Shulin Wang, Lee Luo, Steven A. Chen, Errol Sanchez, Xianzhi Tao, Zoran Dragojlovic, Li Fu: "Doped Silicon Deposition Process in Resistively Heated Single Wafer Chamber", Applied Materials, Inc., United States Patent Number 6,559,039, May 6, 2003.

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