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Design Engineer Resume Examples in Word Format Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

309,Longleaf Valley DR,                                                      Phone: 702-686-9876                               
Katy,TX,77001                                                                     E-mail:


·         Seeking position as a Electrical Engineer where 3 years of experience in product development and controls will add value


·         3 years of experience in Analog and Digital Circuit Design.
·         Experience in high-speed board designing using 32 bit processors
·         Exposure to schematic capture, PCB layout and routing
·         Experience with Pspice simulation tool
·         Experience in bare board and board bring up testing
·         Worked with equipment such as Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and Simulation Analyzer (CRO and SA) for hardware testing
·         Experience in using MATLAB/Simulink for modeling and designing of controls for Industrial Motors


·        Design Engineer                                                                                     Jun’08-May’11
TATA ELXSI Ltd. Bangalore, India          
·        Research Assistant                                                                               Aug’06-May’08
      Osmania University, Hyderabad, India


·        Master of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering                                  
Specialization: Industrial Drive Control
      Osmania University, Hyderabad, India       
·        Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering                                    
       Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India

·         Awarded GE foundation scholarship for academic excellence and technical aptitude

Technical SKILLS

·         Operating Systems: WINDOWS
·         Programming Language: C
·         Circuit Board Designing Tools: ORCADE, PADS, DIP TRace, ALLEGRO
·         Simulation tools: Matlab, Orcad, Pspice
·         Micro processor: DMW74
·         Interfaces: I2C, UART, SPI
·         Training: Digital Circuit Designing

TATA ELEXSI Ltd, Bangalore, India
Design Engineer                                                                                   Jun ’08 – May ’11

Project:                                   iHome
Client:                                     Binatone
iHome is an android based battery operated phone that supports DECT calling, internet access through Wi-Fi, audio and image playback from micro SD card. It has a 2.83” TFT LCD of QVGA resolution with resistive touch screen. Audio playback can be done through headphone or inbuilt loudspeakers or stereo loud speakers while the device is on docking station. The docking station is also being used to charge the battery.
My Role                                
·         Involved in design, development and testing activities of the product.
·         Responsible for debugging board circuit, layout design and testing.
·         Responsible for designing a daughter board to verify the custom LCD interface with evaluation board.
·         Involved in product compliance testing.
·         Involved in RF (Wi-Fi and DECT) measurements at IISC, Bangalore.

Project Name:                        MyStor                      
Client:                                     Tata Elxsi LTD
MyStor is a portable media player. It has advanced features such as USB host, USB peripheral, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi through which it can communicate with other devices for files transfer. It has touch screen facility. Also it can access printer .It has 4GB flash memory which can be upgradeable. It can play audio and video files such as MP3 and 3GP. It can stream videos to TV through the TVOUT connectivity.           
My Role                                
·         Involved in design, development and testing activities of the product.
·         Responsible for debug board circuit, layout design and testing.

Academic Experience
Research Assistant                                                                                  Aug’06 – May ’08

Graduate Thesis:   “Modeling and simulation of SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTOR With     single    phase and two phase excitation strategies”
·         Modeling of 8/6 Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) was done In FEMLAB and MATLAB.
·         Extensive study of SRM done in FEMLAB for both Single and Two phase excitation.
·         The value of Inductance is calculated for Three (Aligned, Unaligned and Misaligned) Positions using Finite Element Analysis.
·         In MATLAB the SRM was modeled in Three-term inductance Model (Values of inductance was taken from Finite element analysis).
·         For the developed Model Simulation studies are done with Hysteresis current control and Single pulse mode control with voltage source for both single and Two-phase excitation.
·         The SRM response was analyzed using PI control strategy.
·         The Magnitude of Speed and Torque are improved in Two-phase excitation.
·         The Torque ripple was less in Two-phase excitation.
Undergrad Project:    “PIC Based Home Appliance Control Through Telephone Line”

·         In this automation was done using a microcontroller, and the user can control home appliances (Bulb, Heater, Fluorescent lamp loads and Fan) using any telephone line or mobile.
·         The appliances or Devices at any place such as large, medium and small-scale industries or homes are controlled.
·         The code for the Control action was dumped into the microcontroller so that whenever the input for a particular device or equipment is received, that particular pin will be made high.
·         These signals are sent to the appropriate relay driver unit, which in turn activates the relay coil.
·         When the relay energized the particular device connected to the controller will be made ON or OFF, which depends upon the input.

Project:      “Industrial Automation Using Micro Controller”

·         The objective was to develop a code for Microcontroller to eliminate power wastage.
·         PIC16F877 microcontroller was used.
·         Different sensors were used to sense physical, environmental and electrical parameters.
·         Using relay drivers a particular sensor is activated and a particular device is controlled.

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