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MAYA Campbell
309 Middlegate Drive
Fairfax, VA 22001
• 30+ years of InfoSec experience, including network security
• 18+ years in InfoSec policy development, strategic planning, and as instructor, facilitator, and trainer
• Professional consultant since 2003
• Holds a B.A. in English from the University of Virginia 
Mr. Campbell has more than 30 years of Information Assurance experience in Military, Federal and commercial environments. Mr. Campbell has been responsible for the development of Information Security client services, including new business development, for various organizations as well as providing Program/Project Management skills, executive and staff development leadership and strategic planning. He has also been responsible for P&L accountability as the Director of Information Assurance for three corporate entities. Mr. Campbell’s work experience includes:
·         More than 30 years of experience in physical and information security, including design and implementation of full certification and accreditation (C&A) packages, using OMB-A130, DITSCAP, NIACAP, and Federal Agency proprietary methodologies based on NIST Special Publications.
·         More than 15 years experience as program manager or project lead for several dozen information assurance projects.
·         Twenty years experience developing and testing contingency plans, continuity of operations plans, and disaster recovery plans using NIST standards, personal experience, and other agency methodologies and requirements.
·         More than 20 years experience in information assurance policy development, strategic planning, information assurance program management, and security training for DoD and non-DoD entities.
·         More than 12 years experience as Director of Information Assurance for multiple corporate entities.
·         More than 12 years experience in information assurance business development, marketing, and sales activities for services and products.
·         More than 15 years of financial responsibilities and accountability for projects and organizational divisions.
Vernon Campbell Consulting, Owner, Fairfax, VA                                                                 April 2003 – Present
Professional Consultant
Mr. Campbell has provided professional information assurance consulting services to a number of small businesses. Some of the recent highlights include:

1)      Transportation Security Administration (September 26, 2011 – current).  At the present time, Mr. Campbell is the Project Manager on a security design and architecture task for the TSA. The project requirement is to design an effective security architecture that protects TSA's information systems and networks from internal and external threats.  TSA requires a solution that will integrate the monitoring of two classified networks currently in use.   Mr. Campbell is the Cybersecurity PM for a team that is responsible for researching the networks to be monitored and designing a proposed security architecture that can be integrated and implemented.  The proposed architecture solution will support integration with a future selected O&M provider before transitioning O&M tasks, to include Certification and Accreditation (C&A) support to the Certification test authority during the testing.  The project team will provide the Government with a complete package of design documentation, architecture plans, required hardware, software and firmware, completely documented analysis and results for an integrated classified network security monitoring and incident mitigation solution for the two classified networks.  

2)      Transportation Security Administration (July 29 – current).  Mr. Campbell is providing consulting services for L1Identity Solutions in the design and development of the security requirements for Designated Aviation Channeler (DAC) screening services system. He is developing concept documents, including system design as well as the full certification and testing security suite of information. He is directing the software development and hardware integration teams in the fulfillment of the mandated security implementations.
3)      United States Secret Service (December 13, 2010 – July 25, 2011). Mr. Campbell was the Security Authorization Subject Matter Expert (SME) and team lead for the USSS at headquarters, reporting directly to the USSS CIO. He provided in-depth knowledge and leadership for the development of an Information Assurance Program for the USSS that complies with Department of Homeland Security requirements, while maintaining the exclusivity of sensitive and proprietary USSS system information. He led a four-person team that conducted security testing and developed security documentation for all USSS systems; additionally he submitted direct information to the CISO and CIO for the USSS in conduct of day-to-day activities supporting the Services’ missions. He was integrated with  the development and implementation of EA, T&E, and reporting programs for the Service, as well as coordinating USSS with WHCA and EOP security entities. He designed and implemented Service activities and systems status through the use of the DHS FISMA tool, Trusted Agent FISMA (TAF). Additional duties/activities included advising on security architecture issues for the USSS Stabilization and Modernization program (IIT IMS). He advised the CISO and CIO staff on system and program requirements, and the ability of the Service to incorporate secure tunneling capabilities into the Services' use of DHS owned and controlled enterprise systems and bandwidth.
4)      Library of Congress (November 1, 2010 – December 10, 2010). Mr. Campbell conducted security testing and vulnerability scanning on the Financial Hosting Network general support system for two major applications, Medical Information Management System (MIMS) and Facility Aided Management (FAME). MIMS is a Health Service Organization system that supports medical testing and services for members of Congress and the Library. FAME is a computer aided design system that maintains staffing provisions for the Library. Task order deliverables included Security Testing and Evaluation (ST&E) reports, updated System Security Plans (SSP) and Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M), which are corrective actions designed to mitigate the security deficiencies identified from the results of the vulnerability scanning activities.
5)      Advanced Program Group (March 2010 – November 30, 2010). Mr. Campbell provided information assurance services to various federal government clients through the DOI NBC ISSLOB contract offering. Projects included security certification testing, development of test plans, test reports, Plan of Action and Milestone deliverables, consulting with client on recommended actions, required compliance activities, and developing system designs and architectures to satisfy compliance requirements.
6)      Excalibur Associates, Inc. (March 2010 – current). Mr. Campbell conducted a full scale network security assessment of the security screener partner program information assurance compliance activities at the San Francisco International airport. Task order deliverables included development of security program, policies, and documentation about general support system to show compliance activities required (POA&M) to meet TSA/DHS IT security requirements. Provided mitigation activities to reduce non-compliance issues; developed corporate level briefings to develop input for resource acquisitions.
7)      HTA Technology, Inc. (December 2008 to March 2010). Mr. Campbell provided information management support to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Security Division (SecD) Information Assurance Section (IAS) Assurance Management Unit (AMU). His responsibilities and program areas included interpretation and assistance in implementing guidelines, processes and procedures to enable the AMU to assess, analyze and report on FBI compliance with the Office of Management and Budget’s Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) as required by the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Director of National Intelligence. He assisted in the conduct and review of annual assessments of the internal security controls on the identified information systems; developed and presented Bureau program managers with the latest guidelines and interpretations of specific requirements; presented Information System Security Managers and Information System Security Officers with relevant program information required for them to execute their security activities on the various systems; developed program plans, policies and management tools to be implemented throughout the AMU and SecD; and provided program support for the AMU Unit Chief, as required. He used the Cyber Security Assessment and Management (CSAM) reporting tool to track system status in support of the FISMA program and the individual system AMU requirements. Mr. Campbell was the lead on the CSAM implementation component for the AMU. He coordinated with Department of Justice entities such as Information Technology Security Program, the IG’s office components, and their outside auditors in the conduct and completion of their annual security audits.
8)      Department of Energy, Washington DC (2009-2010). Mr. Campbell provided professional C&A services on behalf of CSC/Excalibur in support of a National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) information technology project. This entailed conducting a C&A assessment of the NNSA Emergency Management Analysis System (EMAS) that processes data for the NNSA. In addition, due to unavailability of previously assigned personnel from the original contractor, Mr. Campbell was responsible for the security engineering, installation, secured configuration and documenting of the hardware and software baseline installed at the main client facility. Mr. Campbell developed all original security documentation for the project, including the NNSA Program Cyber Security Plan (PCSP) and Department of Energy (DOE) technical and management requirements (TMRs).
9)      Department of Homeland Security (2005-2009). Mr. Campbell provided security certification testing support for the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate office for web-based system applications that are under development by G&H International Services. These applications were developed to incorporate “first responder” technologies into mainstream access capabilities through the system portal. Mr. Campbell provided the documentation for system certification through the RMS/TAF database applications. Mr. Campbell also conducted FISMA audits for the DHS and Department of Justice OIGs.  These tasks involved testing and validating the system security parameters and control methodologies implemented by the client. He has been involved in conducting certification testing activities for the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, including security testing and evaluation planning, testing and reporting. He has also completed security testing for the FBI as a third party subcontractor, and has conducted security risk assessments and security testing for certification activities for the Department of Labor (Office of Chief Financial Officer).
10)  Department of the Interior (2002-2007). Mr. Campbell was the Project Manager for the development of Continuity of Operations Plans for the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) in Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, PA, Denver, CO, and Alton, IL. This planning encompasses all IT functionality and will incorporate business resumption for OSM HQ and all Regional Centers, as well as a number of their larger field offices. For Minerals and Mining Services, Mr. Campbell completed security testing and analysis for the Accounting and Information Management system. He also conducted security certification and testing activities for the MMSNET, including testing the database structure, file accesses, and network security. As Project Manager at the National Business Center Mr. Campbell led a certification team that conducted system testing on a number of applications, including Mail and accounting systems. The development of Plans of Action and Milestones resulting from the full-scale certification testing and risk analysis was one final product, as was the final certification package. He is currently assisting in the definition and security testing for the FBMS new billing and accounting software. For the Office of Hearing and Appeals in Ballston, Mr. Campbell provided support as the acting BITSM (Bureau Information Technology Security Manager) for approximately one year, and provided security services, network testing, system security testing, as well as analysis of architectural issues, including the deployment of Active Directory and the re-initialization of Internet services.
11)  Department of Commerce (2004-2007). Mr. Campbell served as the Project Manager and ISSO while coordinating technical testing and system certification activities for Computer Sciences Corporation for its general support system that provides a secured operating environment for development activities for the Department of Commerce US Patent and Trademark Office. Mr. Campbell also acted as the Program Manager for three projects at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. In addition to providing management services for the certification activities for the National Associates Information Services (NAID) application, which provides credentialing for all NIST employees and contractors, he served as manager for support activities for four FTEs on two C&A projects. He and his team developed system certification documentation and provided overview assessment activities, as well as acting as the Certifying Official for 44 NIST systems that were seriously behind schedule at the initiation of the project. The team also conducted certification activities for 19 new systems for 2006. Mr. Campbell also supplied and documented an internal review of the system security testing program at NIST, and developed and implemented a new security testing process and program.
12)  Department of Education (2007-2008). Mr. Campbell conducted security testing for the Department of Education, Federal Student Aid, for the CPS application, which collects student financial aid data and distributes it to various entities to determine financial eligibility. He tested the system at four discrete locations, including mainframe and network access points.
13)  General Services Administration (2006). Mr. Campbell conducted technical security testing activities for a GSA accounting system developed and maintained by CGI-AMS.  He provided security services in the evaluation of the newly developed data center for this user in Phoenix, AZ, and security testing for the general support system (GSS) that provides the backbone for the major application for GSA.
Under the auspices of Vernon Campbell Consulting, Mr. Campbell has also provided security and information assurance assistance to other Federal and non-Federal groups such as:
·         Radio Free Asia in Washington, DC and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague, Czech Republic where Mr. Campbell provided security assurance testing support;
·         Lockheed Martin, where Mr. Campbell was contracted to develop the security requirements for the winning proposal in the development of the $2.3B Presidential helicopter program;
·         Environmental Protection Agency where Mr. Campbell was project manager for conducting penetration testing and analysis at various EPA locations in the US. Each network node was tested to ensure its compliance with cyber security guidelines, and to determine areas of weakness in EPA network infrastructure.
·         Department of Veterans Affairs where Mr. Campbell was responsible for planning, organizing, facilitating and conducting Security Controls Assessments (SCA) for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities. On this project he performed vulnerability scan analyses, validation of security control tests, documented test results, and aggregated test data.  He provided the identification of vulnerabilities and risks, and made recommendations for policies and procedures to mitigate system risks. In addition, he was the appointed Program Manager for a 15-person task team supplied to the VA for SCA services worldwide.
Under the auspices of Vernon Campbell Consulting, Mr. Campbell has also provided shorter-term subcontracting activities to:

Trusted Mission Systems, McLean, VA
DBTS, Inc. Washington, DC
Price Waterhouse Coopers, Fairfax, VA
User Technology Associates (UTA), Arlington, VA
Global Crossing, Fairfax, VA
RCI Technology, Denver, CO
G&B Solutions, McLean, VA
The Computer Merchant (TCML), Boston, MA
Management Technology (MTI), Clinton, MD

As Vernon Campbell Consulting, Mr. Campbell has also provided contract personnel for engagements with the following companies:
·         G&H International Services, Washington DC, subcontracted for Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology
·         AINS-Inc, Rockville, MD subcontracted for the Pension and Benefit Guaranty Corporation
·         Excalibur, Alexandria, VA, subcontracted for the Department of Energy and TSA
VGN, Inc., Prague, Czech Republic                                                                             May 2003 - November 2006
President and Partner
As president and general partner, Mr. Campbell was involved in the development, sales and marketing of security services in Europe through the offices of VGN in Prague, Czech Republic. Mr. Campbell was responsible for the completion of all staffing, business, and technical activities for the foreign home office, including coordinating with the Czech government to acquire permissions to conduct business in the CZR and procuring all services, facilities, and subcontractors in the Republic. VGN provided network security hardware and software products and support such as continuous network monitoring, managed security services and information assurance consulting. 
Prior to 2003 Mr. Campbell held these employee positions, among others:
Collins Consulting Group/MAXIMUS, Reston, VA                                                          August 2001-April 2003
Director, Information Assurance, Intelligent Technologies
System Security Analyst//Project Manager 1993-1995
RGII Technologies, Inc., Annapolis, MD                                                               December 1998 – August 2001
Director, Information Assurance
TELOS, Inc. Ashburn, VA (Pentagon)                                                                                                  1996 – 1998
Program Manager, Director of Information Security
IRS Integration Support Contract (HJ Ford, Inc), Arlington, VA                                                        1995 – 1996
Program Manager, Network Security Engineer
·         University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1969-1973, B.A., English
Training & Certifications
·         Computer Learning Center, 1977, Programming Certification of Completion, Fairfax, VA 
·         Certified, National Security Agency INFOSEC Assessment Methodologies (IAM)-US National Security Agency
·         Industrial AIS Security Courses - Government Certification
·         DITSCAP Training, Pentagon
·         Government sponsored AIS/COMSEC/ Physical Security Courses
·         Sans Institute, GIAC classes, Network Security
·         IATFF, RMS, TAF and CSAM training for various agencies including DHS and FBI
·         Top Secret, Active; SCI (FBI)

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